Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 1207,

On my way to the insurance doctor for my social security payment. Good use some luck, feel quit strong.

Have a good one :pray::heart::pray:


@ForrestKump I though only old ladies are eaten by cats :thinking::wink: Sometimes itā€™s ok to just slouch for a few days.
@MrsOdh Thatā€™s quite some tragedy. Iā€™m so sorry for all of you. Such a loss affects a whole community. But itā€™s also good to see youā€™re helping as a community. Hugs and love :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@zzz You trying to hypnotise me? :grin:
@Leigh231 Well done on the days :clap:t2::sunglasses: Keep it up. Meditation is such a great thing :lotus:
@Just_Laura Good to hear you had a nice birthday party with the eclipse on top. No eclipse here. Just rain.
@SoberWalker Iā€™m sorry to hear about your friendā€™s situation. Iā€™m getting to that age where it starts getting visible that we are all mortals. Accepting that and dealing with it is not easy. Hugs and love friend :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@CleanHeart Itā€™s nice to see you stacking those days :clap:t2:
@CHASE.E.U Great to hear youā€™re making sober friends :+1:t2: And this summer ride sounds awesome :sunglasses:
@K_S Your such a family person. Thatā€™s so nice :blush:
@TrustyBird Iā€™m so sorry :disappointed: Loosing someone is always so hard. But with addiction I often feel like itā€™s so much more a wasteā€¦ Sending you warm hugs, love and care :people_hugging::mending_heart:

139 sugar
10 gluten
2 dairy
10 overeating/binge

Had some cravings yesterday. But since Iā€™ve established a clear definition of abstinence for myself I find it easier to deal with them. My definition is: I only start eating when Iā€™m hungry (-2 hunger scale) and I stop eating when Iā€™m satisfied (+2 hunger scale). I also donā€™t eat trigger foods cause then satiety and hunger signals donā€™t register with me.

Today I want to eat even slower and taste more.

Today is the big day: My husband is moving to his flat. The movers will be here in a few. There will still be a bit of chaos for the next few days, but the end is near. At least of this part.
Iā€™m absolutely clear here that this is just the beginning. I have no idea how our relationship will develop, how we will develop. Itā€™s one of those things I have absolutely no control over and I just surrender all of it into the workings of the universe. Let it go, let it do itā€™s thing.
Iā€™m looking forward to the opportunities for change this brings and Iā€™m curious.

It rained last night and I hope for less allergy symptoms today. Had one of those hormonal flushes with panic and chest tightness tonight. Adding asthma to that is no fun. I hope the new inhaler will help.

I have my class with the older students today. Looking forward to it. Curious what theyā€™ll come up with.
I want to do some groceries later, and clean up after the movers will be out.
A strong long yoga session later on. And my first evening living ā€˜aloneā€™.

Whatever life will bring, I will definitely not try to cope with it with food, overeating or some other compulsive behaviour.

Iā€™m wishing you sober friends a day of peace, kindness and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:



Good productive day yesterday. I used the spring weather to clean up my balcony and install some new plants. Planning on doing some good stuff today too. Weather took a turn for the worse so it will be more inside stuff. Which is fine. Some writing and cleaning is on the cards today. To each day its own. One day at a time.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

@Rob11 All success Rob. :people_hugging:
@SoberWalker Sad story Claudia. Lifeā€™s not fair. All we can do is try and work on making the very best of it. :people_hugging: :two_hearts: :people_hugging:


129 days
Finished work this morning. Off until Saturday now.
Wife had the day off again, we spent it sorting some presents for our youngest girls bday in a couple days.
Went out for lunch, then it was about time to cook some dinner then pick the kids up from school before they were off to the gym


Morning all, checking in on Day 16. Absolutely loving the stories of the eclipse, so glad people could see it. Love how it bonds people in the immediate neighbourhood, but also across the world. As I said before, my last memory of one is 1999 and sounds similar (without the camera phones and being able to share here about it in real time!)

It is a rainy day here. I have to get up and drive to work. I also need to work out what breakfast or lunch I can have as no obvious GF options in the house. Right now though I am trapped in bed by a very comfortable cat. I donā€™t normally get this as I am not the chosen one in this house, mainly because I always get twitchy to move if someone pins me down. I have never been one to sit cuddling babies either, even my own. Much prefer them older and moving around. Still, this is quite nice, enforced peace. I just dropped my phone on him, this may be the last time he chooses me, whoops :rofl:

Totally rambling now, but enjoying the connection of this place. Feeling very strong today. Thank you all

  1. Closing in on that first month. Has been much easier this time around. Part of that is accepting that I cannot test my willpower endlessly so I have replaced doing things I associate with drinking with things I do not.

Went to the golf driving range last night which I havenā€™t done for a decade. I went with my best friend whom I have known all my life. We have always been each otherā€™s drinking buddies (was awful when we lived together in our 20s) but I told him Iā€™m not drinking any more and suggested we did this instead on a Monday night. Was great and he told me he has really dialled down his drinking too.

Alarm went off at 6.00 AM earlier this morning and it was a struggle but I made it to my spin class at the gym and am so glad I did. Tip I have picked up from Atomic Habits - put your gym stuff out the night before then when you get up before dawn and donā€™t want to goā€¦ itā€™s there staring at you and you either have to put it on or put it away :slight_smile:

Have a blessed day all


Day 400
That calls for a check-in!

I should be alright, I should be okayā€¦ nothing bad happened, days just keep rolling by and sober days keep stacking up.

Itā€™s still school holidays here and next week I start my new volunteer management position. I still have some training to do. It shouldnā€™t be a big thing, but Iā€™m slowly starting to freak out. Why have I agreed to take on this position? What do I need to do? How does the computer system work? What if I get asked questions and donā€™t know the answer? What about my questionsā€¦ who do I ask?
So yeah, atm Iā€™m just trying to hold it together, because I feel like im way over my head with this. Iā€™m not thinking of picking up a drink, but at this rate the UK is heading towards a chocolate shortage :wink:

On a positive note: Iā€™m off to the big shopping mall with my daughter today.


HolySquid, 400! Mighty impressive work you! Big congrats. Congrats also on challenging yourself. Thatā€™s where growth occurs. Good reminder for myself too. Enjoy your shopping day with your daughter.

edit: Itā€™s the 400th post in the thread too! :crystal_ball: :woman_mage:


Congratulations on 400 fellow cephalopod!


400! Frenetic clapping with my (two) hands. :clap::clap:
Mini reminder:
You donā€™t actually need to have all the answers. Youā€™ll figure it out on the way! Itā€™s gonna be fun, youā€™ll see!


22 days.

Feels like a lifetime ago I stopped drinking. Itā€™s great to know Iā€™m going to keep feeling better every day for a long time. I also know that now is the time to really stay focused and not slip up. 1 month is coming up quick then the milestones start taking longer.

When I quit smoking, for the first year when asked if I smoke or if Iā€™d like a smoke, Iā€™d say no, I havenā€™t had a cigarette for 2 months, 5 months, 6 months etc. once I got to a year, I started just saying that I donā€™t smoke. Iā€™m going to do the same with drinking. Once I get to a year, I just donā€™t drink. Iā€™m not a drinker.


:wink: 10-4
@acromouse No not hypnotizing :sweat_smile:


:rofl: :heart: Keep ridin friend :heart: :rofl:


Hello, Day 11 here.

Going to a meeting later in the evening. Otherwise just trying to survive and make plans with some friends for when I get better.

Itā€™s unbelievable that I still maintain some friendships even after everything. However, this should be the final straw for me. The moods changed drastically.

They donā€™t really show it because they are both too kind for their own good. But I can feel the distrust and the lingering resentment.

Guess thatā€™s just the consequences of my actions.

I should really just be grateful that they are still in imy life. So Iā€™m gonna try to do just that.

Hooefully everybody else is okay. :slight_smile:


Day 3. Struggled with sleep, so nackered. Going to have a relaxing day today and get in to some of the stuff Iā€™ve been missing since my drinking got a lot heavier over lockdown. Get my art stuff out (or buy new) and have a read. Have a great day everyone.


Day 168.
Been working a lot,some days I feel overwhelmed, trying to put one foot in front of the other, the struggle is in the struggle :upside_down_face:


Congratulations @HolySquid


Day 39

Itā€™s too early so I might as well check in. Stormy day with egg-sized hail! The weather report really said that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Actual eggs might be preferable to egg-sized ice bombs! I just got a new roof after the last hail event. Iā€™ll take rain please. :slight_smile:

Happy to be sober. Bad sleep but no hangover. It will be a good day.

Have an excellent day :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


Day290:) working 7-3 today then grabbing some fresh air. Will also do some readingā€¦ And just reflecting on where I am at with things.

I do knkw before this time of not drinking, I found it really really hard to stop. It took me about three years to get back on track. Three years! So Iā€™m going to stay pretty humble about this all forever


Hey all, checking in on day 1395. I hope everybody has a good one!