Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in day 98 AF :blush::grin:


Hi everybody, also checking in, Day 8 AF. Been hard going today, have to find more to occupy me.


Day 30 since i quit alcohol & smoking at same time

Feeling great today but still looking old in mirror :joy:


Checking in.

110 days. Finally got all of MIL’s belongings into her new apartment. I’m so happy that’s over with. Feeling really good today, #ODAAT :heart:

Have a good day, everyone.


Congratulations on ur 1 month! Impressive work quitting both at the same time!


Just hit 8 days one hour ago. Feeling so good I’m even starting the April workout program! Of course the thoughts are there but I keep myself busy.
Will attend a meeting this week just to push myself out of my comfort zone! Let’s gooooo




Thank You all for being here,
It’s always good to have a place to be back
and to heal Together :blue_heart:


Always nice to see you :blush:


That’s really clever, love your creativity! Thank you for being here


Hi all, checking in on just about 15 days. Have eaten my way through cravings, not ideal and feel enormous at the moment anyway, but am sober. Prioritising that right now. I am watching an old episode of Lewis and cuddling my cat, a nice evening really. Was in my pjs by 6pm to help avoid any last minute trips to the shops.

Hope those of you in the path of the eclipse had good visibility. I remember the last total eclipse I saw, must have been 25 years ago, watched it with my first boyfriend. There was a strangeness to the atmosphere, the animals didn’t know what to do. One dog went a bit mad and started barking and running for us. He bravely held me in front of him to protect himself. My hero :rofl:


69 days AFmfA
Back into a lot of routines, walking, meditation, yoga, more regular eating, sleep.
Missed recovery work, know I have to get back to something. Just very busy with online education and finishing the apartment bullshit.
Feeling quite good anyway :green_heart::muscle:t2:


Thanks girl! I appreciate you :heart:


Day 2104 clean and sober.
Day 183 of no caffeine.
Day 2 of no vaping.

I dont want drink, drugs or coffee.

But fucking hell I want a cigarette :joy: this too shall pass.


That is very sad news :cry: Thoughts and prayers going out to the family and the community :pray::heart:


@MrsOdh Just seeing this. I’m so sorry for all. This is heartbreaking and so sad. Condolences to all. Just seeing this after I mentioned you in the art thread. Apologies for the intrusion. Big hugs and sympathy for all of you.


@mira_d glad to hear that your son is feeling better. Grateful for antibiotics. LOL – I will send you the recipe. Hopefully you all will enjoy as much as I did. OOH I love the idea of having framed Calivin and Hobbes clips in the room :heart: one of my favorite strips – my brother got me a C&H book that I have been reading lately
@earnit WHOOHOO :tada: triple digits is impressive work Jene. :hugs:
@tailee17 Great work on your 40 days Lam! It is hard enough working on sobriety and all the personal challenges – having to rewire the brain, work on personal traits and such. Having to also work on relationships is tough and I’m grateful that you are working with someone to go through this. You are not alone :hugs:
@leigh231 welcome to the check in thread Leigh – great work on day2! The body needs time to heal and get back to “normal” feeling state. I slept a lot when I first quit. First you use your energy to fight the cravings and then to start healing from your DOC. Just remember to be gentle with yourself. Be proud each day that you have stacked on another 24 hours of sobriety. We are here for you – check in as often as you need :hugs:
@jennyh glad you are feeling better friend. OOF – the realtors can be a hand full on both sides. Not easy dealing with renting / selling or buying. Sending you strength! Great work on coming up with a plan – here if you feel the cravings getting intense. :hugs:
@newbeginning1 YEAH to your sober time! Love weekends and time off but do try to keep a plan on hand as I felt idle time was my undoing. You are doing amazingly well friend – keep stacking up the days and I do hope you enjoy your weekend!
@mrsodh OMG Sophia that is so sad to read and I am so sorry for all the lives lost and affected by the fire. Sending healing and comforting energy :hugs: :heart:
@max199 YES!!! Way to go Max – 1 week milestone is impressive. Keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@john_connor1337 Way to go on your 2 weeks of sobriety from your DOC :tada: :tada: You are crushing it Eric :muscle: Keep up with your solid efforts
@alejondra Are you enjoying the type of work? I know when I was sick of my job in every sense I started to lack the motivation to go. It was like my brain was telling me it was time to make a change. Just a thought. You do deserve to be happy and have a fulfilled functional life :hugs:


667 AF
7 cocaine and weed free

Been a busy few days. I have been out and about. I was at my sister’s for dinner yesterday and my brother came, too. We looked through old photos and shared our memories which was lovely. We also had a good laugh. It was a really nice day. I have been out and been offered stuff and have felt strong in saying no so that was great.
Today I’ve been baking cakes and took some to my friend’s and we had tea and cake and a good laugh, too. Last week I was so mentally I’ll I started a hunger strike and had the mental health team intervene. What a change from this time last week. I feel much better and I’m thankful for my family and my friend :heart:
Here is a photo of my grandad standing guard outside Buckingham palace in 1947. What a proud man he looks. It inspires me to make him proud of me xx

Thank you to everyone who has offered advice and support, I’m very grateful to you all :heart:
Stronger together x


I have a very dear friend who served in the 1st Batallion Irish Guards and later in the 22 SAS. He came out over 20 years ago and has sadly been drunk pretty much everyday ever since. Despite being one of the elite and so afflicted with the disease of alcoholism, his face lights up with pride most whenever he talks about his time in 1st Batallion Irish guards. :slight_smile:


My condolences, Sophie @MrsOdh


@mamador So great to see you checking in and a huge congrats to your 2 years 1 week of sobriety. Keep stacking up the days friend :muscle: Always great to see you checking in and you should be super proud of your journey and your efforts.
@sober26 Welcome to the community friend and a great job on your 2 week milestone. I know sleep can suck at the beginning of sobriety. It does regulate in time. Some things that helped me relax were nightly meditations, lavender oils, deep breathing and
@jonase nicely done with your double digits. Glad that you were able to talk openly with your boss and that he is understanding and supportive. Keep working on your sobriety my friend :hugs:
@sabrina80 LOL eating is way more important and hell yeah that is a sweet number! I will read it as 555.55 and counting :wink: You just keep kicking ass girl!
@suechu 8 days is great friend. Keeping myself busy and changing up my routines was key for my sobriety. I found doing anything like sleeping, playing games on my phone, cooking, cleaning , watching tv etc helped keep my urges at bay. Possibly look into doing one of these or a hobby or possibly a work out – sending you strength. This site is also a great place to come for distraction and support.
@kvee WOOT WOOT 30 days is impressive work. Great work on sobriety from both vices friend – keep up the amazing work – the benefits (including healthier looking skin) will come for sure.
@hayleylujah Way to go with your 1 week milestone! Ooh a day with friends and cake sounds lovely. Glad to hear that your mental health has improved :hugs: Lovely picture of your grandpa… thanks for sharing.

Checking in on Monday evening
474 days free of alcohol and weed
889 days free of cigarettes
Just a bit peeved that my surgeon cancelled our appointment on Thursday (i guess due to personal issues) and the next available appointment is 6/20. Trying to have faith that this is the right plan for me and i would have had a wasted visit. Glad that i was able to make it outside and catch the Eclipse. It did not get dark here but we only had 98% coverage. Glad i got to see and experience it this time around.
Not too much going on here … just trying to catch up on paperwork. Was without wifi today (guess they are trying to work on our area to give us better coverage) - glad to have it back now.
Loving the warmer and longer days here. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day /evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: