Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Checking in this morning and was happy to see so many milestones reached! You guys are killing it. :smiley:
I have been sober 84 days, I’ll stay sober today too.


Amazing on your 3 years 19 days. Thanks for sharing and checking in.


Congratulations 5 days. Stay strong and keeping checking in here. The folks are awesome.


Day #210 feeling great. Now we are traveling back home. The mood is great. I needed this vacation. Im calmed and relaxed :sunglasses:

Soon maybe we will go again to Sunny Beach :parasol_on_ground: :grin:


Day 988 AF

Good morning, gang.

I keep falling behind on thread :disappointed:.

The kids spent the night at their grandparents last night. The wife and I went out to the park and watched a show after getting home. Overslept. Very much needed rest. We woke up around 10 am. We’re about to head out to the beach and then go pick up the kiddos. Planning to watch the Copa America futbol matches later this evening. We’re rooting for Mexico. Hoping they’ll make it to the next round. We’ll see.

Have a great sober day everyone. ODAAT.

Love yall. :heart:


Checking in day 181 AF :blush:


Checking in on day 354. Love and strength to all!:heart::peace_symbol::pray:


Early bedtime for me, so I can start the week well rested… at least that’s my aim. There is just this little owl, making a racket in front of my bedroom window for the past couple nights🦉

I finally managed to make a picture of the culprit before it got too dark. Not the best of photos, but it managed to hide from my view all this time, while simultaneously sounding like sitting on my shoulder screeching in my ear.

Please be quiet, little owl.


Congratulations on your year of freedom Mischa
I’m so happy for ya.
So happy you found us.


@ashley_luvz_starz great to see you popping in and with your amazing milestones. Keep stacking up the days friend – clean healthy living is amazing :hugs:
@danam56 That does not sound like a fun evening at all. I’m sorry that your BF would say such things (drunk people and their unfiltered mouths are the worst). You should not have to tolerate this or have to constantly rise above it (IMO). Glad to see you walking away from the conversation and finding some sanity in a safe space. Hope the rest of the evening was better for you. Black belt in verbal jitsu – I love it :heart: Sending you love my friend! :hugs:
@binx Not a downer at all – very honest and real an we know exactly how gripping addiction can be. You have made it to day 1! That is awesome work friend!! Stay connected, keep working your recovery and using the tools. Get rid of any alcohol in the house so that you can’t make it easy if the urges strike. Remember that you are not alone – you have the strength to stack up the days – have faith my friend. It does get easier :hugs:
@just_laura love the 500 days! Damn weather – glad the kids were able to have a plan B and this allowed you to have some quiet time for yourself. :hugs:
@mischa84 You have come a long way in your 1 year of sobriety and I am so happy to see you flourishing in life! :tada: :clap: :muscle: Can’t celebrate you enough my friend – this is a huge milestone – looking forward to celebrating many more with you.
@twizzlers So very proud that you are seeing the signs and acknowledging them as well as sharing the thoughts with us. These intrusive thoughts will come and try to take hold but the longer you abstain the stronger you get. The urges / thoughts do not last long. 56 days is amazing work friend – you do not need poison to have fun! You can and will enjoy life sober (best part is that you will remember all the moments). Sending you strength and love! ODAAT :muscle: Glad you pushed through and had a wonderful sober day! Flex those sober muscles :muscles:
@icebear SO good to see you checking in Drew! I am grateful that we are given this chance in life to grow emotionally. It is going to take time my friend as we spent so many years stunning that growth and snuffing its light. You are doing an amazing job – just remember to be gentle and kind to yourself in the process.
@justkaitlin Lovely to see you checking in with day 5. The body is going through detox and the days can be filled with ups / downs. Just remember that you will get passed this and your body will heal. Just take it ODAAT. Sending luck with your first day back to work.
@holysquid That is a pretty nice pic – I hope you are able to get some peace and quiet soon. :hugs:

Checking in on Sunday afternoon
557 Days free of alcohol and weed
972 Days free of cigarettes
I started the day off a little later than usual but luckily its been fairly cloudy and cooler today so i was able to enjoy a nice long brisk walk. Been a day of just enjoying my own time, working out, cooking and relaxing. Finishing up with catching up here and will relax with a book on the deck. I love that it is not too hot or too cold!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Frustrated atm.
It’s like every time I decide to take a deep breath and try to just focus on myself or get something done, something has to come up that requires my immediate fucking attention.


Sorry to hear frustration. Congratulations on 78 days. Personally when I feel frustration and or anxiety (which happens many times in a day) I have closed my eyes and connect with my higher power (I. Call GOD). Closing my eyes and see darkness I try to focus on just the calm I see. May your day go better.


Thank you :pray:t2: im sure i will feel better soon. Just needed to vent because it seems to be happening a lot lately.


Day 93.

Sorry for not updating but life is kind of distracting right now.

I am ok just not very focused atm. I hope everyone else is doing good. :slight_smile:


Day 177 AF

Son helped us do 4 of our largest properties all in one day yesterday. That was huge! So we’ve decided to try doing it all together over next few weeks on Sat to see how it goes and free up my evenings a bit more as I was typically doing two properties on each of Tues, Thurs and Fri night, it was tiring me out as well as I began 4am workouts in gym on M-W-F, so going pretty hard.

I wanted some free evenings and Sundays for the newest celebratory gift I purchased for myself to celebrate my hard work and sobriety…

Finally pulled the trigger… yaaa me


Thank you @JazzyS :blush:

Glad you had a nice day too :sunflower:


Oh that’s a beaut! Love the gift to yourself…you deserve it. Glad your son was able to help you out. You do need so down time in your crazy busy schedule


Congratulations on your first year sober @Mischa84


Wow one year is huge! You achieved so much within this year. That’s amazing to watch from the distance and I’m feeling with you every time I read one of your posts.
Be proud of yourself.
You’re a great inspiration for me and many others.
I’m close behind you, looking forward to accomplish my one year milestone in 4 weeks time :wink:


Congratulations on new bike. Good for you! You work hard you deserve it!


Day 121 ending

Looking forward to this new month, month 5 of sobriety. I have a lot of work to do, but I’m slowly getting stronger and life will be a bit easier. Working on healing. Body and soul.

Lots of love and I hope you sleep well :crescent_moon: