Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Even though it was a decent day, im feeling really not settled, a little overwhelmed, exhausted, and run down right now. Idk. I dont know what else to say. Im just waiting until my son goes to bed and then im hopping in the shower. Wish my mind would shut up lol Have a good night everyone :butterfly:


Congratulations on 20 days!!!


I can feel that too!! :100: showers usually help some. Hope youā€™re able to get some rest and find some peace


Checking inā€¦ day 3

Also thank you everyone for the kind words and encouragement :slightly_smiling_face: :purple_heart:

Hope everyone had a wonderful day :sun_with_face:


Congrats 3 days. Keep up the positive change.


@butterflymoonwoman Life is fragile and very delicate. Grateful that you are on a road to recovery and healing and have a chance to live yours to the fullest. None of us know what tomorrow holds and that at times (hell all the time) can be super scary. I do know you are doing a hell of a job in your recovery and making the most of each day. Hope the gym session helped :hugs: Hope you are able to shower and relax soon (need some serious self care time) ā€“ much love friend ā€“
@jonase way to go friend ā€“ 80 days and counting :muscle: Hope you were able to catch up on some sleep. The early stages of sobriety I really did not get much accomplished and for me that was ok as long as I stayed sober. With all the urges, the detox and the lack of sleep you are dealing with a lot so be gentle with yourself. :hugs:
@wakikki Days arenā€™t as down as before ā€“ that is a plus! Hope this tread continues for you friend. I have some bad days but like you they arenā€™t as bad as before so holding onto the silver lining :wink:
@juli1 Fuck the cravings and FOMO. SO crazy how we romanticize a glass of wine with a chill evening and having fun. Such lies and we know that the notion never holds true in reality for long. The rabbit hole is deep. Great job on getting your presentation done :clap: hope you are able to tell those body image garbage thoughts to go to hell. I do think that your mind might know that your mind s body/weight thoughts can lead you to a relapse and this is just a trick from your addict mind. You are kicking ass my friend ā€“ keep going strong :muscle: :heart: :people_hugging:
@bunto Way to go with 5 days friend. Sobriety is a hard journey and full of emotional ups and downs. We learn how to live without our DOC as well as re-learn to be with ourselves and our surroundings without a crutch. A support group of some sort is imperative for our recovery. Hope you are able to talk with someone in real life about your journey. Keep stacking up the days ā€“ it does get easier :hugs:

Glad you talked yourself out of that way of thinking. We really canā€™t be sure that we will be back on track right after a relapse. Some people can jump right back, some take months and others may be years or decades or not at all. You have already come this far and are crushing it. Hold onto your sobriety and enjoy a memorable festival :hugs:
@seb Hey Sebastian :hugs: sending you hugs friend ā€“ I am sorry that you awoke with such a shit feeling. Remember this is temporary and it will pass. It is hard to find the light when we are feeling this way and this is when I try to practice gratitude, listen to upbeat music, watch something (a clip, a standup or a movie / show) that is super funny, scream and punch the air. Hope you are able to feel the emotions and let them pass in a healthy way. Sending you love and strength. Never apologize for venting ā€“ this is a safe place and you are among friends :people_hugging:
@foxy8 Way to go friend 20 days is fantastic work! 3 weeks tomorrow ā€“ you are stacking up the days nicely ā€“ keep up the fantastic effort :muscle:


Checking in at the end of day 37.

Mr. Salesman was again in my dreams last night and I kept trying to rationalize my drinking :face_with_spiral_eyes: Iā€™m always so grateful when I wake up and realize it was only a dream. Wish I could go into my subconscious like Inception and fatally wound the salesman. No kick for him to ride the layers all the way up. Stay down and perish in limbo!

Have a good night all



I quit being a moderator here. Lots of reasons, a big one is I want to try to do more in my normal 3D life, in social interaction especially. Internet, and this place very much in particular, have played a huge role in my journey of discovery, and will continue to do so as I love to share, to give and get, through writing on the internet.

This place has given me a safe place to interact over the last 5 years. A safe place I badly needed as I was so stuck in my childish protection mode of trusting no one and keeping everybody at bay. Thereā€™s this little bit of distance when weā€™re communicating via a screen, and I can switch it of any time I want. At the same time I miss the direct contact, to see and hear and feel the person Iā€™m communicating with, all the non-verbal communication going on, the possibility of touch, of a true hug.

I feel I am ready to try and work harder on that real contact in real life. BTW, I always thought ā€˜real lifeā€™ a bit of a strange notion. As if this here isnā€™t real. This is real, very much so. This place saved my life. You all saved my life. No joke. And also BTW, Iā€™m not saying goodbye or anything. Iā€™ve been here 1837 days in a row and Iā€™m not done. Maybe just a little bit less all around the forum. Will keep checking in here as this is my anchor. Have as good a day as you can all. Sober and clean. Lots of love. Pic is the hip place I got some very good olive oil as a gift for my quinquennium the other day.


I appreciate your time of service. I cherish your advice.


Thank you for your service, Menno. All the wisdom, comforting words and encouragement you shared here. I highly appreciate your way of f communication, connecting personal experience with an enlighting message. Enjoy exploring more of the analog life in this beautiful world out there. :orange_heart:


Glad I caught your check in tonight/today Menno.
You been a great leader here for me. I appreciate all youā€™ve done and I know you will continue to share your experience strength and hope in your next chapter of recovery. IRL.

You are writing my story here too. Your words nailed it. Thanks again for your valuable input as I am trying to do, somewhat reluctantly, the same.

Look forward to crossing paths again.


I think most of the people who stop drinking are developing a sugar tooth. I did too. Did not loose weight, but also havenā€™t gain much while sober and eating my sugar stuff.
Now I have more sober days my sugar intake is normal. Iā€™m here on TS for a long time and havenā€™t seen much people who have lost much weight after being sober :blush:
Well done for the meditation, it is really helpfull is my experience too. I have to do it more often.
I use the insight timer app, itā€™s a free app.


@Mno I completely understand why youā€™d choose to retire :heart: You were here when I joined, relapsed, struggled, left, and returned. Steadfast :muscle: Youā€™ve always been someone Iā€™ve looked up to. Your contributions to this community are astronomical! After working so hard over all these years, becoming the person you are todayā€¦You deserve to enjoy your life to itā€™s fullest :sparkles:


What a great day :smiling_face: I woke up before my alarm with so much energy! Since I got so much done yesterday after work, I didnā€™t feel the need to push myself to clean today. I made homemade soup before the heat set in, watched a bit of my show, and gave myself a pedicure (which I desperately needed). I need to concentrate on making more time for myself while working this much. A little self care goes a long way.

Then to a late Fatherā€™s day picnic to reconnect with my family. We all played together in the yard afterwards. Boomerangs, frisbee, ladder golf, corn hole, and I played Twister with my daughter (which was a surprisingly challenging arm workout :muscle:) Then inside for a card game. We didnā€™t even notice that it was 9pm bc the sun was still out! Yay! Summer solstice is a coming :sun_with_face:

After, my brother agreed to help me install my AC. And boy was I glad bc no way I couldā€™ve done it myself! Perfect timing too, bc today was hot, but tomorrowā€™s gonna be worse :hot_face: After suffering so bad last year, I had to cave. Itā€™s doing a pretty great job cooling it down in here :raised_hands: Just trying to pull more of it into my bedroom with a fan before I sleep.

Hope everyone has a good day :grin: Wherever you are in this, youā€™re doing amazing :heart:


@mno I understand what you are saying. You are stepping outwards.
You are doing so at multiple levels, out of your comfordzone.
Maybe you remember thatā€™s my favorit phrase right now: ā€œgetting out of your comfort zone is growingā€. You are growing :seedling:
@Brittc congratulations for the 3 days!! :confetti_ball:
@Seb glad you feel a bit better
And @Foxy8 congratulations for the 20 days! :confetti_ball:

*Day 2099 :walking_woman:
Havenā€™t walked much lately. Seems like the time I usely use for walking are used for crossfit now, but thatā€™s fine too. I do not have to do it all, rest is needed too.

Picture of one of the lucky clovers I used to find during my walks. I collect those pictures in a virtual album just as my tree ones. I do not pick up the clovers, I leave them to grow :green_heart:
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@Mno I have always appreciated your support and you will continue to be a source of inspiration and knowledge for me. Thanks Menno.


Thank you for being here for us @Mno. šŸ©·šŸ’ Iā€™ll be glad to hear about your new 3D adventures too.


Appreciate you Menno. Go fly about your gorgeous city. We will wanna hear about it thoughā€¦


Well my husband have a Zimmer frame/Zimmer walker. And manage to get around at the western park. Theyā€™re really inclusive. Overpriced but inclusive, every restaurant also have allergy friendly meals.

So I guess we can squeeze you in somewhere :smiling_face:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 111

Today I wanted to share some more pictures from the western/cowboy theme park called High Chaparral.

The first two top pictures is from the ā€œfine diningā€ restaurant called The Stagecoach.

The third one is from Gold Miners creek at the River City area. Where you can pan for gold, which is exactly what my boys are doing in that picture.

The two first ones on the second row is from The Mexico area, itā€™s the Establo where Zorroā€™s horse Tornado lives and the church.

Last photos is from the Texas area, where they have Texas Longhorn cattles, a rodeo with a mechanical bull, a huge bbq area, and archeological spot, and some wagons you can climb in.

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 360 worked all day yesterday. Then oncall last night. Back at work today. Pretty tiredā€¦ So I will stop at four.
Beautiful morning. So sunny. Going to try and stop with caffeine as I drink alot of coffee in he morning and I wonder if that messes with my tinitus

Itā€™s a year on Mondayā€¦ Which means its also the anniversary of the day I drank wayyyyy too much and was a bit of a dick too.