Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 37

Good sleep and a quiet Sunday morning. My mind is calm. Finally starting to feel like I’m recovering. Takes some time to settle. I like it. I’ll find something to watch and get some weights in.

Cloudy skies. I am hoping for a quick peek at totality tomorrow but not expecting one. Will enjoy the weird midday darkness.

Have a fine sober day


Daily check in on Day 9

-need to clean up. More trash around here and it turns into a health code violation.
-otherwise doing okayish. No cravings for a drink.
-however the thought of doing something other then wallowing in self pity seems dreadful.
-okay so maybe I’m not doing as okayish as I thought. :melting_face:

Hope everybody else is doing good though :slight_smile:


On to my 3rd day coming up in a few hours. My mood and anxiety has definitely subsided a bit and now I wonder why I do drink when it makes me feel this horrible even days after the last time I had a drink.

It’s a good reminder having these small light bulb moments and it gives you a boost when you’re having a hard time. I’ve started journaling just in a small notebook. It’s nearly more therapeutic actually writing instead of typing on a screen.


Whatever works for you to make it through ODAAT.
Journaling my journey (that’s a weird word combo) has helped me immensely I have found.

Good job on the upcoming day 3. Stay the course and best wishes.


Checking in on day 270. Here’s to another day of freedom!:v::heart:


Checking in day #13 sober from my drug of choice yessir!!! :saluting_face: :smile_cat:

I had a scary moment last night where I chose to use alcohol, because I was at a concert and alcohol is my least favorite drug of all time. Like it’s truly not something I crave for whatever reason. So, I chose to have a couple drinks nothing crazy, and at first I thought I was fine but eventually the cravings for my drug of choice snuck up to me… It was not a good idea. Thankfully, I still stayed sober from my drug of choice at least which is what I really care about anyway.

I learned from this that even though I don’t have a problem with alcohol itself, I still can’t drink as if I was an alcoholic because it creates cravings for other substances that I actually crave.


I did an inventory as part of my step work and this triggered me emotionally quite a bit. I’m really upset and I need to share this with others who will understand. I will not use this as a reason to use, but these strong emotions are something. Very upsetting to remember all the behaviours and feelings connected with my using in the past. Anger, fear, guilt, shame, feeling like a failure, fear of falling back into this hellish trap that is active addiction, general anxiety, feeling broken and inadequate. Man that is a can of worms here. I’m going to do some relaxing yoga to get grounded again. Thanks for being here everybody.


This just helped me so much emotionally. Thank you for sharing :pray:t2:


Did you do it one on one with a sponser?


Checking in day 98 :black_heart:

It’s been a successful weekend… I’ve forced myself to clean and organize and do all the grown up yucky things.

I live in a teeny tiny little town that finally has a gym that just opened… so my best friend and I have decided to join this week.

Still have some things left to get done today but planning on enjoying a relaxing afternoon.

ODAAT friends. Yesterday was a rough day for me, it happens I guess. Today I feel back to normal. Normalize checking in when you’re feeling low. It helps.


Second check in, struggling a little with cravings now. Have spent a lot of the day in bed with chronic fatigue and back to work tomorrow, making me want to “check out”. I am now in my pjs and no wine in the house so managing it as best I can. Hope everyone else is doing OK


Pull through it Jenny, drink won’t make it better I promise.

I just went to co-op to get Sunday essentials: mini egg cookies, caramel rocky bars and orange chocolate galaxy eggs. There’s a Cherry Bakewell and custard being prepared also and we are watching season four of UNFORGOTTEN on Netflix. The cats are cuddly and just chased and ate a big fly…:nauseated_face:

Sometimes we gotta eat or sing or sleep or just hold our feelings :hugs::people_hugging:


Hi. Just to say I’m proud of ya, nearly time twin. (101 days here).

Glad you feel brighter today, keep fighting those blues. Hugs :hugs:


Love Unforgotten!


I love it! Have you seen Annika? Also really good. Nicola Walker is a favourite of mine, she’s so good :+1:t3:


Yeah big Nicola fan here too, but newbie. I will check out Annika, thanks! I’m a crime drama fan in general, especially lately. One of those sobriety things! I got a BritBox subscription and I was in heaven. Always welcome guidance from the UK :grinning:

I get the “All we do” song stuck in my head a lot.


Ah, then you must watch Happy Valley, for the Brit crime drama excellence….Yes, Annika was really good, set in Scotland :scotland:.

I’m a crime drama fan too. Love the Scandi ones the best to be honest.


I appreciate it, thanks! Watching the happy crime show “Death in Paradise”. After that, I need a plan! :grinning:


Sunday check in. Kinda in a don’t fk with me mood this morning which is normally my Monday mood so guess my brain is just switching things up on me. Gotta keep it fresh :crazy_face: I will take it out on the bag shortly :boxing_glove: That’s about it. Hoping your Sunday treats you well :v:


Thanks friend. I didn’t stay on TS long yesterday bc I got so busy. I saw your 100 days (I was going to reply congrats but I had hit my 3 reply in a row limit and then got busy forcing myself to stay busy)… but it made me want to hit my 100 goal too :heart::heart_hands: So I’ll say it now, congrats girl and I’m so proud to be doing this journey along side you.