Checking in daily to maintain focus #66


I shared a nice meal with sis. Our relationship has improved considerably in the last decade since our parents died, and especially in the last five years since I became sober. Happy with that. Its good to have somebody that has been there all your life. I never had that feeling before as I always tried to handle stuff alone. Progress.

It’s a beautiful morning. I’m going out for a little bike ride, hoping my shoulder can deal with it. Going the see the doc on Tuesday about it. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Flevopark with its cute little old pumping station now in use as a gin distillery and bar. Haven’t been in there in 5 years.

@Rob11 Sorry friend. Seems like you’re handling this in a very grown up way. No joke :people_hugging:
@Lile01 Great to see you Indi. Keep going girl. :heart:
@Scorpn Always great to see you too friend. :two_hearts:
@Soberbilly I’m working on meeting and supporting the 15 year old me now. Damned it’s hard. Lost my way bad back then. Let’s keep working friend. But be sure to take a time out too when needed. Take care of ourselves then and now. :people_hugging:
@lavender_butterfly Welcome to Talking Sober friend. Wishing you all success on your sober journey.


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 81

Some more pictures from yesterday.
We practiced using lassos on Buffalo Island, my 12 y/o was great at it.

We also practiced throwing axes, it showed that our 14 y/o was really good at that he scored full points on every throw. Tried to use a bow and arrows.

Buffalo Island used to have Real native Americans coming to represent their culture, now it’s only a totem pole and some tipis left. But they do have a store called Tatanka where they have an exhibition with Native American clothes.

We also Took a ride with the Wheel steamer called Natchez to Old Mexico

Tried the mechanical bull on the Rodeo in Texas state, went for a ride in the River City River on a raft. And much more.

It was wonderful, and so many People dresses in authentic clothing playing with the kids.
We met a lit of “seasoners” which is what they call people who goes there with season passes every season. And many of the workers was the same too. They used to have a citizenship too but they ended that during Covid, which made them loose a lot of visitors.
With that they also made the park completely alcohol free and banned everything gang related since there used to be a lot of bikers there.

Some people got mad about it, but most of them we talked to, us included thinks it went to the better with that. The ones who came to play,dress up and have a fun family time living a “Vaquero life” is still coming. The ones who mainly went there to drink alcohol and let their kids roam around unattended will go elsewhere.

Can’t help it but Sharing some more pictures.
Sorry not sorry. Now everything here will be Old Western themed rest of the summer I’m afraid.


Day 303.Beautiful morning here. May go for a dog walk and bike ride today.

Woke up late last night, could hear an argument outside, sounded like drunk people. I think it was after the uysk tyson fight on TV?

I don’t miss alcohol. I just wish I had got off that tread mill alot sooner


What a great time!! I love the rafts!


Had a large group of kids for a backyard campout, and as the kids went to sleep a mom brought out wine for the adults while sitting around the fire - I wasn’t even tempted for a second, as the thought of having wine in my system when sleeping on the ground was just … ugh…

It felt so liberating to say “no thanks,” and even better to wake up this morning to the birds chirping :slight_smile: I wouldn’t say I’m refreshed (sleeping on the ground is not my thing) - but I’m happy :slight_smile:


Today is day 378


I think it’s one of the most popular things in the entire theme park.

All the kids love them, and some adults as well. :blush:


169 days
Quick check in. Busy day with the kids.
Hard sparring for me, then swimming for the kids. Lunch. Then a bit of time at home and a chance for the kids to ride bikes with some of the other kids from the neighborhood.
And my team won.


Checking in on my day 5. Awful nights sleep as kids woke up at 4am and I couldn’t get back off after that. In the past it would have meant reaching for the beers at lunchtime to mask how I’m feeling - not any more, I’m still completely focused on the task in hand in these early days and I know how much better I will feel later on if I stick to the plan

Have a good day all. Sunny here in Sussex, UK for once


Hey all, checking in on day 1435. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 6.

I’m putting myself in a challenging position today and in situations with triggers. Before making the change, I committed to an event and today is the day.

The drive is just over an hour (trigger). I’ll be around all my cousins (trigger). There will be drinks and music (trigger, trigger).

On the other side, my wife and parents will be there for support. I went premium so I can use the app quickly, if needed. I’ve got a few good reasons to give people to deny drinks when offered. I don’t want these people in my business, it’s why I don’t want to say I have a problem with drinks.

I’ve got nervous energy going through my body, and this has been on my mind all week. I’m looking forward to just making an appearance and have this event over.

Thank you all for the support this week, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.


@JazzyS thank you :blush:🩵 yay for new plants :seedling::grinning: glad you enjoyed your time with your sister and BIL yesterday :blush: that pizza sounds :pinched_fingers:t2::drooling_face:
@Vanessa8 congrats on 40 days :tada:
@leroy I’m glad you felt able to share that here :people_hugging::mending_heart: congrats on saying no to the invite :clap:t2::tada: I’m wondering if the safe house has a therapist you could talk to about the SH?
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope you managed to find your way to and from work okay :crossed_fingers:t2: sending energy :battery:
@SussexGuy welcome :blush: congrats on day 5 :tada:
@Mno I can relate to your post :people_hugging: solidarity 🩵
@Juli1 I love this ‘no contact’ zone :raised_hands:t2: so glad you’re getting your outdoor swims in now too, without the bs pool guy :swimming_woman: :partying_face:
@Michellle welcome back :blush: sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging:
@tailee17 that sounds like psychological abuse :people_hugging: sending you strength 🩵
@Kareness love the table, beautiful and calming colour 🩵


@MrsOdh I’m glad you had a great time, love the photos :camera_flash: :grinning: congrats on 80+ days :tada:
@Lile01 good to read from you, I’m glad things are going well :blush: congrats on 24 days :tada:
@EarnIt sending strength 🩵 and better luck with the job search or pushing your entrepreneur button :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Carlo welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Lighter well done, now it’s time to delegate :raised_hands:t2: sending you calming vibes :woman_in_lotus_position::sparkles:
@Rob11 sorry it didn’t work out :people_hugging: but congrats on dealing with it in healthy ways :clap:t2::tada:
@JonasE congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Jeanine congrats on your week :tada:
@acromouse congrats on 50 days no gluten :tada:
@lavender_butterfly welcome :blush: congrats on day 2 :tada:

1377 days no alcohol.
842 days no cocaine.
357 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I received the doctor’s phonecall, I’m now back on twice daily diabetes medication. I kept an eye on my urine yesterday and the glucose level had come down quite a bit, but all my muscles hurt today, I feel nauseous, fatigued, and have blurry vision, so I just thought I’d test again, and it’s gone all the way back up to the highest reading on the scale! I’ve taken another one of my diabetes pills to help clear it.

Yesterday I read a chapter of the book I’m reading, listened to a chapter of another audiobook I haven’t finished yet, did a load of laundry, then hung it on the airer. I also did my morning routine for the first time in a few days, so that felt really good.

I had been awake since 23:30 Friday night so I was very fatigued yesterday. I was hoping to get out for a walk but I just had no energy. I also had a migraine, which does usually follow when I have insomnia, and so I was nauseous, had blurry vision, and was dizzy when I stood up.

Then, at 8pm yesterday evening, something possessed me, and before I knew it, I had ordered a takeaway. It’s like I dissociate or something, because once it’s ordered, and my rational mind becomes aware, I don’t want it. I try to cancel, but it never lets me. I think of the weight-gain consequence, the regret and shame too. So I had a takeaway binge last night and I’m now the heaviest I’ve been since the 14th January, and my waist is 50.5 inches! Very depressing. I really thought the “oats” were going to save me from myself. :man_facepalming:t2: I’m wondering if the excess carbs turn to sugar and that’s what makes the glucose appear so high in my urine :thinking:

But, I have my appointment next Friday, and hopefully this will lead to more support. I need to really assert myself and rehearse the main stuff I need to say.

My sleep wasn’t greeat last night either, and with the fatigue it’s unlikely I’ll have the energy, but it looks so nice outside today, so I’m really hoping to get outside for a walk, that’s my only goal now I’ve caught-up here, and to not fkin binge!

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



I am sorry Michelle. Your dad sounds amazing, to want to hold the family together in such a hard time. Stay strong and enjoy being with your loved ones. The number of days are not important, look to the next minute, hour and day. :pray:t2:


742, checking in.


Theme Park is called High Chaparral.
The founders name was Big Bengt.

It’s a fun place to play, and they’ve made some characters like Billy the Kid and Annie Oakley very kid friendly.

But it’s also filled with real facts about how life actually was for different people.
And of course how life was for the Swedes who emigrated to Minnesota and other places.


Book marked this :bookmark:


This helps me in these early days.
Each evening around 5-6pm I take a moment to reflect on how the day could have turnt into a mess and that I’m sober and how grateful I am that I’m sober :+1:



Day 135 AF

Meeting friends for dinner on waterfront at son’s restaurant before hitting up the Styx concert.

Should be a fun time.

Best all


Day 79

Growth! I’m tired of all the growth. Can I just not grow today? Instead of growing, I’m going to languish. I slept pretty well but am still tired. It’s exhausting being new to everything and everyone. I have no idea how to be just yet other than sober. I do have a strong sense of people now which is annoying. But helpful!

Things are good, I just need a break from the doing and most of all the spinning head trying to sort it. The most glorious day is ahead. I do what I like. As long as I make my exercise goal…haha. (I ate too many snacks yesterday). They’re power grid/hurricane snacks, I’m not supposed to eat them. Haha Texas :laughing: Don’t y’all mess with that power grid today, I’m dipping into the reserves.

Have a great day. What show?