Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Morning check in

I didn’t sleep either @Lighter :face_exhaling: I went to bed and felt comfy after 20 minutes or so. Then I heard a crash so loud it made me sit up. The first thing I thought was ‘the AC fell out the window and landed on my car!’ Jumped up with a flashlight and it was fine, as well as everything else. Both cats were asleep and I layed back down. Then I started thinking about what I read earlier about how houses with ACs are easier targets for break ins, so I got up again to look outside. Still don’t know what it was :woman_shrugging: After that, I was too on edge to relax. Around 4:30, when I was finally feeling tired again, my stomach started growling to a point I couldn’t ignore. Ate some yogurt by candlelight and finally fell asleep…only to wake again when the thunderstorms started :expressionless: Now it’s 10:30 and my daughter gets home at noon. Hoping I can sleep til then :crossed_fingers:


I’m sorry you didn’t sleep, but your night sounds like some modern quasi-Victorian horror novel. The yoghurt by candlelight sounded so romantic. :joy:

Seriously, I have the same issues…noises bother me and I have to get up. Last night was dripping sounds….hope you sleep better tonight x


Eeek, you as well! Maybe there is some kind of planetary misalignment. It’s usually several of us having super rough nights. And yeah, when you’re alone and there are mysterious sounds in the dark…yikes. I’m glad you’re ok and hopefully its nothing dangerous.

I was feeling so down and then realized it’s fake. I’m just exhausted. My brain makes up stories about gloom and doom when I don’t sleep. That my life is ruined, etc. I’ve tried all the magnesium, melatonins, Benadryl- it’s pretty severe. Then it just disappears for a while and comes back. :weary:. Won’t give up hope. My life is very unsettled right now. I hope you can nap today and tonight is much easier. :heart: Sleep will be amazing when it returns :people_hugging:


I had to start earplugs since the squirrel baffle on the bird feeder goes blap blap BLAP on windy nights …:laughing:


Thank you Jasmine!

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Early check in today! One year sober as of June 17th. While I am not always active I am so grateful for this community and the support, and advice that you all provide. While not always easy, sobriety has brought amazing growth and positive changes to my life. My overall mental health has improved, I’ve reconnected with my son and I have my grandkids back in my life. Thank you everyone for the blessings this has brought me! Much love to all of you.


Checking in on a hot Massachusetts day on day
405 no alcohol
336 no vapes or ciggs 45 no form of nicotine
5 days no form of marijuana

At work
More soon


Morning friends :purple_heart: Hows everyone doing? Im having a decent morning. Just finished my workout at the gym. Feels good to get a sweat on. Good for my mental health. Going to clean the apartment thoroughly today. Thats about it for my day. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


One year that is! Huge congrats Dana. Excellent work. Thanks for sharing your success & I hope you celebrate today, for it’s well merited.


Sincere congratulations on your one year of freedom! That’s huge! Keep moving on and on :muscle:


Congrats on 1 year sober! :partying_face:


Day 81.

Feeling restless and anxious. Which might be in corralation with the huge amouts of coffee/nicotine coursing through my body.

That’s just a hunch though :wink:

Otherwise had a good week. The meds are finally starting to do their thing. Meaning less obsessive thoughts, less bad mood and more time to enjoy stuff.

Not perfect but what is? :man_shrugging:

Hope you people are keeping up the good work and may your days be relaxing and not sucky. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your service here @Mno I really always appreciate your wise and encouraging replies and how you shared you journey here with us.
Wishing you all success in the 3 D life. Enjoy it!!!


It’s Day 109!!!. Not 108. Critical distinction. :wink:

So now I’ll sleep tonight because of this. Yes! Its perfectly true. Insomnia stops at day 108. I made it! Now, for some exercise, just in case. :heart:


My mind definitely makes up crazy scenarios when I’m alone in the dark too :upside_down_face: and thanks for reminding me to replace my magnesium, since it’s been gone for a while :+1: It seems to help when I take it at night. Melatonin never has, but I just remembered I had this in my fridge…

I discovered them a few years ago and it’s great! Even just 1/2 the bottle works well enough (plus, there’s less risk of having to get up to pee :sweat_smile:). It has melatonin, magnesium, beta carotene, L-theanine, and tryptophan, which is what I think might be the game changer here.


Thank you! I will see if my local has that. They have a great supplement section.

Magnesium has helped, but it’s hit and miss. Thank you for reminding me of some other vitamins/minerals/other good things, especially tryptophan ! Could be that a combo drink might work for me. When insomnia is severe, sometimes you need to attack it on many fronts. Thanks again, Laura.


Thank you :hugs: I deleted it as it was quite detailed post and I didn’t trigger warn or anything and I felt I had received nice support that it may be best to delete.
I am okay thank you for thinking of me.

Ahhh I have those days were I really want to do something and I beat myself up for not understanding why I couldn’t complete it.
I am slowly - a working progress - just noticing that if I wake up and I’m haven’t got a positive spring in my step to something I usually enjoy, then that day is not the day for me to do it. It is frustrating but it’s also okay to just wait for that day when you are ready to go.
The more we pressure ourselves the worse we feel.
You will get there, just the fact that you have that as a plan when you feel up to it is a huge step forward :people_hugging::people_hugging:


Huge congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::star::fireworks::sparkler: on your year :clap:


Checking in day 169 AF :blush:


Day 151.
Pushing through the workday without caffeine, because my wife and I had a (baby-related) short sleep, and I need to throw everything I have at getting a decent sleep tonight.

Thank you to all of you posting solid updates on here. I’ve been smashing that like button a lot on my short break this aft. This place is a little bright spot in my day, and I hope it is for many of you too.