Checking in daily to maintain focus #65


Yesterday’s bike ride was great but tough. I had the dutch cyclists union route planner plan me a route, with a preference set for roads in nature. Lot’s of unpaved routes through the woods it gave me. Pretty but hard. I did avoid many of the busier roads with lots of road racers and other traffic. My road bike did fine. Who needs a gravel bike? Not me atm.

Weather doesn’t look too bad today either, but I do need to recover a bit from yesterday. And there’s Paris - Roubaix :bike: :bike: to watch on tv. Maybe a little walk through town is an option. Visit Oude Kerk. I’m going to make it as good a day as I can and hope the same for you all here. Sober and clean. Love.


@BJonns sorry for the sads :people_hugging: I hope the family gathering went okay.
@acromouse congrats again on your 1 week milestones :tada: :tada: I hope you enjoyed your last day of vacation :blush: sending you strength to navigate these next few days :people_hugging:🩵
@Amine_33 welcome :blush: congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Davina_Davis congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Steve14 congrats on 1.5 years :tada:
@Mischa84 your boys have such a cool Mum :sunglasses: I bet they loved it! :star_struck:
@Snailer.26 sometimes it’s the things that seem insignificant that can really trigger our emotions, and early sobriety is an especially challenging time :people_hugging: sending strength, keep going 🩵
@Louloubelle good to read from you, congrats on your continued sobriety :tada:
@MrsOdh congrats on 40 days :tada:

1335 days no alcohol.
800 days no cocaine.
315 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I slept a bit better the last two nights. Yesterday I read 3 chapters of Atomic Habits, and managed to make myself watch TV in the lounge, for the first time since last Summer! The new sofa my brother gave me is comfortable, I watched 2 episodes.

It was super windy here yesterday, so I didn’t manage to make myself go for a walk. I’m hoping to do it today though. :crossed_fingers:t2:

I need to hoover and attempt some carpet stain removal ready for my tenancy inspection on Tuesday, so that’s my plan for today.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@Konrad55 welcome :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:


Hi all, checking in on Day 14. So much amazing progress while I have been away, but special mention to @Tragicfarinelli and @Davina_Davis on 100 days!!

We had a nice little break. The kids are really changing, we ended up leaving them in the room while we went for a walk. I used to love getting the kids outdoors for a walk, but can’t force it. They did spend a good hour in the garden after dinner playing football so I guess things change. I am struggling a little with the transition though. We have renewed passports this week and planning trips abroad (something we just couldn’t afford before). Now I don’t know what the best holiday would be! My daughter wants a swimming pool holiday and my son hates the heat :rofl: He wants Germany.

Rambling now, a few cravings atm, just going to push through. Have a good day everyone


There’s an amazing water park in Germany, it’s called Tropical Island and is located in Berlin.

That way you can combine both Pool and Germany.

I think you might need a car to access it, but I’m not sure, since we live in Sweden we usually bring our car to Germany anyway.


Dutch road race bike cyclists love their saturdays for sure. We saw so many colourful groups heading out of Arnhem yesterday. Enjoy your recovery day!


Thank you, I think that would be a good option. She will be happy if she is active!


Back to Day 1 for me. Let myself down yesterday but feel that this is really it now. Ive shown my wife posts that I’ve put on here so she fully understands where I’m at. I feel this is the real Day 1 today.


Checking in with 2 months sober!! Never thought I’d get here. Yesterday was a bit rough bc of how much I’ve had to work these past couple weeks as well as having dinner in a pub with wine in my eyeline but I made it and I’m grateful :heart:


Day 93 AF

House tasks


Hey all, checking in on day 1393. I hope everybody has a good one!


What caused you to pick up yesterday? What can you do to change that? Sharing with your wife is a good step, but only you can hold yourself accountable.


127 days
Quick check in at work. Nightshift again. Only got a couple hours sleep today but worth it as I got up so I could watch kids swimming lessons.
Shift has started busy, barely walked in the door before we were straight out and into it.
Going to be tired and sore tomorrow :joy::joy:


It happens!! Don’t let it send you into a spiral. I’ve been trying to get sober for years. Today I teach double digits! Didn’t think I’d ever go 10 days. Keep your head up and stay strong, it’s hard as shit but you can do this!


Thank you x


Day 1205,

The date went through. I went inside myself to figure out why I did the vent. I realized it was my own fear, fear of rejection etc. Needed some addictive behavior to salvage the situation after I said something to her via the phone. Her reaction showed she is capable of mentaining her boundaries, which is of course a good thing. Of course she has trauma, so do I. The date went very well, totally could be myself and we discussed a lot. Felled like we know each other for years already. Makes me realize that going through fear is were the growth is and unexpected things might happen.

Have a nice Sunday.

Greetz :heart:


Reading the same book right now and managed 3 chapters today in the sunshine. How are you finding it? I’m surprised how much of it applies to addiction as I didn’t pick it up thinking that would be what I would get from it


Checking in on day
333 no alcohol
264 no vspes or ciggs
Over 24hours no form of marijuanna

I was yhinking of trying to quit the nic loszenges again but it causes me too much stress. Not ready

Over 24hours no cbd or thc or any form of pot. Energy is finally back. Finally comfortable. Sad i lost my streak though.

Ive been sick all week. No coughs or anything but a scratchy throat but new dads dont take sick days

Im going to clip my beard now. I let it go too long lol… ugh dad bod much

Have a good day everyone


Day 4 for me! It was a hard day for me. My anxiety was through the roof and I just wanted to stay in and isolate myself. But I’m proud of myself for going out, visiting a friend and not drinking.


8.5 days sober from alcohol and feeling great. I had changed my bipolar meds and it is helping me stay focused and balanced. Also started counseling