Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

@danam56 WOOT WOOT 300 days Dana – this is great work! I would be a bit peeved with that situation too. I do think with the warmer weather coming it is a smart idea to seek out other ways to enjoy your weekends so you are not relying only on him for your fun activities.
@lainenicole96 This is exciting news for sure – so happy to read this. Big hugs to your little adorable man. :smile: OMG that is a beautiful proud face – glad you were able to share this with us!
@mischa84 I do hope you get to re-connect with you sister :hugs: I am also so addicted to TS – you guys really help keep me going and make me feel normal :wink:
@just_laura Always look forward to your posts Laura. Glad you got time to rest and catch up on that sleep. Seems like you really needed it. This thread has been on fire lately and it seems to be increasingly getting more active by the day. You are here and your support is felt and appreciated. :hugs:
@acromouse hope you enjoy your night Aga – go out and have a great time.
@twizzlers So grateful that Stewy is ok (read the update on the cat thread) and that you were able to take your furbaby to the vet today. :hugs:
@alycia So good to see you checking in Alycia. Glad to see you filling your cup in other ways – looking forward to seeing your posts on the crochet / knitting thread :heart:
@laner great work on not drinking – weekends are challenging as we have more free time and a moment to relax. I find having a set plan and being prepared with some non alcoholic drinks or mocktails helps keep me on track. Also may need a exit strategy in case you feel like you get triggered while hanging out with friends. Glad to hear that you have supportive friends around you. Remember we are active here 24 hours a day so you can always reach out if you need support.
@lotusflower Glad you were able to meet with your lawyer and start the process. That alone has got to be a load off. Hope you can give yourself some love and care and get some rest. Much love dear friend :hugs:
@noshame WOOT WOOT 11+ months is amazing work my friend and yes — getting close to the 1 year mark. :muscle: Grateful that you were able to throw away the stuff and have a honest conversation with your wife. Sending you luck as you practice for your drivers test – parallel parking still gets me nervous LOL. Congrats on your new gig too!


Checking in day 102 AF :blush:


I love how honest you are. Good for you coming up to that 1 yr milestone and also the sheer honesty you always bring to the table.

Good luck on the test! There are some handy simple tricks to master the paralel that I found super helpful :slight_smile: It makes it a simple step by step everytime if you dont already know them Im sure you can look it up :slight_smile: You got this!


@jonase Great work on 2 weeks friend. Whats going on today? Guilt of past actions or something else? We can not change our past (especially our actions while we were in addict mode) and the only way to make amends is by staying sober and letting our actions of recovery do the talking. I try to surround myself with nature and comedy when my mental state goes to shit. Hopefully something like that would help you too. You are not alone Jonas! :hugs:
@konrad55 WOOT WOOT indeed double digits :tada: Great work shining through!
@pattycake Way to go friend—9 months is amazing work Patricia. So happy to have you on my journey with me. You are a shining star :hugs: :tada:
@mindofsobermike Great work my friend – you should be proud of your service stars! I can understand the fear and hopefully no one will lash out. You just keep putting in your 100% Mike – grateful that it is being acknowledged.
@lile01 Glad you are home. Hope you get some rest and feel better soon. Sending you healing and soothing vibes my friend. Great work on day 5.
@kvee great work on re-wiring your mind and getting new Friday night rituals. 34 days and counting :muscle:
@gazirish Yeah 7 days is amazing work! Grateful to see you stacking up the days! Keep up the grate work :muscle:
@suechu Glad to see you have sober plans for the weekend. We are here to help support / distract you as well – keep up the amazing efforts friend – 12 days is fantastic
@mira_d oh wow that has got to be frustrating. i am not a parent but do agree that common sense needs to come back. Sending you strength. Glad to hear that you and your hubby got a date night in.

Its Friday!! :tada: A lovely day and been fairly productive for me. I did not drive today (which was actually a good call) but did finally change up my primary doctor and got an appointment with new doctor for next Thursday. SO i am very happy about this. Great reviews on the new doctor - a bonus!. I am pushing through and not allowing the pain to let me sit. Got my laundry done, some Tai Chi, a little kitchen cleaning… on a roll :wink:
Had a weird dream where i was drinking (not happily) and getting pissed that it was not offering me an out (like no relief whatsoever) and then i threw the bottles out and said FUCK IT - I don’t need you anyways - to the alcohol. Woke up happy yet confused LOL.
Time for a late lunch… wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love. :heart: :heart:


Thanks :+1: how do i tell the shite who’s rewiring my brain to hurry up and stop giving me headaches :weary: :rofl::rofl::rofl:


LOL— Ah man i wish i had an answer for that one… just gotta keep up with our diligence and recovery work – i do know that it does happen and you will be grateful for sticking with the recovery.


Jasmine, when will my insomnia get better? :kissing:


it did take me a few months to finally start getting better sleep. for me i had to use melatonin, magnesium, some lavender infuser as well as lavender oils on my pillow to help.

i know there was a great thread on insomnia here with great tips on how to help you get your sleep back — will see if i can find it for you.

sorry you are dealing with insomnia. i do know how hard it is to heal when you are not well rested. sending you sleepy vibes Marie – hope that you are able to regulate your sleep quickly soon.


Thank you, I really appreciate the reassurance. Just knowing that it’s normal at six weeks sober helps. And I will see about melatonin. I have some lavender and magnesium. I’m hopeful that it will begin to ease up soon. Thank you!


yes - it is totally normal. you may also want to check out the Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!) thread for some night time meditations. Sometimes i have had to go through many different tricks as one night i need more assistance.

a few more ideas that came to mind…
a warm shower / bath before bed
a nice foot massage (the body’s nerve endings are here and it helps calm your body down)
a mindful scan from head to toe while in bed – you start with the toes and squeeze really hard and lightly release with your breath and continue to move up the body till you get to your head.


This is so beautiful.
I have an autistic daughter (was born son), and at 4 years was totally obsessed with the solar system so I totally get how excited you are. Dylan knew all the moons and details of every planet.
Lots of love to you and your sweet blue moustached angel :heart:


There are different strategies in place, but when I’m in that intense fight or flight mode, and the pain is piercing, I just run for the bottle shop. Ofcouse, the acute event that happens that day is not always there, but even so, I do need to do some more classes in DBT and CBT to strengthen my strategies not to run when things get painful.
Thank you for replying :heart:


Just checking in, day two.
It’s early here, but I had a good sleep.
Still feeling remorseful for breaking my sobriety the other day but trying to look forwards.
I put a job application in for a different job yesterday. If I get it it would change my life! No more night shifts, yay!!
Have a great weekend everyone :heart::bubble_tea:


Thank you my friend.,A calmer mind is a very worthy goal. I will try this meditation for sure. May we all rest well this weekend!



I have an autistic 14 y/o.
He was obsessed with tractors and farm Machines when he was a toddler.

Later he moved on to history especially war/ military history (And a little old western/Cowboy/native American history) which is where we are at the moment.
I’m sure he even knows the shoe size of Davy Crockett and what kind of pattern he had on his socks on Tuesdays :smiling_face:

It’s really cool. A bit sad that the school usually don’t care or use those special interests and talent because they want to make everyone in the same mold.


Checking in day 45 alcohol free. Hip surgery coming up fast April 22nd. Fighting anxiety and winning as I want surgery and to be able to start recovery.


Thanks very much Patricia and congrats on 9 months


Checking in day 26.
So close to a month! I had 5 hours sleep last night thanks to deciding to redesign our house plans for our build. Went to bed at 1 and up at 6. It is absolutely amazing how I still feel OK compared to if I had been drinking.

Guys, I’m so stoked with 26 days. I’ve told my doctor and my pysch I’ve stopped drinking. I’m going to tell some friends and family at the one month mark. I need stay accountable and I think letting people know gives me a sense of pride but also a fear of not doing something I started. I’ll be careful who I tell first so I don’t cop criticism especially from my brother’s.

I am also refocussing my attention on this app to continue my journey and not let a measly 4 weeks of sobriety pretend I can do this for the rest of my life unaided.

Have a great weekend sober family!


I’ll just second Jasmine’s assurance that yes it is totally normal. I have posts on here from 60, 75, even 90 days. Where I was in the basement exercising or even cooking some nights at 2-3 in the morning. The insomnia was bad for a while, but taking something away that’s it’s used to having to cope and knock you out takes the body a while to get used to. Everyone kept saying," don’t worry it does get easier"., and I wanted to tell them all to go to hell, because I was exhausted and miserable :rofl:.
But it does get easier. Hang in there you’re doing great. :muscle:


Thank you Joe! Exactly right. I want reassurance but I hate hearing it too :laughing:. But I do appreciate it, just knowing I’m not losing my mind. I may start the 2 am cooking- thanks! Worst is to do nothing but be mad about it. I’ll have a list ready.