Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

@Mno I completely understand why you’d choose to retire :heart: You were here when I joined, relapsed, struggled, left, and returned. Steadfast :muscle: You’ve always been someone I’ve looked up to. Your contributions to this community are astronomical! After working so hard over all these years, becoming the person you are today…You deserve to enjoy your life to it’s fullest :sparkles:


What a great day :smiling_face: I woke up before my alarm with so much energy! Since I got so much done yesterday after work, I didn’t feel the need to push myself to clean today. I made homemade soup before the heat set in, watched a bit of my show, and gave myself a pedicure (which I desperately needed). I need to concentrate on making more time for myself while working this much. A little self care goes a long way.

Then to a late Father’s day picnic to reconnect with my family. We all played together in the yard afterwards. Boomerangs, frisbee, ladder golf, corn hole, and I played Twister with my daughter (which was a surprisingly challenging arm workout :muscle:) Then inside for a card game. We didn’t even notice that it was 9pm bc the sun was still out! Yay! Summer solstice is a coming :sun_with_face:

After, my brother agreed to help me install my AC. And boy was I glad bc no way I could’ve done it myself! Perfect timing too, bc today was hot, but tomorrow’s gonna be worse :hot_face: After suffering so bad last year, I had to cave. It’s doing a pretty great job cooling it down in here :raised_hands: Just trying to pull more of it into my bedroom with a fan before I sleep.

Hope everyone has a good day :grin: Wherever you are in this, you’re doing amazing :heart:


@mno I understand what you are saying. You are stepping outwards.
You are doing so at multiple levels, out of your comfordzone.
Maybe you remember that’s my favorit phrase right now: “getting out of your comfort zone is growing”. You are growing :seedling:
@Brittc congratulations for the 3 days!! :confetti_ball:
@Seb glad you feel a bit better
And @Foxy8 congratulations for the 20 days! :confetti_ball:

*Day 2099 :walking_woman:
Haven’t walked much lately. Seems like the time I usely use for walking are used for crossfit now, but that’s fine too. I do not have to do it all, rest is needed too.

Picture of one of the lucky clovers I used to find during my walks. I collect those pictures in a virtual album just as my tree ones. I do not pick up the clovers, I leave them to grow :green_heart:
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@Mno I have always appreciated your support and you will continue to be a source of inspiration and knowledge for me. Thanks Menno.


Thank you for being here for us @Mno. 🩷💐 I’ll be glad to hear about your new 3D adventures too.


Appreciate you Menno. Go fly about your gorgeous city. We will wanna hear about it though…


Well my husband have a Zimmer frame/Zimmer walker. And manage to get around at the western park. They’re really inclusive. Overpriced but inclusive, every restaurant also have allergy friendly meals.

So I guess we can squeeze you in somewhere :smiling_face:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 111

Today I wanted to share some more pictures from the western/cowboy theme park called High Chaparral.

The first two top pictures is from the “fine dining” restaurant called The Stagecoach.

The third one is from Gold Miners creek at the River City area. Where you can pan for gold, which is exactly what my boys are doing in that picture.

The two first ones on the second row is from The Mexico area, it’s the Establo where Zorro’s horse Tornado lives and the church.

Last photos is from the Texas area, where they have Texas Longhorn cattles, a rodeo with a mechanical bull, a huge bbq area, and archeological spot, and some wagons you can climb in.

Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 360 worked all day yesterday. Then oncall last night. Back at work today. Pretty tired… So I will stop at four.
Beautiful morning. So sunny. Going to try and stop with caffeine as I drink alot of coffee in he morning and I wonder if that messes with my tinitus

It’s a year on Monday… Which means its also the anniversary of the day I drank wayyyyy too much and was a bit of a dick too.


209 sugar
73 UPF
80 gluten
59 dairy
21 overeating

Day 2 of my Rotterdam vacation. Lots of clouds today. Probably some rain in the afternoon. I’m well prepared. Going to explore more of the city today.

Peace, love, and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 165 AF




@Wakikki congrats on 900 days :tada:
@Tomek finally :raised_hands:t2: congrats :tada: :blush:
@Jddurden81 welcome back :blush: sorry for your loss :people_hugging: :mending_heart:
@Twizzlers I can’t find the post people have replied to, but I’m glad you are safe :people_hugging:🩵
@Whereswaldo thank you :blush: it feels good to be a little distance away from them again, I made it to 394 days last time before I caved in to pressure from my family, it’s taken me a while to get back on track, but it is possible :raised_hands:t2: Oh wow, your re-build project does sound exciting!
@JonasE congrats on 80 days :tada:
@Seb sorry you feel anxious and sad :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@MrsOdh wow, it really does sound like you’re having a busy Summer, sounds fun though, enjoy! :grinning: also, congrats on all the 1s :tada:
@Mno thank you for your moderation time, I’m really glad you’re not leaving though, and I wish you well in your in-person connections 🩵
@acromouse congrats on 80 days no gluten :tada: and 3 weeks no overeating :tada:

1407 days no alcohol.
872 days no cocaine.
387 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Yesterday I was anxious all day. I wanted to go to see the separate changing room at the pool, and at one point I put my trainers and coat on, keys in my pocket, but I could not make myself leave the flat, it was so frustrating. I hate the degree to which I don’t feel safe in the world, it’s debilitating. I kept my trainers on until 7pm, hoping I would go, but nope.

I did catch-up here, finish the book I was reading, fix the cats’ water fountain, and take my rubbish and recycling out, so some small achievements.

Today I’m going to catch-up on some meditations, catch-up on the program I’m watching, and I’ll try again to go to the fitness centre.



Grateful for all that you have done and will continue to do :pray:t4:. 1837 days of being here helping day in and day out is remarkable. I look forward to reading from you and am glad that you will continue to check in.

So lovely to see you branching out in life and exploring the “real” world.



Just an usual traffic here. Planes go first.


Checking in day 92. Ohhhh that hundred is close. I never ever thought 100 days would be on my radar this year. A great thought that anyone can start right now and achieve 100 days sober before Christmas.


Hey all, checking in on day 1465. I hope everybody has a good one!


Always glad to have you… :tulip:
Enjoy your 3d adventures and,
please still come around from time to time.



140 days AF

I am…
My mood is so exhausting.
It’s very up and down.

From hating my body for being fat and ugly to feeling like a strong supergirl. I was once tested to personality disorders, but I am not bipolar, borderline,… Not anything. Just emotional instabile and depression.

Had a swim this morning, 2500 meter. Felt strong and good afterwards. Coming home and mum is asking how it was… Feeling like shit or even worse. Like the worst shit on earth.

I feel… Don’t even know.
Struggling with the new job opportunities. Presentation is 80% done.

Picked up niece from school as she was sick, coming home I received a further invitation to one of my applications. It’s so up and down.

I feel lost.
Thanks for listening.


I think if you are feeling up and down and lost then allow yourself to flow with it, don’t fight it.

Also, imagine the bad talk as a fleeting moth; acknowledge the presence then send it on its way.

If you really want to get to it, then journal the bad words and find the inner meaning and issue. Is it true? Can you change it? Does it deserve your time thinking about? Let it go, you are perfect as you are :heart::pray:t2:


Day 216. Morning everyone, i dont think i like the fact i went up on my medication, i seem to feel worse, so im going to drop back down to 60. Yesterday i was off, i woke up early i felt awake, i said to myself i was going to go hit the treadmill and then idk i just slept. Some days i do well getting up and some days i dont. I feel very ovet weight and since upping my medicine i feel very nauseous or dizzy. Even my left peck or heart keeps doing a weird palpitation or something. Idk im gonna try to hit the treadmill after work. Much love


Day 108? I’m losing count.

Not a good morning. I didn’t sleep. Anxious. Maybe I can salvage this day. No thinking today. I’ll probably sleep tonight. When I sleep it’s like everything is fine again. I’ll go shower and wash the anxiety off. It’s early.