Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in day 393 AF
Slowly but surely getting the packing done. I’ll be glad when it’s all over. Thought I’d found a solution for help, my ex husband. That’s not going to work out. He’s got some health issues so that’s not going to work. It’ll all work out it always does. I’ve move up and down the west coast twice and this time it’s only 20 miles away.

No urges or desire to drink. While the idea of a drink sounds good, the aftermath and losing my sober time is at this time enough to stop me from drinking.

My back is actually holding up well to despite the physical activity.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and sound sleep.



Back to work I go. My sleep was not very restful. Loads of dreams. Drinking was involved. Or drinks at least. Hm. Feeling a bit unsettled now. It’ll get better. I’m sober and clean and nothing’s going to change that. Good days and less good ones. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my urban hike yesterday (I felt more like walking @acromouse).


Checking in day 64. Got back home late so this will be short and sweet :yawning_face: :smiling_face:

Have a good night/day everyone.


Checking in sober. Watched the Euro Final on television with the kids. Wow what a match. Hope everyone is having a good day or night wherever you are. We got this.


Day 1002 AF

Sup, sober fam.

Woke up late today. Watched a Korean movie with the wifey. Took the lil man to park. Watched the Copa America final. Gonna excersise and then pass out. It’s back to the grind tomorrow.

Goodnite, gang. Take care.

ODAAT :heart:


Day 2126 :walking_woman:
It was a good party yesterday @jazzy, @Butterflymoonwoman and @acromouse :sunglasses:
But it was a lot of work, because I cooked all from cratch beforehand too. But it tasted good and my exploded kitchen looks more normal again :blush: And most important: everybody had a good time, including myself.

Picture from some flowers I saw during a walk a few days ago. One of them is Camomile, the flower of balance. I can use some balance :sunglasses:
Today? Work.
Weekend was short, too short. Just one day and that was the party. But tomorrow I can rest a bit.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 25 !

I feel like I missed so much not reading yesterday

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend, it was pretty uneventful here just super hot and muggy. I did go swimming tho :slightly_smiling_face: our pool finally reached 80 degrees! The worst part of the weekend is their talking storms here tonight with golf ball sized hail sooo it should be interesting :grimacing::grimacing:

I hope everyone has a great Monday morning and a safe commute to work :slightly_smiling_face: see ya in the pm


Checking in on day 28 another sober clean weekend , hope you all had a great weekend .

Shame about the football result :pensive:.



Yeah but that triple head shot was beautiful! Unfortunately defence was pretty good too :wink:
Good game


10 days sober today. So happy to be in double digits.


Day #225
Another hot day here. More than +35 C will be the whole week :hot_face:
Feeling good. Plans for Monday - to bake something delicious :grin:
Have a great and sober week. You can do it :wink:


@Dan.h84 Congrats on double digits! Great work :muscle:
@Lefty624 Nice to hear your pool is finally up for the summer :ocean:
@SoberWalker I’m curious, so if you have the energy left to answer: What did you cook for your guests?
@Mno A walk is a good choice too. Nice to live in walkable cities :smile: Hope your mood settles soon.
@DanaM56 How many days do you have left for the move?
@Butterflymoonwoman I do sometimes smell stuff that reminds me of something, even if I can not see it anywhere around me. I don’t know if this is just my mind, or maybe something similar and my mind puts it together like that? :thinking: But smells are somehow wired strongly with memories and emotions.
@KarenKW Good to see you sharing with us. Sending you a few rays of sunshine :sun_with_face:
@Refreshedperspective Wishing you luck on finding a work plan that will work for you and your current needs :crossed_fingers:
@Vanessa8 Nice to hear you had a sober weekend with a nice sober person around you :smiling_face:

236 sugar
100 UPF
107 gluten
6 dairy
2 overeating

Did my morning run already. @MrMoustache It’s called Run Your Butt Off. There is a link in the article with the whole 12-week trainig plan.

This week my daughter is staying at her dad’s. This means I am having my flat, my time and my life exclusively to myself. Doesn’t happen too often. I am going to enjoy this.

Today back to prototyping, I’m still not finished with movement. I am having some kind of headache and my brain feels a bit like cotton. We’ll see how much thinking will be possible with that head.
I want to prepare for my upcoming vacation in Utrecht in the afternoon, some yoga. In the evening I want to join a gaming group. I don’t know anyone there besides one friend. But I want to meet new people. So I’ll give it a try.

However we might wake up, let’s go for peace, kindness and freedom today, so that we may go to sleep sober :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


167 days AF
Checking in happy and sober


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 138.

Heavy rain again, that kind of rain where you can’t even step outside without getting soaked, again.

Me and my husbands wedding anniversary today. We’ve decided to try and celebrate tomorrow instead, because we need to go to Gothenburg for my husbands X-ray tomorrow anyway.

Decided to take back my application for the kids short time home. I’ve found myself wishing that I would get accepted back to my old job as a Cleaning lady instead. And the thought of even being at risk of working year around including holidays, Weekends days and nights stresses me out way to much. And I realized that I want a Monday to Friday 8-16 and just go back home calling it a weekend,no holidays was the reason I started to look from other jobs than being a personal assistant from the start.

So I’ll stick with that. No I’m just hoping that I’ll get the cleaning lady job after summer.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


226 days
Quiet day with the kids. Week 2 of school holidays. Was pretty rainy and stormy today.
Played some mario kart then headed to the gym in the afternoon.


Hey all, checking in on day 1492. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 387. Back to work. All OK. Weather is shocking but a decent day ahead.


Morning all! Been struggling a bit lately. Still here trying to hang on. Hope you all have a good day!


Happy anniversary’s :slight_smile: wish you a many many years happy marriage :slight_smile: :bouquet::confetti_ball:


Some awesome numbers in today’s check in!

Checking in day 119.

We received a text from the hospital giving us the date for when my wife will be induced into labour. Sunday 4th of August! Super keen to meet my daughter even if all of us are pretty anxious about it.

I’ve got 3 big weeks of work prior to her arrival so for me it’s head down ass up pretty much every day from now.

Have a great week everyone!