Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in on day 166!!


I feel terrible. Back to day two. Not long ago I was in the bathroom in the middle of the night when a mouse ran in :nauseated_face: and my dad caught it and the same god damn thing happened last night :expressionless: so I got up really early after barely sleeping to start cleaning Iā€™m not a dirty person to start with I swear lol but I live in a tiny home out on country land and we realized they came from under my sink thank god for my dad doing all the things to fix it. Iā€™m just disgusted. I was vaping because I was so stressed I usually hate nicotine and only started because girls in my esthetics class got me to start a little bit and itā€™s something to do now that I donā€™t smoke weed/not drinking now. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s what brought on a bad headache but I also think I get headaches when I havenā€™t had caffeine. Went and got some and itā€™s helping :pray:t2: (Iā€™ve also been drinking more water I know how important that is in recovery) Thankfully Iā€™m not addicted to nicotine so itā€™ll be easy for me to just cut that out. Before that I fell asleep and started having a really bad dream that actually brought me mouth pain from what was happening in it and woke me upā€¦Iā€™m just really feeling like :poop: mentally and physically. Kinda wanna cry lol. Which I always embrace in sobriety since my emotions are always buried. But man, today sucks.


Still shocking and saddening no matter how well we know the person. Very sad news.


@whereswaldo Way to go with your 3 weeks! :tada: :clap: Sending you luck with all your checks coming up this week.
@catmancam missed your 800 days of no cocaine! :tada: :clap: way to go friend :muscle: Wishing you luck with Therapy. Hope that your therapist does a better job listening and helping you tomorrow. Sending you hugs Cam :hugs: :heart:
@k_s Loved the pics of your family out this weekend. Looks like a wonderful weekend with loads of beautiful memories. Sorry to hear about your MIL. Hope the move went smoothly today :crossed_fingers:

Such true words my friend. Still such sad news Nick. I am sorry for the loss of this precious life. Many condolences sent to you and your friends family :hugs:
@lainenicole96 Oh man mice scare me too and I would get them in my garage every fall (think they would come in to warm up). Iā€™m sure they are more prominent in the country no matter how clean you keep your home. Day 2 and going strong friend.


Iā€™d like to keep this calm relaxed feeling and take it places.

Iā€™m going to bed early so I can get up early and cry about it being cloudy during the eclipse :grinning: So much crying time I will have. Itā€™s still going to be a great experience, clouds or not. And life will continue afterwardsā€¦haha.

Iā€™ve been future tripping a lot this afternoon. Not ready yet. But itā€™s good to get that feeling. This is going to work out well. Later!

Maybe Iā€™ll sleep tight or not but itā€™s sober. :sleeping: :heart:


Day 55

Lots of chores, lots of sports on TV, workout and some rest. All in all, a good day. I am a big fan of the Masterā€™s Golf tournament and am very excited to watch that this week. :man_golfing:

No hangover tomorrow so Monday will start off well. Sleep well.


Wishing you a restful day/evening ahead of you and good for you checking in on day 2. Living in the country just means you get mice from time to time! Know all about it and heck no doesnt mean youre dirty. I store food in our basement as a pantry and I was taking out winter boots and found one had been filled in the toe with dried pasta :upside_down_face: I then went to check the shelf and sure enough one of them had broken in the bag and made hinself a little stash LOL.
Just a little something about vaping (not to encourage or anything, I am a smoker who desperately wants to quit!) But i know the additives in them (cant remember what its called) can cause headaches for some people.
Just sending a great big hug your way on this day. One day, sometimes one minute at a time we got your back here anytime xo.


Hey @jazzy thanks for the well wishes. Son is finally feeling better after we got him antibiotics. Strep and an ear infection good Lord no wonder he eas cranky and not sleeping. Just so grateful he is feeling better :slight_smile: that alfredo sounds so intersting I will have to look up a recipe! Always love adding new ones to the repetoire. If 3/4 people in the house will eat it, it goes into the catalogue lol. Best wishes with seeing your surgeon and hope you can get some answers & much deserved relief. Thinking of you xo.

@K_S thanks for the shout out! Gratitude is a huge part of my days, taking those moments to look around and breath it in. Hell not all days feel great, but that is life and we gotta roll with it best we can. I mustve hit a typo bc Im coming up on 9 months, but reading your post about 7 days had me reflectinf on what i felt like at 7 days. Grateful for them but also terrified. The early days are so hard. So grateful to be where I am today; hoping to stack and tack more days on, and what a beautiful thinf for you to take the time to respond to so many of us in the community like that. Thanks for that love & positive energy!

Well what a weekend. Yesterday was a bit tough. Seemed like tensions of the energy in the house and energy of kids/trying to get things done ran a bit high. Gets like that sometimes. But today we met with friends at the park then had them over. Kids had an awesome day, and it was so nice spending time with my friend too. I feel Im walking a bit on delicate ground with her son, as he has a hard time listening and I dont want to overstep yet its important to set little ground rules when people visit. I want to be able to sit for them and have their kids over, even if the parents arent and I think its important chuldren can listen to basic rules. He does have challenfes with that, but I want to be a good influence rhere and supportive. Anyway, things to navigate in life. Tomorrow our daughter is home so Ill get to spend the day with her. Shes asked to go to restaurant and weā€™re going to print some of our fav clips from Calvin and Hobbes to frame for her room. Jjst want to let the day take us, I love her so darn much. Xo. And my boys too xo.


Thank you so much :pray:t2: it makes me feel better hearing from someone whoā€™s experienced this dilemma :sweat_smile: and I figured vapes were what caused headaches! I always said they made me feel icky but I was trying to fill that hyper fixation of using something especially somethings thatā€™s always accessible :sweat_smile: Iā€™ve always said Iā€™m lucky my body doesnā€™t like nicotine because I know how addicting it is. Iā€™m feeling better than I did earlier thankfully, just going through that deep exhaustion that comes in the early days of recovery


Today, the day before the major eclipse is DAY 100! That is all, a big day. :tada: :revolving_hearts:


Hang in there. Breathe. Stay strong and know you will be happy you stayed sober tomorrow. Remember one day or even moment at a time. :heart_eyes::hugs:


Sunday night day 40 alcohol free. Hubby left to go back to work for week. Couples Therapy is a big challenge. Would be great if only had to work on staying sober. Also started individual therapy. I like the therapist who is also an AA 8 year sober friend. Balance is the new goal. Self control is skill I must practice. Praying to God for some help here. I cannot do it alone.


Congrats on triple digits!!! :clap: :clap::clap::heart:


@john_connor1337 Alcohol is my DOC, but Iā€™ve had my moments with just about everything else. I struggled thru a few of them, opiates and adderall specifically, but alcohol was always right there with them. If I wanted to quit the pills, Iā€™d do okay for a bit until I got drunk enough to cave. I learned that all of those cravings disappeared when alcohol was out of the picture. Best not to imbibe to avoid unwanted consequences :relieved:

@Lainenicole96 Iā€™ve dealt with mice. Well, my cats did :rofl: Caught early, it should be cleared up in no time. Just be glad itā€™s not rats :scream: The country club I work at has been infested over a year. Theyā€™re filthy creatures. Iā€™d move if I got them in my house!


I feel like I havenā€™t had a beat to rest. Iā€™m so tired. I set an alarm this morning but didnā€™t think I would sleep that late. The party I worked started late and we didnā€™t get out until 6:30. Thatā€™s late for a Sunday. We had a lot of furniture moving so my body is beat. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be jumping in many bounce houses tomorrow. Aftet work I finished up the last minute shopping and got a cake and then had to pick up my daughter and ex, whoā€™s sleeping over :unamused: So no real time to myself until tomorrow night. Everything is ready for the party so I can relax tomorrow afternoon before the eclipse. Going to bed early tonight.


Congratulations on your hundred JenƩ
Way To Go!!!


Glad I didnā€™t miss this! Congratulations lady, well done for the triple digits :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Sending these 3 to make a happy sober dance just for you!
Enjoy :wink:


@CATMANCAM Sending you strength and power for your taxing day today :muscle:t2::battery:
@Just_Laura Hope youā€™ll get some time to put up your legs soon.
@tailee17 Wishing you strength for your therapy work. I remember it being very taxing but also extremely effective.
@EarnIt Huge congrats on your 100s congratulations :partying_face: :clap:t2::tada::sunglasses:
@Mira_D Enjoy your day with your daughter :blush:
@Lighter Wishing you a very calm and relaxed day today.
@Lainenicole96 I hope today will find you with a better mood and more stable. Early recovery is so exhausting :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@Chevy55 Sending you and your friend love and peace. This is some hard time you guys are going through.
@Whereswaldo Congrats on full the weeks! :tada::muscle:t2::sunglasses: Keep up that even keel.
@zzz Youā€™re testing our patience :wink:

138 sugar
9 gluten
1 dairy
9 overeating/binge

Had the weirdest dream where I was surrounded by all kinds of trigger foods and people trying to push them on me and me trying to explain why I didnā€™t want any. Iā€™m glad in my dream I was strong in my resolve to abstain :grin:
Today I want to take time to eat slowly and enjoy my meals.

Today is the first day of school after Easter break and Iā€™m looking forward to my first class. I also want to get back to my game design studies. Missed them and my work.
Hormones are increasing my base line anxiety at the moment so Iā€™ll try to surround myself with peace and care. Maybe lower the caffeine :thinking: Want to do a rowing session and some yoga stretches in the afternoon. I hope my allergies wonā€™t give me too much trouble, need to pick up the prescription as well.

Whatever the day might bring, one thing is for sure: Iā€™m not going to try and cope with things by using food, eating or some other misguided behaviour.

Wish you wonderful people a day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


First time checking in here. Day 2, feels so much longer this time, did not sleep to well but atleast I did not wake up with a soaking wet pillow and my hair and neck dripping wet. Apart from that feel ok, Got up at 4am to meditate but felt to tired and drained. Will try and force myself to hit the weights later, guess it will take me a few days to feel more aliveā€¦ :grinning:


Morning all, checking in on Day 15. Thank you so much for all the support yesterday. I woke up this morning with a clear head, ready (ish) to start the working week. Hoping to get the survey back on the house today too, and need to follow up with the solicitors as that has gone very quiet and the estate agent is chasing us. We have no idea what we are doing! I didnā€™t like dealing with estate agents when we were renting as they were always so dismissive, they donā€™t feel much better as a buyer. Maybe the sellers get all the customer service.

Even writing that has given me cravings so need to make a good plan for after work.

Have a good day everyone. Hope it is a peaceful one


Checking in on Day 17 or day 18 im not sure. After work relaxing has begun. Its my friday again tomorrow/today. Then 3 days off. I have no idea what to do on those days off.