Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hahaha that was not my husband :sweat_smile: Heā€™s not such a neanderthal :wink: That was Dennis, my 3yo son, thats why it was so funny. Kids are so pure but at the same time cruel sometimes


Iā€™ve seen things

What i enjoy is being sober for my self and for my wife. Even when she canā€™t stay sober for herself

I have hope


Ha ha, sorry I misunderstood! :sweat_smile::rofl::rofl:
Kids! They are allowed to do so :smile:


Checking in on day 48. Two big ones coming up - 49 (7 weeks) and 50 (just because).

I see so many big milestones being achieved here and find you all so inspiring.

Have a great day all!


I think part of it was that eating would have calmed me down. And I did not want to calm down. I was so angry and sad and devastated. It just felt like if I calmed down it would eat me from inside out. These emotions needed out very badly.


Day 312. Website works. Added some bits and bobs last night and this morning. Working for my job 8-5 but may pop for a dog walk mid day as at the moment itā€™s not rainingā€¦ Day 312. I remember how hard it was finally stopping last summer. The amount of false starts or stopsā€¦was ridiculous.

Now tho I have a bit of momentum and time. Just need to stay focused. Have a fab day folks. Stay focused :slight_smile:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.

Day 63.

Today weā€™re going to do what we call Maying (Maja in Swedish)

It means that youā€™ll go somewhere nice and have Fika outside for the first time of the year. Or you can stay in your own garden ofc.
And itā€™s traditionally done at the 1st of May.

We usually goes to our Nature Reserve which is filled with white anemones like in Ronia the robbers daughter movie. Kids call it the Ronia forest.
This year we passed by car yesterday, me and the boys went for a short walk and my husband who couldnā€™t access with his Zimmer walker stayed on the car.
And since the nature reserve itā€™s not adapted for people who have trouble to move around weā€™re going to the local playground instead.

Itā€™s also day of the labor movement here today, so itā€™s a red day here, most people and kids are having the day off.

Todayā€™s picture is from yesterdayā€™s Ronia forest, all the green an white you see on the ground is white anemone flowers.

Wishing you all a wonderful May 1st :heart:


Itā€™s pretty massive for sure and there will never be an oppt to move it, it weighs in at around 850lbs. Iā€™m going to finish up cleaning and setting gym up before my workout today, perhaps get some pics then? Itā€™s kinda hard as everything is black so it doesnā€™t stand out

But mostly Iā€™m sorry to hear of your upsetting call with your ex. I hope you are alright. Sounds as though it may have been something very major. Hopefully the walk helped clear your head a bit or you came to some kind of resolution of sorts as it sounds like it was left in a bad way

Wishing you well and hopefully a better day ahead :pray::heart::peace_symbol:


What a lovely tradition, Fika outside!! I love May, it feels like spring is really beginning ( well on the Atlantic coast of Canada anyway) and we have turned a corner headed towards summer finally!! Plus itā€™s my birth month, so thereā€™s a bias from my end, lol.

I hope you enjoy some more lovely outdoors time Sophie with family.
Have a wonderful Maja!! :pray::heart::peace_symbol:


Day 603. Maybe is a great record, maybe it is not. The true fact is that I have spent the last 24 hours sober, and I hope the next 24 ones are going to be the same.

This a day by day path, not a question of beating records and, from my point of view I can forget that, I am an alcoholic, I cannot consider myself as a completely recovered normal man.

I am alcoholic, being aware of this is the best way to avoid the booze. At least, the next 24 hours.

Kind regards.


Thank you, Iā€™m not sure the entire Sweden have this tradition but in our Province and surrounding provinces does have it.
And Because itā€™s labor day here a lot of Social parties around the country combines that with demonstrations,family activities and local politicians from either the socialism parties or extrem left parties speech.

Early mornings on May 1st is usually Members of the parties matching to The Internationale song (which is the socialism/workers parties lead song)
Holding banners with different political messages.

My grandparents on my father side and my father was very active in the local socialism parties when I was a kid. My father used worked for them at their unions office in Stockholm. One of my first memories is from a 1st of May demonstration with the union.
I remember sitting in my stroller waving a red flag and then when we where going to sing The Internationale and hold up our hand in the air I was to small to reach, so Grandpa put me up on the table so I could reach everyoneā€™s hands.

One of the last memories I have if my grandpa on my fatherā€™s side is me walking in the middle of a huge banner holding it together with him because my grandpa who used to do it alone was to weak, but stubborn as no on else, so he walked with us anyway. . It snowed heavily on us.
Later than year he died of a heartattack.

Great memories, however Iā€™m not involved in any political parties now. And we donā€™t have this kind of activities in my village, itā€™s the Blue side the Right whoā€™s in city Hall here.
And theyā€™re doing a great job, our Mayor is amazing.

My father also had his birthday in May. :smiling_face:

Sorry for the long post, I guess I could go on all day.


Morning all, I seem to be cycling between anxiety and feeling a little depressed. I had a bad day on Monday. Came home wiped out with a headache from overthinking all day. I donā€™t know if itā€™s worse because Iā€™m trying to figure things out rather than just saying Iā€™m having a break from alcohol.

I had a strange drinking dream last night that ended with me taking a walk with my accountant. Maybe a reminder to get my taxes done :joy:

My we man got a new keyboard yesterday, I had a little boogie to some of his tunes this morning. It was a nice start to the morning :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope youā€™re all having a good dayā€‹:pray:Thanks for listening :heart:

Day 10


Wow 850lbs is about 400kg I guess? That is huge :joy: Iā€˜m mostly into Yoga nowadays but for whatever reason I love looking at gym equipment :rofl:

Thank you for your kind words. I am OK. Very sad, but OK. Iā€˜m going to meet with my mom later in the day and talk about all my stuff. Basically my husband, whom I have been asking to be clear with me on that for weeks now, finally admitted that he does not want us to come back together and this way ended our marriage of almost 30years. I honestly did expect this answer but some part of me still kept the hope up. So the matter is resolved, but it still hurts.


Hey man, sorry to hear about your difficult feelings. But also congrats on 10 days. You made it to double digits! Great work! :muscle:
Your body and your brain chemistry need some time to adjust to sobriety and part of this are these awful mood swings. Hold on tight, invest in self care, do nice things for your battered body and mind and this stuff will get better with time. Until then :people_hugging:


Day 151
Nice chilled day alone at home before nightshift. Went to the gym then just listened to music and tidied the house for the rest of the day before picking up the kids and heading to work.
Pretty quiet so far at work. The admin stuff that I hate doing here Iā€™m slowly getting better at. Its not particularly hard but because I do it so infrequently I miss or forget things.
Sorry to hear about the outcome of your talks with your ex @acromouse . Seems like you have a good plan to help navigate the change and move foward. Hope youā€™re doing ok.


Day 1229,

Just checking in, have a good sober day :sunny::pray::heart:


I enjoy your stories. I donā€™t comment on them often but I do read them.

Your memories are vivid and fun. I wish I had memories like that. I didnā€™t enjoy much in my youth so Iā€™ve pushed them away. Donā€™t recall a whole lot of my early yearā€™s.



Yes abit under 400kgs. In Canada we are still tied to the old imperial system (US next door), but weā€™re educated in metric. Itā€™s such a weird dynamic.

That is sad about your husband and while I wonā€™t comment on that being such a personal scenario, sometimes they say when a new door opens, walk through and make it the best choice and life you canā€¦ but that probably doesnā€™t help right now.
I know you are strong and compassionate, you will do well my friend.

I believe you can


Thanks @acromouse, itā€™s really appreciatedā€¦Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™re having a rough timeā€‹:heart::people_hugging: I read something about when times are really tough in your life you can find little moments of light. I hope you see yours soon :pray:


Checking in on day 294. Love and strength to all!:peace_symbol::heart: