Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Good to see you doing so well Amy and congratulations on your 502 days sober. That’s big!!!


191 sugar
55 UPF
62 gluten
41 dairy
3 overeating

I don‘t know what it is, hormones, change in meds, whatever, I feel like shit in every manner possible: depressed, anxious, tired, exhausted, absolutely no motivation to do the most simple things, nauseous, headache, just awful.
I‘ll try to slog through the day and ask my doc later.
I hope the day brings us peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 93

Need to move the lawn again.
Tomorrow there’s a Greaser/Vintage American car meet with another street fair market.
Our Mayor is going to give the kids tours around the square in his tank.

Yes he owns a tank, and yes it’s common for him to give tours for events.

Life on the Swedish countryside people :laughing:

That’s all Folks wishing you all a wonderful Friday :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Yes Mike :+1: Yes, yes, yes
You rock it!
Congratulations on your soon to come milestone :hugs:


Day 4 :sun_with_face:

Have a nice day everyone :four_leaf_clover:


Day 342. Off to the Albert docks this morning, then coffee with a friend, lunch with my parents then out this evening with my wife…

Liverpool is an interesting city, lots to do and lots of good places to eat… Hotel is cheap, cheerful and has parking. Which is good for going out and about in the car to see folks


Sorry about that Aga, have you made a big change in your food intake lately?
Just wondering. Read an article about the influence of food on the intestinal bacteria. When they are way out of balance they can couse deppresion and other mental issues as well they said.


Tadaaaah!! :confetti_ball:
There they are Sarath, your double digits!
Congratulations and have a nice day at work :facepunch:


Thank you @SoberWalker.

Staying sober gives me more positive thoughts, I’m thinking why should i try to apply for other jobs in my field.
I’m trying to change my way of living. When i was drinking, only thinking about alcohol.


*Day 2081 :walking_woman:
Muscle pain is getting a bit less so I hope I can train next sunday. A co worker of mine said: that’s just like who you are “all ore nothing” and so it is :smiling_face:
It’s a quality but also a pitfall.

Picture from my “every day tree” :green_heart:
Today? Work and goldsmith class.
Have a good day ore night all TS friends :raising_hand_woman:


Yes, sober living is like opening a box isn’t it?
I felt like living in a small dark box and coming out of it and discovering so many things I didn’t notice ore felt too insecure to do because I covered it by my addiction.


Day 74.
We were advised the house we were potentially putting an offer on is not going to be for sale off market, so we’ll be going ahead with our knock down rebuild! Exciting and terrifying times.
Have a great weekend everyone.


@JazzyS thanks for the good advice. It’s hard when cravings show up from nowhere after a good time sober. But Ai guess that no pain no gain


I do get these kinds of problems when I take antibiotics. But right now I assume it’s a combination of my hormonal perimenopausal shennanigans combined with a change in meds. Kind of a transition. Thanks for caring :mending_heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1447. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 181
Off on a bit of a road trip down the country to see the inlaws. Have stopped overnight in a provincial town. Took the kids to a tour of a glow worm cave. It was pretty awesome, they thought it was cool and I was happy to learn all about glow worms haha.
Afterwards we stopped at the supermarket and got some microwave dinners and went back to the motel.
Currently the family is sleeping and I’m just having a quick read and check in here.
Driving again tomorrow morning


Day 2261 Af. Sitting in my hobby room pondering my lack of “ability” to go sugar free. Trying to figure out why me trying to be sugar free just isnt working. Some times the answer is as easy as looking at the “art” on my wall.

I guess I just need to figure if I am going to “Do or Do not”


@Tetrax congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Laner proud of you for talking to your friend, I’m glad it didn’t trigger flashbacks and you felt okay after, that really is huge progress 🩵 and your plan to take one trip at a time, and to bring a friend along, sounds like a good way to do it.
@Vikingsfan congrats on 500+ days :tada:
@tailee17 sorry to hear that, no wonder you’ve been struggling :people_hugging: I hope the surgery goes well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Davina_Davis congrats on 5 months :tada:
@CleanHeart congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@Lile01 enjoy Greece :greece: :sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground:
@Mno I hope your talk with management went okay. Sorry about the self-doubt :people_hugging: I personally really admire you and all that you do 🩵
@DogtoothCowboy congrats on double digits :tada:
@SussexGuy congrats on 2 weeks :tada: just beware that AF drinks do usually contain a small amount of alcohol, like 0.05%.


@Greg27 welcome :blush: congrats on 23 days :tada:
@Thumper1213 welcome back :people_hugging: I hope you can let go of that shame and refocus on those simple things 🩵
@happyfeet congrats on 10 months :tada:
@Leveller sending well wishes for your wife :sparkles: so good that you’re noticing health improvements already :raised_hands:t2:
@Lighter congrats on 90 days :tada: I hope your trip goes well :blush:
@Englishd congrats on 2400 days :tada: sorry you’re going through stressful times :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Foxy8 welcome :blush:
@Just_Laura I’m sorry about your ex, your PMS, your art project, and your rent :people_hugging: hope it goes well on Friday atleast :crossed_fingers:t2: :four_leaf_clover:
@acromouse I’m so sorry for how you’re feeling :people_hugging: I’m there with you. Sending strength 🩵 and congrats on 40+ days no dairy :tada:
@Mischa84 congrats on 11 months :tada:


@Amy30 congrats on 500+ days :tada:
@Bunto congrats on 1 day :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on 4 months :tada:
@Seizetheday congrats on 150 days :tada:
@suechu congrats on 60 days :tada:
@john_connor1337 welcome back :people_hugging:
@sarath_unrelax congrats on double digits :tada:
@Noshame congrats on 50 days no marijuana :tada:

1389 days no alcohol.
854 days no cocaine.
369 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Bit of a stressful day Tuesday; I received an email that the company I returned the oat flour to had received my return, but it stated that they received 3 bags when I returned 9, so evidently the big boxes got separated during transit like I predicted they would, and so I wasn’t going to get a refund for the other 6 bags. When things like this happen, I usually compare the money I’ve lost, to what I used to spend every day in active addiction, and really it’s no big deal, just annoying. The stressful part was trying to communicate with the company via webchat which took an hour and got me nowhere, the same when I tried to arrange the return. Anyway, the other boxes must have made their way there, because yesterday I received a refund for all 9 bags.

Tuesday night didn’t go very well, I binged all my remaining snacks for the week plus 2 lots of toast. I also binged again Wednesday morning by having breakfast x3, and I also had an extra sandwich late Wednesday night. I don’t think I’m going to buy anymore groceries, but will reasses when I’m running out, I still have some day’s worth of ingredients for sandwiches and evening meals.

Wednesday I went for a Spirometry test re Asthma, so I showered before that. I was anxious I wouldn’t be able to do the test properly and the nurse would get frustrated, and that I might have an Asthma attack. Anxiety is not much fun. It was all fine. I told her about my bad cough when I’m laying down in the evenings, which seems to keep getting worse and has been ongoing for months without relief from the blue inhaler. She went to speak to the doctor, and he said to try an anti-histamine and make an appointment to see a GP if it doesn’t help, so I bought some to try. I was coughing badly still, but I tried the steroid inhaler instead of the reliever, and that did help. I will monitor this.

I hate how I’m feeling at the moment. I don’t know how I’m eating so much and still feeling insatiably hungry, it’s just like alcohol, cocaine, and vaping; the more I have, the more I want, and I’m anxious about having food in my fridge. I’ve gained 8lbs too and feel bigger than ever. I wish I knew what was going on with me under the surface, driving me to binge. I’m so disconnected from my emotions and feelings, I’m just extremely anxious and depressed all the time, that’s as far as my awareness goes.

I hadn’t received a reply to my email about postponing my current therapy yet, so I followed it up with a text message yesterday morning. Then I did receive a reply a little while later, stating that it’s their policy when a client ends therapy, they have to wait 6 months, then be added to the bottom of the waiting list (4+ years). This has really upset me mentally, doesn’t seem fair at all, they knew before I started this therapy that I was waiting for some form of treatment re my eating disorder. Regardless, Monday will be my final session.

I keep having waves of really intense emotion rushing through me, and my eyes fill with tears and I feel like I’m going to cry, but nothing comes out. Meditating lots.
