Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 129 Thursday night check in.
Feeling ace. Awesome session at gym last night, light session this evening. 20k steps today.


Thanks for the suggestions! I just started taking a natural supplement that Iā€™m hoping helps. And also seeing my doctor again soon. Hot flashes and night sweats. :hot_face: Treated myself to new cooler bedding which is helping some at night.


Hey all, checking in on day 1467. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 344. :peace_symbol::heart:


Day 111

Finally slept- the whole night! :blush: Already thinking of tonight. Can I do it again? Itā€™s my second top priority .

Weather is helping with freakish rain from tropical storm. Clouds and Aprilesque temperatures. Normally, itā€™s stupid hot by now. I love it. One day I wonā€™t have to do 5 month summers ever again. :heart:

Thrilled that I can take a stab at functioning today. Itching to get out of the house and shop. And take a drive somewhere after that. Iā€™ll cook a nice meal tonight. I will figure out this sleep thing so I can move on. Itā€™s like the future is extending a hand but itā€™s obscured in clouds, and Iā€™m too weak to grab it yet. Letā€™s roll.


I am 5 pounds Lighter! :laughing:.


Awe thanks friend! As are you :slight_smile:


Checking in at the start of the work day.
Barely slept last night, and have a full day of work deadlines, running errands, parenting, and housework.
Itā€™s going to take everything Iā€™ve got.
Just gotta keep reminding myself I can do it!

You can do what youā€™ve got to too!


Day 218. Boy another hot day yesterday, did not hit the treadmil after work. I got home, showered and relaxed. I am ok with doing that and there really is nothing wrong with relaxing after work, but i would like to idk do something. I mean its only 4 in the afternoon, sitting inside all day after work just is eh. Work today is ok, cleaning the sterile process department which personally i dont like myself. The person who cleans it doesnt do shit, so its actually very dirty. I do get a little annoyed that my bosses keep putting me behind people who dont keep up with there areas and then i have to come in and clean well just for them to let it get back to its dirtyness. I wont say anything though, i just will continue to go where needed and put in my best effort. Maybe ill try to hit the treadmill after work. Ill be honest i hate working out, i dont find joy in it at all. I also dont really eat like a ton of food or super unhealthy and yet i feel like im just packint on weight. I walk easily 10 miles a day at work, between up and down stairs, here there im all over. So idk how im still feeling so heavy. Just like lasy year i was like 230. Now im 260, when i was 29 and did my first year sober i got myself down to like 190. Its very idk irritating i guess, i would like to feel better shape so i can keep up with my girls. I hate it, even when i try to stay steady and walk or work out, i still always felt so sore and like out of shape. But atleast i can see these things and focus on making them better, and atleast im not slugging alcohol or doing drugs on top of it. Dropping my meds back to 60 seems to be good


And there is is, the sweet release. I slept 7hrs 59 minutes. Perfect baby sleep. Had a Bluey on my chest to check I was okā€¦ :smiling_face:


Checking in at 94 days. Have a great end of week everyone!


Checking in during the morning of day
407 no alcohol
338 no vapes or ciggs 47 no form of nicotine
7 no form of marijuana

I fell asleep at around 2:30am today and woke up startled at the time at 7:20am because i told my grampa inlaw id help get rid of the recyclbulls between 7 and 7:30. I was out the door and kept my word just intime. He was just finishing packing up the car and i just caught him

I was back at 7:45 about, and started getting ready for grocery shopping. Me, my wife, baby boy and grama in law were out the door at 8:15.

As me and my wife were shopping my coworkers kinda annoyed me. Onlg a few of them though. Every time we go shopping they run up to see me and the baby. Its like, youve seen the baby a billion times and you still have to force your way to see? Then some of them try to talk to me to thd point of being rude. Like once forced there way in my facd and said your in the way, joking around but its like, yupp you too and yeah ill see you tomorrow.

Im a simple hi and bye person. I dont need you to force yourself in my face

Im a bit grumpy but what happends when i shop is not mine or my familys fault.


@DanaM56 congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Twizzlers thank you :blush: šŸ©µ
@RosaCanDo thank you for your moderation time :blush: I hope youā€™ll let us know how the real world is treating you from time to time šŸ©µ
@JazzyS thank you :people_hugging::blush:šŸ©µ
@SadMemeQueen congrats on the new job :clap:t2: good luck with your driving lessons :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: and your birthday plans sound awesome :grinning::balloon::partying_face:
@Vanessa8 enjoy your vacation :blush:
@wahtisnormal enjoy the festival :notes: :blush:
@MrFantastik congrats on 200 days :tada:
@Lighter sending strength šŸ©µ and sleepy vibes :sleeping: :sparkles:
@Lainenicole96 congrats on 7 months no weed :tada: and 3 days AF :tada:

1410 days no alcohol.
875 days no cocaine.
390 days no vape.
6 days no binge-eating.

Been feeling really dissociative the past few days. Havenā€™t had any sense of routine. Numb. Coming back to myself I think, I hope. Not sure what else to say.



Checking in, 74 sober days under my belt. Iā€™ll stay sober today too. Itā€™s day 2 of my vacation and I continued reading This Naked Mind last night to help keep me on track. ODAAT.


Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Day 68

Did my first day sober at the music festival and its going great!! I honestly feel conpletely content without alcohol. Super proud of myself. Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


So my son stayed home from school today due to spiking a fever, chills, and body aches last night. I spoke to his medical team about the tracheostomy sample we dropped off like 1 week ago and it turns out he has a bacterial infection. So hes been home with me. I managed to get to the gym bright and early this morning for an hour of cardio so im pleased about that. After lunch we are off to the pharmacy to pick up his antibiotics. He will be on those for 2 weeks. Glad this issue is being taken care of but im pretty sure that his benefits are about to run out for the year. All of his meds that get prescribed to him are brutally expensive. I mean, if he needs them, he needs them and Id get them no matter what the cost but its always nice to have coverage. Other than that, im just busy cleaning and prepping frosting for tmrws cupcakes. Thats really about it. Hope you all are having a good day! :butterfly:


Checking inā€¦ day 6
Also want to share something a friend of mine shared with me

:smiling_face: make it a good day everyone šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I heard something similar once. Something like. ā€œSitting in this meeting, wishing I could drink, beats the hell out of sitting in a bar, wishing I could get soberā€ congrats on your 6 days :v:


Checking in 281 SAF and 266 no smokes. Itā€™s Thursday, itā€™s hot as hell out, but Iā€™m off work today and tomorrow. I spent the morning taking apart a shed that I bought off Amazon after I realized they never sent the other box with the roof :rofl:. I called them and told them, but the new stuff they sent out isnā€™t even the same color, is lime a bright fucking yellow :roll_eyes:. The other half is grey. Anyways Iā€™m sending everything back I donā€™t even want it at this point. Iā€™ll order something else. Thereā€™s my rant for the day :rofl:. Hope you all have a great day. Love yaā€™s :v::green_heart:


I could have another cup of coffee with the strawberry fucking creamer that I likeā€¦. OR
Lift weights! :white_check_mark:


I may need to join that shredding thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was so excited to see the scale number this morning that I want to keep going.

Good to see you Mr Jasty! @Jasty2 itā€™s hot in Delaware? Itā€™s only 83 in central Texas. Must be Opposites Day :laughing:

Enjoy your almost Fridays :heart: