Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

@Just_Laura @JazzyS

Thank you :pray: always love seeing how you guys post and reply to people. Itā€™s your type of messages that make this place so engaging.


Day 310. Rubbish weather again

Working 8-12.30 for my proper job.
Then lunch. Then will work on my wifeā€™s website this afternoon till itā€™s done. Iā€™d like it finished today or by tomorrow at the latest so I can focus on then seeing how it works etc.

Then relax this evening. Spent alot of time indoors this weekend. Which seems a bit daft as I spend alot of time indoors during the week as of work. Just wish there would be a break in the weather


Day 45. Waking up sober on a Monday for work never gets old. There is light at the end of the weather forecast tunnelā€¦ it MIGHT stop raining this weekend coming. Now that would be something to celebrate.

Have a great day everyone :+1:


Thank you so much Dana, Iā€™m so sad to hear you donā€™t have a care team for you son and that you have to do the nightshifts. Thatā€™s really frustrating and makes me angry here too. Thatā€™s inhuman. Shame on that company for letting you down so bad. Iā€™m sorry my dear. Sending you much love and strength. You are doing an amazing job! Take of of yourself as much as you can during those tough times.
Iā€™m proud of you Momma Lion :lion::muscle::pray::people_hugging:

Edit: Sorry, needed to address that properly to @Butterflymoonwoman :butterfly: :wink:


@james83 Waking up sober is such a blessing. Grateful every morning for that.
@Timetochange Hope better weather and some nice outdoor activity will come your way soon.
@JonasE Congrats on 30 days friend :sunglasses::clap:t2::partying_face: Any ideas for your kind of self care?
@SoberWalker 40km is quite a distance in one day. How do you guys train?
@Mno Good luck on your interview :four_leaf_clover:
@Shawn1991 Wishing you lots of light in your soul :sun_with_face::blush:
@Just_Laura Never getting bored by reading your cleaning up/decluttering stories. Very inspiring. They hit a nerve. Iā€™m in a process of moving on myself and Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll have to move out of the flat in the foreseeable future too.
@Whereswaldo Youā€™re good friend :hugs:
@Butterflymoonwoman Acceptance is f***ing hard. And feeling not in control is the worst. Iā€™m going through this right now myself. Iā€™m trying to focus on what is directly in front of me but itā€™s tough not to fall into despair :roll_eyes: Sending you strength of mind :muscle:t2:
@BJonns Congrats on a whole month of sobriety :sunglasses::clap:t2::partying_face: Having someone around you who is using is really tough though. What ways do you have to get away when he is drinking?

159 sugar
23 UPF
30 gluten
9 dairy
8 overeating/binge

Iā€™ve been feeling anxious and depressed for the last few days, clearly side effects of the antibiotics. I hope this lifts soon :pray:t2:

Last week I did some work on my game design studies. This week itā€™s going to be game development again. The games themselves are simple. Itā€™s more a matter of practicing solutions to known problems.
Iā€™ll have my Creative Computing class at school with the younger kids today. We are going to tackle stories, dialogues and scenes. Iā€™m looking forward to the kidā€™s enthusiasm and ideas.
Next week Iā€™m planning to go to an experimental game festival in Berlin and need to buy the train tickets. Iā€™m very much looking forward to it. Iā€™ve been there a few times already when I used to write columns about games but did not manage to get there since I started developing them myself.
Iā€™ll do some yoga in the afternoon and thatā€™s all for plans for today.

Whatever comes my way today Iā€™ll stay away from trying to fix it with some compulsive behaviour. It will only make it worse. Never better. Not today.

Stay in peace, kindness, and freedom today friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Thank you @JazzyS and @Dazercat.
That means so much to me.

Like @Whereswaldo said itā€™s people like you and so many who are making this place a neverending source of wisdom and support and connection.
Me as more of a silent reader here, I feel a bit selfish sometimes for not sharing that much. But Iā€™m deeply grateful for being part of this wonderful community.

Congratulations to all of you with your amazing milestones :tada: no matter what day it is all that matters is today!

To those who struggle I hope youā€™ll find what you need.
Being connected with this wonderful community hopefully gives you the strength and motivation to go ahead and make your way into a better life sober and clean.

Have a wonderful start into the new week everyone :kissing_heart::wave:


Thank you so much :pray:t2: i have been thinking about getting a mini fridge, i just have very limited space in my room but I think im gonna try to make some soace and get one soon, hopefully that should help a bit


Day 15 part 2

Work went well despite us increasing our hours (we close at 1am now, instead of 11pm :smiling_face_with_tear:). Have to be at my other job tomorrow at 3pm which is in 13 hours from now and I pretty much just got home and ate. Making me feel very bleh and dissatisfied. Feel like theres just not enough time to do things I enjoy. I just want to relax :smiling_face_with_tear: still trying my best to. Thankfully I have the next two days off after tomorrow, aside from my first day of volunteering at the arboretum, but thags just for 2 hours.
Just kinda feel empty, like I hate that work is so necessary and I dont want to just work my life away, i want to enjoy it, but Iā€™m kind of stuck right now. It is what it is I guess.
Also missing my fiance. Its been almost 3 years and I still miss him every day. So many experiences Iā€™ve had alone, that I wish I could share with him.
Grateful that I havent had too many cravings the past few days. And knowing that even if they do get bad, I can handle it.


Day 59

Good morning.


Sorry youā€™re having a tough time, but congratulations on staying sober. It helps!

Once youā€™re on a stable footing it would make sense to start tackling little things (not everything all at once, that can throw up more problems I find). A mini fridge sounds like a good idea as a first step. Eating healthier definitely makes us feel better, and ordering out for food is a good way to burn moneyā€¦ good luck :wink:


Day 149
@Whereswaldo im the same. Sometimes I look at my day counter, come here and read all the messages and then by the time Iā€™ve done all that Iā€™ve forgotten what my number is and have to go back and check again :joy:.

One thing on this thread I do enjoy,that gives me a sense of routine and some feeling of belonging is that when I post its usually at the same time, give or take a couple hours since i started 149days ago.
Iā€™ve noticed that theres other userā€™s that must also post at the same time everyday, albeit at different local times, and its also within an hour or so of when I always post.
I alway know Iā€™ll be posting within an hour or 2 (usually after) @mno @Just_Laura @acromouse @Timetochange @SoberWalker amoung others
So while I may not interact much with them I always feel happy to see their posts before I check in.
Just a random thought that may not be interesting to anyone other than myself haha

Thats my check in for the day


I completely agree with the same people posting at the same time. Itā€™s always comforting to see.

@happyfeet yes itā€™s the selfish feeling but I also have realised itā€™s ok to be a bit selfish no one here seems to mind :sunglasses: thanks for your congrats!


I have a friend who keeps repeating to me.
ā€œGet out of your own head or get it out of your headā€

Basically it means stop thinking so much,talk to someone or write it down so you donā€™t have to think about it all the time.

I keep repeating that to myself as well. It helps.


You are definitely not alone. Trying to keep up with everything that is going on here would just make it feel like an annoying duty. Thatā€™s why I try to write a response to the ten people that have posted before me and then maybe something that pops up.


That never would have occurred to me haha. What a great system.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 61.

Thank you everyone for all.the gratulations to my 60 days milestone yesterday.

Not much to report today.
Walpurgisnacht here tomorrow.

We got some warmer weather and sun last evening, took a long walk with my daughter.
The boys could could play outside for a while, and we put the swing up for the season. It was really nice.

Hopefully we can put the trampoline up tomorrow or in Wednesday, which is a red day here, so the kids are having that day off.

Itā€™s a little colder today,and should be around the same temperature tomorrow. I canā€™t wait for it to be warm and sunny for real.

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful week.


There is a lot going on in peopleā€™s world I have found. Some have a system to mass reply, some like person to person, some are sporadic and some just enjoy reading and liking (or not), but all are here catching up, staying focused and working hard.
I donā€™t think you ever need to feel bad for whatever stage you are in. Itā€™s great to just have you here and focused on your healthier version of yourself.

We are all stronger together WW. Iā€™m pulling for you regardless.


It was a very fleeting thought fortunately. Not an urge per se just a glancing blow perhaps. Reminding me to stay vigilant.

Thank you for the reply though. Itā€™s nice to know people are here to support quickly for those pesky ideas that pop up.


Exactly what I wanted to say, also in reply to @MrFantastik. The beautiful thing is that we do this for ourselves but by doing that we are in this together. The opposite of addiction is connection and this most certainly is a place where we all can find that, from lurkers to folks that respond to 30 others each day.

Weā€™re all part of this and thatā€™s why I love this place so much. Just like I love each and every one of you. Personally I share a little bit of my own life each day, and try to give some support when I have the time and the ability and the mindspace to do so. To each their own and each gives and takes according to their need and ability. Thatā€™s the beauty of it all.
:people_hugging: :two_hearts: :people_hugging:


Morning all, checking in Monday morning after a sober weekend. Itā€™s been a challenging start but it would have been a lot worse if I was drinking.

Hope you all have a good day.

Day 8. Thanks for being there :pray: