Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Thanks Joe! Someone else here mentioned Insight Timer. Yeah, I am going to give it a try. Do you think it will help if I get a meditation robe? :laughing:


Thank you TragicF! :heart:


Checking in day 121ā€¦ :heart_hands::black_heart:


I guess it canā€™t hurt :rofl:


Day 42 :white_check_mark:

Wellā€¦ Today was a close one.
Had planned to drink. I then had to take it each hour at a time.
I went to the shops to get some bits to go with dinner, I was planning to buy it then.
I told myself just wait you can come back to the shop later if this is what you really want.

I looked up meetings as I told myself : before you pick up you must go to a meeting. I had missed the few closest to me at the times they were finished. There are some tonight.

I just got my tool bag and the wood and just went out and made another piece for the catio. I feel so much better and so glad Iā€™m sober too. It was too close for my liking I need to really get hold of this and get to meetings.
I feel itā€™s just a matter of time if I keep on like this and right now I have a chance to help myself I canā€™t let it slip away.

:sunflower: Today is a good day. Today I will not drink.


@abbynormal Nicely done with 5 days friend! Tattoo therapy sounds perfect. Share your tats with us if you like on the tattoo thread :wink:
@acromouse :laughing: this made me laugh. Wish I could say ā€œyou should look at the other guyā€ but alas the other guy doesnā€™t exist. I am sorry you are still feeling depressed ā€“ do hope you are able to talk this out or sort it out ā€“ here for you friend. Keep stacking up the days ā€“ your timers are gaining momentum :muscle:
@2jtravnz always good to see you posting ā€“ glad you are recovering from the flu. Way to go with your Nic free days ā€“ keep that going strong :muscle:
@mischa :laughing: i really need to work on my hearing cause many times I canā€™t hear nothing. 10 months and kicking ass my friend ā€“ keep stacking up the days :muscle: sending you strength and energy to deal with the time off with the kids :hugs:
@moosetracks Way to go with your 600+ days of sobriety. Love seeing you check in. Glad you are starting to feel better all around. Enjoy your upcoming holiday ā€“ smart to have your support systems in place. :hugs:
@lighter WOOT WOOT 2 months is amazing Marie. Glad to hear that you got some sleep. OMG birthday tomorrow tooā€¦ I absolutely love it. Hope you treat yourself my friend. You have been doing so well. Be patient love ā€“ it took time for me to find a balance and routine that worked. :hugs:
@selflove_42 double digits! Great work friend :muscle:
@twizzlers Great work Twizzler ā€“ you were able to step back from the temptation and practice utilizing your supports. The urge does fade and you didnā€™t cave! BADASS! 42 days and going strong :muscle:
@Butterflymoonwoman Morning Dana - hope you are well and are able to have an enjoyable day today. Hopefully get some rest my friend :people_hugging:

Checking in on Tuesday morning ā€“ coffee is made and iā€™m going to head over to momā€™s. eye is still a pain but oh well - iā€™m sure itā€™ll heal in its due time. have a lot of phone call catch up type work (which i hate)ā€¦ hope it goes smoothly.
it is a beautiful sunny day but already very humid so not sure if an outdoor walk is possible. we will play it by ear.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Congratulations on 60 days!!! Also glad to read you got some much needed :sleeping: Have a great day Marie.


Day 26 :blush: it was another good day spent celebrating with my friends. I had a bit of anxiety which usually comes alongside group events/social gatherings in larger groups but it wasnā€™t too bad and didnā€™t ruin my good mood. Man it was a good party! Now Iā€™m tired and needing some antisocial time. I again had a brief thought about celebrating on my own with a drink when I came home. Made me realize I have come to associate alcohol with rewarding myself over something as well as something I go to when too stressed out.


Wait! You planned to drink??

Iā€™m happy to hear that you refrained and was able to implement your techniques to avoid. Just struggling to understand the ā€œplanningā€ part.
I always thought (perhaps wrongly) if drinking or partaking in any stimulation like that it would be more spontaneous.

Welcome back from the edge


Yep I woke up and planned it.
Yh thatā€™s pretty shocking when I read it back!

I definitely feel like itā€™s only a matter of time if I keep just doing the same thing and not adding more to my tool box.I do have the resources to help myself Iā€™m realising I need to be doing more though.


Congratulations on your 60 days Marie.
Thatā€™s amazing!!:star_struck:


Checking in on day 293. Iā€™m just a little under a week behind ya, @Mischa84 ! Congrats!
Congrats to @Lighter , on your 60 days! Keep doing the amazing work!
@SelfLove_42 , congrats on reaching double digits!
Have a good one, allā€‹:peace_symbol::pray:


First post I read this morning! Thanks for making me laugh :rofl: I did sleep pretty good but woke up with some bad allergy symptoms :sneezing_face: Give and take :balance_scale: Hope you have a good day :blush:


Hey Marie.
The Insight Timer app has been a valuable tool for me. Lots of us here use it.
Thereā€™s a search engine for almost anything.
I try plugging in ADD but I think it was using the word ā€œadd,ā€ but when I plugged in ADHD I got this.
Thereā€™s tons of great beginner stuff on there too. I use to beat myself up because I thought I was doing it wrong. Or I couldnā€™t do it. My mind kept wandering and I couldnā€™t turn my mind off. Iā€™ve since learned, I been doing it awhile. Itā€™s ok. And I just keep doing it. Itā€™s almost impossible for my to not think about things while Iā€™m meditating. Iā€™ve learned, with lots of practice. Let it happen and remember to go back to my breathing. Like sobriety it takes work. Like practicing free throws.

We got a thread for that too if youā€™re interested. Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!) - #1518 by Dazercat

If youā€™re strong enough to get 60 days sobriety you are strong enough to learn how to meditate.

Sorry to go on so long. But itā€™s a HUGE tool in my tool box. And I finally donā€™t care if Iā€™m doing it right or not. I just do it now because it works. Hell most times I fall asleep. Must of needed it.

Oh and 1 or 2 minutes at a time is also a great way to start. See what happens.


This is really cute. Got me laughing :sweat_smile:


Those sound like pretty great mornings :woozy_face: The shit we put ourselves through!!! Glad youā€™re not there anymore Joe! About this jogging to work though letā€™s just calm the fk down :wink::smile:


Just to be clear: You canā€™t turn your mind off. Never. Itā€™s never off. Not as long as you are alive. Itā€™s like your heart. When it stops beating you know you are in trouble :wink:
Same with your mind. You might not be conscious of your thoughts - like when you are asleep. But your mind is always thinking. Meditation is being actually conscious of your thoughts. As long as you try that, your meditation in on :sunglasses::+1:t2::person_in_lotus_position:t2:


I see. I need to tune my magical jinx powers a bit, but we are heading the right direction :mage:t2::joy:


Mid morning Tuesday check in. All is good over here! Hoping you all have the day you deserve :yellow_heart:


And that was my stumbling block. And it kept frustrating me. And also learning thereā€™s no wrong or right way to do it helped too.