Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 26

2nd check in … Very happy I came to this birthday party. It’s a sober party with amazing food and festivities.

I learned that, I need to stop putting negative expectations on things. I was blinded by my thought process around the drive. The drive was awesome, took a toll highway so no traffic.

This is a really awesome day! Enjoy everyone!


Thank you so much and that’s what I do. I haven’t found any local meetings, the closest is bout 20/30 min away and I have a special needs son so I don’t go to them bc idk if I can take him with me. Nor would I want to… but I do come to this app when I can, it’s helped so much.! Esp all you guys here for the support. Thank you :pray:
Hope you all have a blessed day.


Have u ever tried online meetings? I dont go to in person mtgs anymore myself bcuz of my sons situations, so online mtgs have always been super helpful. The Intherooms app is where I go :slight_smile:


Is it a free app?


@jonase Yeah day 70 – keep it going strong :muscle:
@catmancam It was a wonderful time at the festival. So much love and happiness – you could feel the positivity in the air. Hope you are enjoying your day decluttering and tidying up. I need to do the same here but still putzing around with my coffee and reading on TS. Hoping for the clouds to roll in so I can go outside and hope for less heat :laughing:
@wahtisnormal UGH! Sorry that the home life is still so chaotic and unnerving Zoe. You are doing great with 55 days and pushing past the urges. Glad that you made it another 24 hours and no longer have the urges. I realize what you are saying about others not know exactly what you are going through. It does not sound like a peaceful environment and I’m sorry that you are having to deal with it on a daily basis. I do hope that venting helped. Glad you could see the good intentions in which your friend said those words. You are incredible and I hope you are proud of yourself for keeping to your recovery and staying sober while living in this mad house. I do hope you got out and enjoyed the concert :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman OH man that looks incredible – great job on the cake Dana. Your son is going to love it! Glad he is feeling better too :heart:
@mno WOOT WOOT Mno – 5 years is impressive work friend. Way to go! You are an inspiration and I do appreciate that you share your daily journey with us. Great to see how far you’ve come and be a part of what’s in store for the future. stacking up the One Day at a Time’s :muscle:
@soberwalker Ah fudge I totally relate to the hearing issues. Glad it is temporary and hope it resolves soon. I did get mine checked and it seems that I have some trouble with s’s and t’s and I said well SHIT… that sucks. :laughing: But really i seem to have the worst trouble when talking with my brother and I’m not sure if its his level of tone or how he speaks but yeah I always used to get the answer of “never mind” but now he just says a loud HUH to annoy me so I say well I hope it wasn’t important cause I didn’t hear a damn word :laughing: Hope you are still able to enjoy your Saturday :hugs:
@acromouse OOF Hormones and all the related bs can just FRO – I’m so sorry you are dealing with all this shit… do hope the doctor can help with a change in HRT :crossed_fingers: Hope you enjoy your night of board games (always a fun evening imo)
@sussexguy Great work on 25 days! That has got to be a tough gig and I’m sorry that you were in the situation to have to taste test a batch yesterday. I do not see it as failing. I do see that you handled it well and am relieved that it did not trigger you. Being early in recovery its hard to not be triggered as easily but actually the longer you are away it could be said that the mind might think you are cured and that is a slippery slope as well. Glad that you do have your wife alongside you and hopefully you will stay as vigilant and in control over your actions. I do like the note from Alisa mentioning keeping something in front of you to remind you of why you are on this journey. A picture or phrase help keep us focused on sobriety.
@noshame YEAH to pushing aside those cravings and kicking some sobriety ass! Keep going strong friend :muscle: ODAAT
@lighter LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! So happy for you and love reading how the sober journey is bringing out the inner Marie – love the love for live and adventure – keep on thriving on your journey friend – triple digits are almost here :wink:


@jasty2 ah hell that’s got to be so rough. Sorry that your wife went through that and so very grateful that you were able to drive back to your old doctor to get her seen and back on the old meds. Big hugs to your wife. :people_hugging:
@mischa84 I’m sorry that you were not able to make it in time to do the race today. Life happens and some things are just out of our control. This in no way shape or form means you are a loser. Get that negative talk out of your mind. You are BADASS WOMAN! Yeah we slip and eat the shit foods from time to time to keep us from drinking out selves into a stupor. You are handling the let down feelings well my friend. Grateful that you are not picking up the wine you are craving cause it is FAR harder to stop drinking – I know you will be back on the healthy eating track. Big hugs love – you will train and be ready for the next race :running_woman: :muscle: :heart: :hugs:
@foxy8 Hells yeah on day 12 – saw another piece of amazing art from you on the art thread – you are keeping busy witih your creations :wink: We do sometimes have to reevaluate our friendships and acquaintances as our past can not be a part of our future sober journey. Not sure about recovery meetings in your area? Are you able to attend some? Could possibly click with someone else on the same path as yourself? I also find great connections with Meet Up groups – maybe look into a artistic one that will allow you to create in a group atmosphere and connect with others? Glad you are here with us Foxy! Oh I see the meetings are a ways away. Maybe online meetings – I know you don’t like the online so much but maybe a meeting would be helpful? If you google on line recovery meetings in your area you should be sent links. In The Rooms is also a free app to try. Edit to add link Virtual meeting information - #2 by Lisa07

Checking in on Saturday afternoon
It was an incredible night last night at the Pride Festival. We did run out of food within 3 hours which was a blessing as i was near the end of my energy and pain tolerance level. I am glad i was able to work it and experience the positive energy. Everyone is so incredibly friendly at this festival. Weather was lovely too and luckily i slept like a log when i finally got home. It was a late night and i hope to be back to my new 10 pm bedtime starting tonight.
Been a very chill day so far - not sure what’s in store for the afternoon - gonna go with the flow :laughing:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


It is :slight_smile: u just need to make an account for urself but its free :slight_smile:


Checking in day 22 and my sons 17th birthday :grin::grin:


Happy 17th bday to your son! :confetti_ball::tada::birthday:. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating. Great work on double 2’s!!


Thanks @Mno @JazzyS , I ate the cravings away. I must admit I didn’t feel such a strong temptation for a long time. Well, not this time alcohol, you evil sonofabitch!

Jasmine - about hearing your brother, I have the same with my husband :sweat_smile: He is all the time telling me I should go check my ears but I don’t have problems with anything and anybody else, only with him. I am the one who always make the volume down, I don’t like loud places and when there are 2 sources of sounds (for example tv playing and somebody talking at the same time, it makes me super tired. But this guy, I don’t hear him. It’s like, if we are not face to face, if I’m not focused, my ears don’t give a fuck he’s talking :sweat_smile: Anyway, I also think it might be something with a tone of voice, like you said.

Much love people, staying here helped me to stay on track today. Wasn’t easy, not gonna lie.


Day 1 sober from everything

Relapsed a bit last night, but I ended up throwing it out like my sponsor said to. Really trying to commit to being sober. Just gonna keep trying.


Absolutely amazing! Keep it up and you’re an insperation for anyone struggeling.

It is possible, and it’s worth it! :muscle: :slight_smile: :sparkler:


Lol i loved this and may use on my brother tonight.

So glad that you overcame the evil sonofabitch! DAMN alcohol and the mind romanticizing it. I literally was walking and in my happy zone a few nights ago and saw someone in their kitchen (the drapes were open and the angle of the kitchen was right in front of me (i wasn’t looking into the home :laughing: ) very chilled out guy pouring a glass of wine and i could tell he was swaying to music and for a split second i’m like AWE I want that! then i snapped out of it and gratefully rushed home to read some gratitude’s here to help me remember that its all lies – sobriety is the only truth!
As long as we stay connected and vigilant, then we can stay the course. Great job friend :hugs:


Day 71.

Driving around with nowhere to go. Feel guilty for doing this but it’s the first time to myself since almost a week.

Let me have this, damn you! :melting_face: :grin:


This is key friend-- keep focused and learn from what caused the relapse. Stay away from triggers and temptations. You are doing great with day 1 :muscle: :muscle:


Fkn A!!! :v: :sunglasses:


Thank you :grin::purple_heart:

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Day 141. Rough day, as I’ve been up since 4AM. Just trying to get through the day in one piece til her bedtime.
More solo parenting this weekend as my wife was at work events last night and a birthday party with friends upcoming tonight.
Going to watch game 1 of the NHL final tonight home. Sober. Might not stay awake through it lol


Day 5. I’m visiting Rio de Janeiro and did a sailboat cruise today. They were handing out drinks like candy. The temptation to take one (and then 10 more) was heavy. I had a few Coke Zeros instead and enjoyed the conversations with a cool international group. A lovely day.


Checking in 83 days.
I’ve been going to the gym 2-3 times per week but still binge eating in the evenings and consuming fast food almost daily.
Looking at going to the doctor to see if they can help manage that as Im realising it is OK to ask for help, especially before things get really bad.

Have a great weekend everyone.