Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 67 afmfa

Still sober yeah…

Feeling a bit destroyed by all the shit I am going through by the landlord! And carrying boxes and stuff in the second floor of our house again :melting_face:

But - had a supportive call and advices of what to do next in this whole case. And, how to communicate. Just NOT. Grey rock method. If all wents fine, I won’t be in contact with him in person anymore. Someone can handover the keys in my responsibility.

I left the apartment yesterday in the evening after his bullying, psychopathic mails…
Went for a swim and then drove out there in the darkness (it is so rural, less and less lights, the nearer you get here lol).

At our house now. Mum and I had “Flammkuchen” with Rucola.
I and am now in bed for a long siesta. :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Filling back some energy.
Life is good.
Love you guys!

@Mno He definitely still won’t get a bite of my sobriety :muscle:t2::heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1392. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 36

Is better than Day 35. Thanks Nick, it’s stuck in my head now… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m battling some kind of spring plague this morning. Could be related to the light green coating of all things right now- oak pollen. Wind is high so it’s a green windstorm :sneezing_face:. It is still so much better than a hangover! Had a good therapeutic soak and I’ll try some allergy meds. This cold is suspicious! I’ll try that and see if I can get myself to cook some Italian food today.

And I need a walk if not a hike. Trailhead just a quarter mile away.



Checking in on day
332 no alcohol
363 no vapes or ciggs
0.36 no marijuanna

I regret some choices i made but for now im ok
The best part of waking up
Its s new day with new challenges snd opportunities to grow.


Checking in day 97 :heart_hands::black_heart:

Hoping this coffee kicks in so I can be some kind of productive today.

For the first time since maybe the first week AF, I’ve been having some cravings… probably bc of the tv shows always including it like the normal. And I so wish sometimes I could just be normal. ODAAT friends


Day 143. Yesterday was good. One of my buddies from the half way house moved to where im at so we had some pizza and hung out for a little bit. Today im at work and all is well, my beautiful girls are leaving for vacation to florida with there mother and they are flying. Of course im probably more nervous then they are lol. It braught back a memory of when my oldest autumn fell down some stairs and had to be life flighted to burlington, i remember the first thing i did when me and my step dad left the hospital to meet her at burlington was i had him stop to get alcohol bc i needed it to calm my nerves. Boy am i glad today i dont believe those lies. Much love everyone have a good day


I had a little bit of a hard time, watching a few like sons of anarchy and Yellowstone because of this. Even though it wasn’t normal drinking. It still put me in a bad mindset sometimes


~5y 10m AF

Not bad. Not great. Somewhere in the middle.

Mom left last night after visiting for 10 days. Bittersweet as I love her and love having her here, but I also like getting my space back at the end.
We had such a nice time. Bit tough waking up to the empty house this morning, though. It’s after one of my parents visits that the solitude is loud. Under normal circumstances it doesn’t bother me, I do well on my own.

Supposed to go to a morning coffee meetup but just not feeling up to it. Probably stay home for the weekend before having to go back to reality/work on Monday.


You are normal. Alcohol is an addictive poison. Your body and mind react to it in a very normal way.
The depiction of it in the media is the fake version here.


9months no alcohol

Totally worth it to me
The days added up arnt like… the main idea but i think its very important. Also the people that come back at day 0 or 1 with their tail inbetween their legs has reasons to observe closley
And in my opionion. The streak is very important here
9 months aint easy jasty
Keep it up please


Check in :white_check_mark: my 14th day, i’m so happy i could make it tell now, i will do my best to complete 90 days clean :blush:


I hear ya. I have slumps that come and go. But nothing lasts forever, including emotions. Wish you well with the family gathering, stay strong,friend!:people_hugging::people_hugging:


You’re doing well! Eyes on the prize :trophy: you will feel so amazing when you get to that goal!:pray:


Yeah YOU! Absolutely love this Kenny. I see you stacking up the days and spreading your support and positivity. Keep up the amazing efforts :muscle:
@bones_80 There it is – great work Ian!! 500 days and stacking up the days like a champ! Hope you are feeling better friend :hugs:
@juli1 Ah hell Jules – I’m sorry the situation got worse. I do hope that the lawyer and your friend area able to help out with the situation Do hope you are able to rest tonight. :hugs:
@earnit So sorry about the depression friend. Yes you are Alive and you are recovering from the accident. Grateful you don’t have a desire to drink. Sending you comfort and hugs. :hugs: :heart:
@hayleylujah Turn off the phone so you don’t feel anxious as this friend keeps pushing you to come out. I can totally remember the restlessness of it all and not knowing which way was up. Wanting to crawl out of my skin cause I couldn’t focus on anything. I found that playing games on my phone while watching mindless tv (shows I had already seen so I didn’t need to pay attention) helped me – would also walk around the room in intervals. Do whatever you need to and know that it does pass. Keep checking in or reading through the threads – this may help you as well. You are not alone friend – amazing work on throwing out the weed and bits :muscle:
@snailer.26 welcome to the community and the thread friend. Great work on your 8 days. Sorry that you are struggling at the moment. I do hope that going home and keeping yourself busy with housework and such will help get you feeling better. If you have time, read through threads here and join in – feel free to vent and scream – that is what we are here for. Remember that this will pass and you will be stronger for stacking up the days :muscle:

Checking in on Saturday morning
Enjoying a hot coffee and my sister has arrived so having a great time conversating
Wishing everyone has a wonderful addiction free day - sending you loads of love :heart: :heart:


Saturday morning checking in. Day 269. Gorgeous sunny day!:sun_with_face:and here in Wisconsin, we’ve been having week long cloudy crappy weather, so wow! Looking forward to being outside a LOT today!


Checking in on day 100!!! Going to a SMART meeting later today, enjoying a lazy Saturday morning right now. Have great sober weekend everyone💜


Congratulations on 100 days and triple digits!!! Great work :raised_hands: Enjoy your day.



Head space is clearer. Hormones behaving, for now.

Been to yoga class for an hour, then ran 6kms afterwards!! Was ok on my back I hope, still feels ok. Will take some ibuprofen just in case.

Just cooked a whole heap of mash and Swedish meatballs with red cabbage, caraway and red onions. Tonnes of broccoli, green beans and mange tout on the side. Perhaps some butter went into it all… :wink:Feeling strong and healthy today :muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

Let’s fucking go.

Happy 24 :dove::dove:


Congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks: :clap:

@Tragicfarinelli @Davina_Davis Both on your 100 days :confetti_ball:


Congratulations :partying_face::clap: