Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Thank you Jazzy!! I really appreciate it :heart:


Congratulations on 200 days Nick! Keep on crushing it :muscle::facepunch:




Awesome work Nordique! Congrats!


Big congrats Chevy!


110 days sober
Today I meant with the ministry of social services and we discussed me translating alcohol recovery materials into Kyrgyz and then how can we distribute these in the future. It was a great meeting. I came away thinking that this is something I can do that will help other people and also think it’ll help me.
So I’ll see what happens. If I take it on I need to then travel around the country to distribute and introduce the new material.
I’m gonna start research on what material would be good. Any ideas? I’m looking for something simple that gives information on alcohol addiction/alcohol recovery.
Next Monday I’m going to have a video call with a counselor for the first time. I’m feeling anxious about it. I hope we will click well.

Anyways hope everyone is having a good day!


Good morning my friends. Day 147 for me.

My husband just sent me this text. I wanted to share it. Some solid advice from an old man:

  1. Live beneath your means.
  2. Return everything you borrow.
  3. Stop blaming other people.
  4. Admit it when you make mistake
  5. Give old clothes to charity
  6. Do something nice and try not to get caught.
  7. Listen more; talk less.
  8. Every day take a 30 min. walk.
  9. Strive for excellence, not perfection.
  10. Be on time, and don’t make excuses.
  11. Don’t argue. Get organized.
  12. Be kind to unkind people.
  13. Let someone cut ahead of you in line or in traffic.
  14. Take time to be alone.
  15. Cultivate good manners.
  16. Be humble.
  17. Realize and accept that life isn’t fair.
  18. Know when to keep your mouth shut.
  19. Go an entire day without criticizing anyone.
  20. Learn from the past. Plan for the future.
  21. Live in the present.
  22. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  23. Know that it’s all small stuff.

Checking in on one year and 11 days. Stay strong, all!:sparkles::sparkles::peace_symbol:


There’s an app called “Everything AA” with lots of pamplets and literature. Maybe you can get some ideas from there.


Day 251. Let me tell yah if there were some trees around me id rip em out of the ground. So to any trees out there todays your lucky day. Jk its a ok day, rainy ride to work, said my gratitudes and just looking forward to getting home and putting new part in my bike. Tomorrow off and thats good. Much love


Reached 30 days today, ive had some pretty good days going to the library and even workong from home. Except today maybe, but i managed to do at least a little bit. Now i’m going to visit my boyfriend and maybe he can help me a little with replying to some e-mails. I got invited for another job interview today :slight_smile: . From the job description it seems like a job i might want.


@Mindofsobermike you rock, go and rip them all out!

@Pattycake that it an amazing number! Congrats!
@19801 seems like youre working on coping with your emotions in a healthy way. That is a big thing for me as well. Wish you all the best!


I pulled a trap muscle, feels like. Ick. Stretch time. I need to see if I can do an indoor walk, too. Maybe I can do this intermittently all day. And ice and heat. What’s on streaming? Need to move.

@JazzyS thank you friend


Nothing silly about it. We are always growing and evolving so it makes sense that we would learn new things about ourselves. Moreso now that we are free of our numbing addictions and actually paying attention :wink: Oh I too lived in a spiral of low self confidence and being afraid of what others thought. Not sure I’m completely cured but I do think age gives us a bit of “fuck off” attitude freedom and I’m shedding my care of what others think. I also think when I got sick and no one was around that this opened my eyes to why the fuck did I put so much energy into what they think when they are not really “in this life” with me. Working on your self confidence and self esteem is a great start. I think the more you work on this the less you will care of what others opinions are. I have also realized that most of the opinions are based on the cookie cutter version of what we should be like at any given point in our lives and that is just not realistic. You are living a happy and healthy life in the manner that suits you – Its your life and fuck that others find it weird. Be proud of you and what you have accomplished :hugs: :heart:

How can I build my confidence and self-esteem?

  1. Be kind to yourself.
  2. Look after yourself.
  3. Focus on the positives.
  4. Spend time with people.
  5. Learn to assert yourself.
  6. Do things you enjoy.
  7. Act confident when you don’t feel it.
  8. Try something new.

@positivethoughts Good luck with your meeting. You do have this – hope you find time to rest and recover. Solo parenting can be tough but I know it would be way worse if addiction was involved. :hugs:
@whereswaldo Sending healing vibes to your little one. Hope he feels better soon. So very cool that you are coming up to your ½ a year of sobriety. I love how being sober becomes part of our daily routine and the days stack up so nicely :muscle:
@refreshedperspective WOW 1 month :tada: :tada: Glad to see you being diligent and protecting your sobriety. So true that our addict minds tell us that “wow this was easy enough – why not have one – we can do this again” The lies go on and on. We never know when our last recovery will be so its best to hold onto the one we have. Smart move on pre-planning your celebrations for next month and staying ahead of any triggers. So happy for you and your recovery
@19801 A good cry can be cleansing. I hope yours was :pray: Our emotions do tend to run wild when we start our sober journey. All the time we suppressed them with our addiction and now they are allowed to be free – it can be very overwhelming. Stay connected, reach out for your support and remember that this will pass. We are learning new and healthy ways of dealing with our emotions and day to day struggles. ODAAT :people_hugging:
@adultimprover Way to go on your 1 month milestone :muscle: Keep the streak going strong :muscle: Good luck with the job interview today :crossed_fingers:

Tuesday afternoon check in… I was able to start off the way being active. Luckily my brother made pancakes for breakfast so I didn’t have to prepare anything. I am feeling drained and run down so going to rest now. At least I did get some movement in today. :laughing: Hoping for a quick power nap but will play it by ear.

Wishing you ALL a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you!! I appreciate you always being here with the others who have stood the test of time :muscle:


Day 844

Doing okay, picked up some extra shifts the next few weeks at work, doing all the usual things otherwise. Still been anxious and even had a dream last night that I was asking to use again, which was wild. I remember being worried about disappointing my husband as well though and never did end up getting any. Not the worst anxiety dream I’ve had lol.

Things are okay though for the most part I would say.
Have a good day all


Checking in day 204 AF :blush:


Day 395.

Worked 7-5 today but at a nice pace

Watching the morning show on apple TV. Really enjoying it.

Drinking a grenadine with some water and ice.

I love waking up at 6am and being able to work from 7 am effectively


You Rock! 30 days Sober is amazing.