New here! Sobriety Journey

Hi all, my names Braydon, I’m from Ontario, Canada. I’ve been sober from alcohol since May 10, 2022. I hope everyone is doing well! Just looking to meet some more people in the sober/recovery community!


Welcome to our beautiful mess here on Talking Sober Braydon! (I say “beautiful mess” because even when things around me are a mess - and honestly they are messy pretty often - it’s still better than my best day using.)

Also Canadian here, there’s a good number of us.

Here’s some of my fave threads:

Resources for our recovery

Looking forward to seeing you around :innocent:


Welcome @Bray3133 glad you found us. This is an awesome, supportive sober community with people from around the world. Congrats on your 2+ years.


Welcome to the greatest sober community. Hope to see you here often.


Hi Braydon, welcome here! :raising_hand_woman:
There are people here from all around the world!
Nice to meet you and now you can say you know a Dutch person: me :crazy_face:
I’m sober for years with the help of this app and the people in it. So it definitely work for me to be here much.

See you around!