Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 115 AF

Thanks @JazzyS , I love that you are there to back me up if I ever have a weak moment. Fortunately those thoughts wander to the dark side very very rarely and have never been a huge tug yet, but great little reminders that they lurk in the dark ready to pounce when an opening presents itself.

As for sore, no, feel good. My body will get tired and achy but the following day is almost always good to go. I’m fortunate that way that my muscles seem to rebound quickly.

My beloved Canucks had an amazing comeback last night to win game 4 in Stanley Cup playoffs to take a 3-1 lead into game 5. I rarely get to watch them as them being west coast is 4 hours difference, so I am usually headed to bed when they are dropping puck. But what a game to have seen. It was amazing!!

Anyway, I watched the sunrise once again this morning, and thought how many of these have I missed in 40 years of drinks?? I don’t know, but I plan to miss very few going forward. They are just so inspirational to start my day…

Well, a gym session this morning, then back to lawn care for yesterday’s client. See if we can put a good dent in this job today.

Enjoy TS peeps. :pray::heart::peace_symbol:


Thank you! And yes, I used to put high importance und hygiene and being well dressed. I let that go after a while so a new look might be a start.

Other than that, basic stuff like new hobbies for example.


90 days AF

Today I am tired, shaky and my stomach is not okay. Nausea and hungry at the same time. Frustrated about the status of my glasses and lenses, the bottom is still much too near or I feel like being only 90cm high :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:
Old version was fine!
So I need to keep on claryfiing blah.

But hey, 90 days.

Love you guys :hugs:


Sounds good. Most people here go through a real transformation when they become sober. Internal and external. It’s always nice to see that. Keep us posted!

@Juli1 Congrats on 90 days! That’s huge :partying_face: And I really hope your tummy bug cleans up soon. I hate tummy bugs :angry:


Congratulations on 90 days!!


That’s a beautiful picture @Chevy55♥️ I was thinking the same this morning and do regularly. There was something John Lennon said about the worlds most beautiful display is when the sun comes up and everyone is sleeping - I think about that a lot. Glad you’re feeling good today bud.

Bit of a rushed check in this morning, feeling very overwhelmed with work and life. You guys touch on all the subjects that I’m going through which is nice to feel I’m not alone. @MrsOdh I’m going to use your friends reminder to get out my head, can get very noisy in there.

I’ve signed up for a game of football tonight, hopefully kick start my exercise regime and I’m not to wrecked tomorrow.

My pic from this morning.


:joy::joy: Unfortunately I’m still on the mayo​:joy:




Hey all, checking in on day 1415. I hope everybody has a good one!


In weekdays I walk each day 5 ore 7,5 km daily. On weekdays we do a longer distance. I could walk a 25 km walk if I want to. I walk easily.
But for 40 I want to do more longer walks to get a feel for it.


Ha ha, do that Eric! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Checking in 64 days. Things are going while. Trying to temper my thoughts and desires. I feel it difficult to strike that balance of sexual thoughts and desires are normal and to certain extent they are good. But I let them run wild and all the sudden I am have thoughts and Fantasies that I never intended. I do want to desire my wife but more importantly I want to love and know her and do my best to serve. I feel PMO has really messed uo the way I think about sex.


Checking in day 120 :black_heart:🩶

I hope everyone has or is having the best day!

It’s Monday, I never function well on Mondays, but here’s to giving it the old college try.


@shawn1991 sorry you’ve been feeling bad lately… grateful that you are coming out on the other side. Keep pushing forward and know we are here for you.
@SoberWalker Impressive walking skills Claudia --wising you and hubby much luck for your 40km walk. That will be an adventure
@JonasE congratulations on your 30 days friend. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@acromouse I do hope you recover from the side effects soon. They are no fun! Excited for your trip to Berlin… have a wonderful time at the game festival (ooh that’s next week)… ok enjoy your day today and best of luck with the game development
@Juli1 li1 whoop there it is… 3 months Jules :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball: I hope you feel better soon friend. Great work on your sober journey… keep fighting the good fight :muscle:t4:
Beautiful views @Danwood85 and @Chevy55
@cleanheart I think its impressive that you are working so diligently on this addiction and seeing the areas you need to address and work harder on. I know i am still continuing to heal from my addictions and better myself. It does not happen overnight so please be gentle with yourself and keep putting in the work. The results will show!

Checking in on Monday morning…
Damn this – a few days a go I had a bit of a pain in my eye and the socket felt really sore. Well yesterday it felt heavy and really hurt and now its swollen. Not very badly swollen but the pressure is very real LOL. I’ve tried ice packs and warm compresses. Will keep working on it… have a bit of work to do today so hopefully i will manage to complete my tasks and not procrastinate.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart :heart:


So sorry little man is sick again. You are a warrior.


Proud of you Juli


I see you making your life a million times better Mr Nick :sparkling_heart:


@acromouse I’m glad you’re enjoying the content bc I don’t have much else going on :sweat_smile: I feel that posting about it will help keep me accountable to actually get it done (and now I know someone’s paying attention :eyes:). I used to be very neat and organized, so the fact I let things get this bad has been a dark shadow this past year. I’m ready to fix it!
I hate moving! :tired_face: I hope it goes smoothly for you when the time comes :pray:

@MrFantastik I have to recheck my number all the time! Me realizing that the other 4 you mentioned are all in Europe made me laugh bc it’s early morning for them, and I just post super super late from the US :rofl:


Checking in on day 292. Hope your eye gets better quick, @JazzyS !!