Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Super congratulations, such a great number. :clap::purple_heart::clap:


Woo hoo! Congratulations on a full trip around the sun @Mischa84! :tada: :partying_face:

Congratulations on joining the comma club @RosaCanDo! :tada: :partying_face:
Sorry Iā€™m late to your party Chica. :brown_heart:


Day 1419

Havenā€™t checked in for a long time, really not much to say. Drinking doesnā€™t occur to me at all these days, and binge eating is reduced to what I would consider ā€˜regularā€™ overeating, e.g. finishing off a whole box of chocolate almonds and that being the end of it, not then moving on to eating anything else I can get my hands on. I have been using social media a lot less too.
I didnā€™t go for a run this weekend, but one day we had a family day at a shopping centre, and the next it was pouring it down. I feel a bit guilty, but a little break wonā€™t damage my stamina too much. Weird the tiny things that make me feel bad, when in the past I would rationalize doing absolutely nothing because of raging hangovers.


Congratulations :sparkler::star::sparkler::star::sparkler::star::fireworks::fireworks:


Day 121

Checking in on the last day of June. Fast forward on Summer please! Pumpkin Spice :jack_o_lantern: :laughing: :laughing:.

All is well this morning. Not a great sleep but not terrible either. Iā€™m glad I came back to being sober. And not for a week or a month, much longer. I donā€™t miss drinking at all.

Peaceful day. :peace_symbol: Enjoy yours!


Twizzlers, please continue to hold out. 56 days is an incredible stretch! Please hold on to us and to that. We love you and want you safe with us. Youā€™ll be so glad you didnā€™t pick up when you open your eyes tomorrow morning



Super strong words there Twizzlers!! Love it. Weā€™re all here for you


Checking in day 104. Have a great week everyone


Overnight wasnt the worst. I managed :slight_smile: i am tired tho today. Just waiting for my bus now to head to work. I am working at a diff group home today with a diff client. Someone who I havent worked with in about 2 years or so. So hopefully the shift goes well. Other than that, thats about it for my day. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


WOW!!! Congratulations on 1 year!!!


You can do it! Keep it up and take it one day at a time.


I have two weeks left in the safe cocoon of rehab before I move back to Melbourne and the lionā€™s den.

I feel strong as I sit here today, but vigilance is required and re-doubled efforts. Learning everyday to put my faith in God with regard to trusting Him working in my life for the outcomes that benefit me and speak to His glory.

Having that knowledge and belief that life will only get better as I move through it substance free. Of course one must acknowledge life will obstacles and hard times too. Thatā€™s ok, life will do life.

Iā€™m grateful for the progress Iā€™ve made since May 13th. Grateful to those who support me and forgiving of those who donā€™t.


Itā€™s been a while since I checked in here. Congratulations on all the milestones! You are all inspiring. Iā€™ve got 3 years and 19 days today. I feel like I still have an awful lot of emotional growth left to do. Years of drinking ruined my ability to grow in this way, I think.

Have a great day or night wherever you find yourself today :blue_heart:


First time checking out this thread! Checking in day 5 :blush: Yesterday I woke up feeling amazing so I expected the same today. Definitely woke up this morning a little cranky and had a headache. Made some coffee and a bagel and Iā€™m already starting to feel better. Heading into the city to spend time with family today and catch a show. Then itā€™s back to work tomorrow for the first time since detox!


87 days sober
Iā€™ve been wicked tired today but am just so happy to be home. I got a lot of errands done and now feel like my place is back together. Iā€™m gonna wind down for the night and hope to sleep well.
Tomorrow morning I want to have a time set aside to start working on chapter 2 of this trauma workbook. Iā€™ll have a hike after and then start in on work. I also need to go make my rounds to visit everyone and see how things are here.
Iā€™m feeling good today. Iā€™ve not been having cravings and that makes me feel good but I donā€™t want to become complacent or ignore things. Now Iā€™m home I want to get back into working on healing from my traumas and to keep my sobriety in track.


@Lighter @Whereswaldo
Thank you so much :pray:

I am staying strong :muscle:
Itā€™s 4pm here so I will enjoy the evening ahead.
Today was a good day apart from the cravings and ā€˜planningā€™ in my head - which I broke the tie here and got on organised a few stuff -kept busy.

Thank you both for your kind words.
I will cook dinner, walk Polly and chill on here while I watch a film in my room.
Iā€™m glad I can reflect back on today and that Iā€™m sober right now!!
It feels good to be sober.



Wow 3+ years a huge congratulations :fireworks::star::sparkler::fireworks::star::sparkler:
Itā€™s great to see you :slightly_smiling_face:


Of course! Glad you are settling in and feeling strong. A delicious Sunday dinner will help. Yes, it helps me to think of the happiness Iā€™ll feel when I get through it sober. Weā€™re with you, youā€™re amazing :people_hugging:


Good job on day 5. One huge thing i learned in sobriety is dont set expectations, and yes we are going to definitely have ups and downs. Sometimes a month will be amazing every day and sometimes a month will be a struggle. But as long we we stay sober, that month that is a struggle wont be anywhere as bad if we drown in it alcohol. Will now have the ability navigate through those moments and as time goes on youll start to see things just feel peaceful

