Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Thanks love …love you too.
I’m learning from all those on this site and doing my best to keep my head above water. :people_hugging::heart:


Me too.
Currently it feels like I’m a living example of Murphy’s law.
Donald Ducks bad luck doesn’t stand a chance against me :laughing:

But you know, I know that it’ll make a fun story someday.

Now I’m off to find another fruit a can eat (I’ll soon be out of options I guess) :laughing:

I’m sorry that you had a hard time with your Ma and your allergies today. I know exactly how that feels. I hope your having a better day tomorrow.
Picking up never helps, and I’m glad you’re still keeping that streak up.
Big hugs from Sweden. :heart:


I’m so up and down- it’s like the circus! :circus_tent: Carnival barker says I can’t miss it! It’s the Greatest. OK, I’m in! This must be the clownish part…hehe

I’m going to get lost in a strange show and sleep early. Just feeling blue. Wake up different. It never fails.

Good night :crescent_moon: :kissing_heart:


Day 2 in the books! Day 3 is when I usually fall off, but I won’t let it happen this time. I got 10,000 steps today. Staying active, staying focused.



Another day of experience work coming up. Feeling calmer this morning. I slept OK. I’m still a work in progress. One day at a time. That will never stop and that is the only way it’s supposed to be. In active addiction there was stagnation, regression, avoidance, disappearance, depression. In recovery there is movement, and most of the times this movement is forward too. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from my little square.

@JamesOnTheMend Success on your third day and every day thereafter James! Stay active, stay focused and stay connected.



Real tired day. I tried napping twice while my daughter was at her friends but couldn’t quiet my mind long enough. I did get a call saying I won the door prize from the boutique we were in yesterday, which is a necklace of my choice! I never win anything :smiley: So that was nice. Work was lame and I’m sleepy. 'Night all :heart:


Checking in, just wrapping up day 87 sober.
My day has been irritating. Lots of little things just getting under my skin, and plans not working out as they should.
Lucky, I don’t want to drink but I am ready for today to be over.


Just checking in. Having a lot of work this week, but nothing to overwhelming. About to go for a morning run to get some sunshine an me time before the desktime.


Checking in on day 13

Today was super stressful at work I got one problem fixed only to create another so I’ll have to retrace that in the morning. We ended up getting our pool filled now all we have to do is wait for it to warm up. All in all it’s been a pretty good week thank you all for making it worth while

Have a happy Wednesday


… You know what this number means to me :heart:
Thanks again for all your caring words :bouquet::tulip::cherry_blossom:

I have a healing feeling today. Will dig into it by taking things easy, reorganizing and a walk in nature later. Hop on the mat now.

Love you guys :heart:


Hey Jazzy, I’ve been missing my check in and keeping up with you guys too. Sorry to hear you had a rough day but good job on resisting the urge…I’ve had a few ‘fuck it’ moments too recently but then I would have so much shit going on, no sober days and feel terrible. I’m so proud of myself and you for doing this. I hope today goes better for you. Thanks for giving me a shout and keeping me on track… promise to check in more :grimacing: :pray:


Hey all, sorry not been keeping up recently. Been busy with work and life but I really do need to prioritise this community. It keeps me on track and I miss you all.

Work is getting to me still. There’s no let up it just keeps rolling. I need to think of something else but not sure what yet. I might get a new phone and take a month off to think about the future. Maybe that’s all I need.

I was sitting with my brother, his wife and my older boy the other day and we were chatting about being sober. My brothers wife said are you not really proud of your dad for doing this? He was like yeah I really am and I could see he really meant it. It means so much to me to be a positive role model to him and the little guy. So much more than having a drink or anything else.

Hope you all have a great day :pray:

Day 74 :v:


Day 375. Bit of a hump day at work for me. If I can stay focused tho that’s good.

I’ve decided to cut out alcohol free beers as I think other than the odd social situation I don’t need them.

I think i have three meetings this morning and one this afternoon so it’s not too bad.


214 days
Another day at work. Busy morning but quiet after lunch.
Lead some training, was really a 1on1 session but when its quiet and especially with this skill it attracts a few watchers hoping to brush up and refamiliarise themselves.
Its good but it adds some pressure to the poor guy whose just starting out learning the skills.
Day off tomorrow as I took the nightshift off to attend the kids sports in the evening


Day 1292,

Dishonesty doesn’t work anymore, I knew that. But sometimes my impulse to say no instead of yes, or otherwise slips in really fast. I know the reason I did it. Discussed it with my sponsor yesterday, I exactly knew what he had to say about it. But hearing him say it helps a lot, although my mind was like “f*ck you”, had a good laugh about. So I have to go back to that person and tell the truth…,…irrespective of the outcome. Bottom line, if I get a question I answer with the truth in a caring way :pray:

Have a sober 24 :heart:


@Rob11 That’s tough work you are doing there, untangling old patterns. Impressive :muscle: Thanks for sharing :pray:
@MrFantastik Just out of curiosity: What kind of training do you lead?
@Danwood85 Good to see you checkin in :wave: And thanks for sharing your story about being a role model. We sometimes forget that there are always people who will look to us and model their behavior following.
@Juli1 Wooohooo! You made it girl!!! :tada: :partying_face: :sunglasses: So happy to read this :smiling_face: Go on. Keep doing the healing :muscle:
@Lefty624 Now I’m starting to hope for some pool photos :wink:
@Vanessa8 To easier days :+1:
@Just_Laura Nice win :prayer_beads: Enjoy your spoils :gem:
@Mno You know, your words of introspection and encouragement were what drew me to TS and held me in my first difficult days. And you keep at it. Thank you so much :pray:
@JamesOnTheMend Good job on another day. You are doing good. Keep at it, share, connect :people_hugging: :+1:
@MrsOdh The banana thing really is a bummer. I can’t have most fruits myself, including bananas. Currently blueberries work. Fingers crossed you’ll find some stuff that works for you :crossed_fingers:

224 sugar
88 UPF
95 gluten
72 dairy
2 overeating

I already did my morning walk and groceries, and let go of some very intrusive thoughts. Life is good :hibiscus:

Today I am going to tackle a new part of my game design, either level design or the npc-system. I am not sure which yet. But it’s going to be great work either way. I want to try making gnocchi out of polenta for lunch. Very curious how this will turn out.
A walk, some stuff from my todo-list, yoga and recovery dharma in the evening. That’s for today.

Let’s try for peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


@RefreshedPerspective congrats on double digits :tada: and for making it through the holiday weekend :tada: keep doing the right things :clap:t2:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I hope your appointment goes well today 🩵 sorry about the fight with your mom, I hope things are smoothed over now :people_hugging: I also hope your allergies settle, could the doctor prescribe something better whilst you are there?
@Jeanine congrats on 50+ days :tada: sorry about your dad, wishing him a full recovery 🩵
@Juli1 I’m sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵 yay for the free swim :swimming_woman: :raised_hands:t2: and an even bigger YAY for day 155, congrats :tada:
@Alycia keep fighting that ‘f**k it’ feeling, remember the desperation you felt before you got sober, that usually does it for me. Congrats on your running PBs :running_woman: :clap:t2:
@CHASE.E.U congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Englishd happy anniversary :confetti_ball::revolving_hearts: enjoy your trip :blush:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 80 days :tada:
@HolySquid ugh, I’m sorry about that parent, I can relate from my previous role in children’s homes :roll_eyes: loving the Yap Yap updates though :smile:
@JamesOnTheMend welcome back :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:

1422 days no alcohol.
887 days no cocaine.
402 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Yesterday I was still so fatigued so I didn’t do much at all. I read half a chapter, and caught-up on some meditations. Then I fell asleep really early around 8pm. Prince woke me up at 23:30, I was awake until 3am, then he woke me up again at 6am. Cats :smile:

Today I need to do a cleaning blitz incase anyone does want to come to see me for my birthday tomorrow, it’s quite unlikely, but just incase.



Noted :wink:


Girl this is amazing!!! So excited for you and happy to see you here stacking up the days :muscle:t4::hugs:
You are a rockstar Jules…hope today is a much better day for you :heart::people_hugging:
giphy (4)


Great to see you checking in friend and glad to hear that you are still on the sober track. How cool to know your son is noticing your life path and is proud. :heart::heart::heart:

I do hope you get some down time and can relax. Too many crazy work days can burn us out… remember to practice self care.