Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in at 44 days.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


Thank you!


Congratulations on 60 Marie. Staying on the course!! :tada::heart:


Checking out on Day 116 AF

Holy sweet love of
 8 hours assembling that gym multi trainer. What an insane amount of parts, pieces, tidly bits and head scratching.

Getting into bed at 9:30 which is an ungodly hour for a fella that begins his beauty routine around 7:30pm
 woo boy am I ever tired, but so looking forward to jamming out in the gym tomorrow!! Sound system cranking, and just diving into a completely new routine (that I haven’t quite concocted as of yet).

It was a great day and I’m looking forward to a new chapter tomorrow in this amazing race I’m in.

Till then, get your rest, keep up on your protein, and pamper yourselves with indulgent pleasure.


Thanks so much, Joe!


Checking in. Ooooo how i am so happy to be sober :slight_smile:

Feeling much better to be at work and thibk the sinus infection is lifting. Job makes me so happy; so after hubby gets himself situated with his work over the summer Im gping to look into next steps for me. Do i go for it and get the ECE certification? Im not sure its worth it tbh, but Im loving being in the daycare setting so much and am slowly injecting what i have to offer. Its definitly a very challenging field that is underappreciated and my goal is to make the staffs life easier, in whatever ways I can, while getting to be around some lovely little humans all day. I just love it. So so so very grateful for it right now and just hope I can find a way to make the job work financially.

Kids have been great last two days. Feels like in our home we are starting to find our stride again where set backs abd hard days dont take the wind out of us. That is what trauma and grief can do
 they take so much out of you that your tank is so low. Its nice to start feeling like ourselves again as individuals, as a coupke and as a household.

I wrote my letter to CPS and now i have to write 2 letters to the Ministries who oversee them, invluding the ombudsmans office to advocate my nephews case. Its ALL one step at a time, and when i focus on that I feel less overwhelmed and panicked. What has been really eye opening to me is how the professional workds that deal with CPS, no one - not a lawyr, doctors, police officer - no one I have spoken to, has had one nice word to say about them and infacr it is all the opposite. Keep pushing. Keep hope. Yhats what i can do today. Xo.

Stay sane my friends. Its a wild ride this life, but we just get one. Xo.


Hi everyone! Just thought id do a quick checkin before getting ready for the night. Its been another tiring day but i managed thru my 5th overnight shift in a row. Have 1 more tonight
 just ONE more to do and then i get 2 nights to sleep. I cant wait.

Today i mainly relaxed. Did dishes and did laundry too. Still have to get the clothes from the dryer but i will fold it all tmrw. Just putting my son to bed soon and then will shower n get ready for tonight. I feel like a zombie at this point. I feel like i want to cry honestly
 but im just too tired to do it. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hope u all are having a great Tuesday!


Congratulations on 2 months!!! :smiley:


Day 167, good day at work. Still been in the emergency department and i still like it, only issue ive been having is the guy who is supposed to be helping and doing rooms has been hiding and staying logged off of his rover so i get all the rooms. Idk i guess it is was it is, not gonna snitch on him, i just do my job and do what i can. Tomorrow off so i decided to break out my art skills and do some small stuff on my bike. Just grateful to be sober. Some before and afters, what do yall think? I outlined the go fox yourself in black and the freesky in white. I like it


Looks great! I like what u did to ur bike! Sorry to hear about ur coworker tho and them not pulling their share of the work. Thats always irritated me when thats happened in the past. Hope u have a fabulous night!



My daycounter on the first of May. Long live the freedom from addiction! My ReDiscovery takes work but it’s a work of love and so worth it. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.



I overdid it today, right at the end. I tackled the rest of the floor space in my daughter’s room. I didn’t plan to do it all, but I started and had to finish. We got her new desk in there last and that was what got me. You don’t really think about good form when you’re cleaning so my neck and back are feeling it. The only thing is, I pulled everything out into the living room to vacuum really good and we didn’t get to go thru any of it so I’m surrounded by boxes of toys. It’s a mess, but her room looks great :+1: Only 1/4 of all this will make it back in. I hope I can get to it after work Thursday bc I don’t want to look at it for very long. Anyway, I’m beat but I’m hungry so I better have something before bed. Have a great night :heart:


Checking in on a rainy Tuesday night.


Checking in Day9. Thankful for another day sober. Got some yard work done today, good productive day. Boys still keeping me pretty busy, but busy is good. I didn’t make it to a meeting tonight, but reading as I watch the last game of the night for nba playoffs. I’m Ready for mom to comeback tomorrow hahahaha I miss her. we all miss her, and we’ve been eating pizza and wings since Sunday night. Hahahah

Hope all is well with everyone. #ODAAT :heart:

your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize


@K_S Busy daddy duty looks good on you :+1:t2: Keep going friend.
@Just_Laura Sending you that nightly jinx :sleeping:
@Mno That is quite a counter number :grin: Vive la liberté!
@Mindofsobermike I really dig your bike work and am always happy to see the updates. It’s a work of love :bike::heart_on_fire:
@Butterflymoonwoman Your strength is unbelievable. I’m praying this situation will be over so soon and you’ll get some service with a better coverage in the future.
@Mira_D Your happiness about your job is glowing through your post :blush: Thanks for sharing with us.
@Chevy55 Wow, that gym machine of yours sounds like something from another dimension :alien:. Hope to see some pictures some time.
@Lighter Congrats on two months :muscle:t2::sunglasses::clap:t2::partying_face: Go celebrate girl!
@Seb That’s good one :sunglasses::+1:t2:
@Mali Congrats on double digits. Great work girl! :muscle:t2::clap:t2::partying_face: Good luck with your interview. And the tiredness will lift with time. Your body needs a lot of adjusting.

161 sugar
25 UPF
32 gluten
11 dairy
10 overeating/binge

Before starting dinner yesterday I had a very upsetting talk with my ex. I had the dinner already there sitting on my table and I was ready to eat. But then some part of me realised: I am not hungry. I was half an hour ago before that talk. But now I was upset, devastated, grieving, angry. All kinds of things. But I was not hungry. I did not experience any hunger signals at this moment. And then it dawned on my, like that lady says in her podcast: anger is not a food group. You can not eat anger, sadness or any other emotion away. So I didn’t. I went for a long walk instead and cried a lot. Food can not help with emotions. What a lesson.

Today is a bank holiday in my part of the world. Customary Walpurgis Night and/or May Day. I don’t have any plans for today. The weather is great but also a total allergy disaster so I’m thinking about avoiding the outdoors.
I might try out a new game, spend time with some uninterrupted reading. My ex will pick up our daughter later in the day, I might visit my mother in the afternoon.

Anyways, I’m curious what the day will bring. Whatever that may be, I won’t try to deal with it with food or any compulsive behaviour.

Have a wonderful day of peace, love, and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


What’s a bank holiday?
Never heard of it before

Do they give out party bags of money or something
Truly never heard of a bank holiday

1 Like

It’s a British expression for a public holiday I believe.

The term “bank holiday” refers to the fact that banking institutions typically close for business on such holidays.
Bank holiday - Wikipedia


:black_circle: 36


] ‘‘You will find an “underground man” at work, a driller, miner, and underminer. You will see him, provided that you have eyes for such work of the depths —, how he goes forward, slowly, calmly, with gentle inexorability, without revealing too much of the hardship that is the product of every long deprivation of light and air; you might even call him content with his work in the dark. Does it not seem that some faith is leading him on, some consolation compensating him? That he perhaps might want to have his own protracted darkness, want to be someone incomprehensible, hidden, enigmatic, because he knows what he will also acquire: his own morning, his own redemption, his own dawn? 
 Of course, he will return: do not ask him what he wants down there, he will tell you himself, this seeming Trophonius and underground man, once he has “become man” again. One completely unlearns silence when one has been a mole, all alone, for as long as him’’ — —



Wow what a realization! It could have been soo easy to eat ur emotions with how u were feeling and yet u chose such a healthier way of handling things. Im extremely impressed. Ur self awareness amazes me :heart:


One day later and 95 messages to catch up!
Is this an active thread ore what! :blush:

Congratulations for the 10 months @Mischa84 :confetti_ball:
And that poor serviceman
he probably heared your husband but was to professional to react :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Lighter congratulations with your 60 days milestone :facepunch::facepunch:
Double digits for you @SelfLove_42 and @Mali :confetti_ball: Such a lovely milestone!!

Well done for choosing sober @Twizzlers , this is how you do it! But it was a close call for you so maybe time to add something extra?

*Day 2051 :walking_woman:
12 days before holiday
Having the day off today and going to visit an old town with me aunt. She is the youngest sister of my passed away mother and she looks a lot like her. It’s feels a bit like home when I see her if you understand what I mean.
The weather is warm today (finally!) so we decided to book a table at a terras tonight to eat out with our kids. This used to be an event including drinking for me. Just a bit at the terras and lots more when I was back home. Not anymore!
Frehs mint tea with some honey it is! :innocent:

Picture from my walk a few days ago when the weather was stormy.
Enjoy your day all and let’s add another day sober/clean shall we? We are all just one glass/shot/pill away from disaster, who wanna choose that? Not me!