Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Ur questions dont rile me up, they are genuinely good questions. So basically there is a scheduler that works mon-fri. If someone calls in sick on the weekend, ur basically screwed bcuz theres no scheduler working to fix the issue. Thats what happened tonight. The overnight is going not too bad tho. As for training other nurses, we havent heard anything about that as of lately. Hope ur night is going well :slight_smile:


Day 150 AF.

Who woulda thunk it? Thatā€™s a long stretch, Iā€™d hazard to say probably my longest with no end in sight.
Iā€™m tired. Hahaha



Day 7
Have a great week everyone :sunny::four_leaf_clover:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 96.

Wrote a message to my brother today saying that I donā€™t want to celebrate midsummer with him and his family, because thatā€™s the only weekend during the entire month weā€™ll even be at home. And because of that I want to spend it in peace and quiet without visitors or family gatherings.

I also told him that we donā€™t want to go on holiday together until his kids are a little older.
But that we gladly meet up for a day in the park or something similar occasionally during summertime.

Not sure If he got mad about it, and I donā€™t really care either.
My right to decide over my own free time goes over his feelings and demands to get whatever he wants.

I just canā€™t stand that he invites himself, demands that my kids should play with his kids. And treat this place like a holiday inn where he doesnā€™t do shit and tries to decide what I should put up in my yard.

He might have tried to start sometime like that yesterday. But I ended it today.

Thatā€™s all Folks, wishing yā€™all a wonderful Monday :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Congratulations on 150 sober days


Day 7, simply going to keep doing what Iā€™m doing. Getting ready for a 5K run in two weeks is really helping. Best to all!


Day 21

Today is all about pace for me. I know itā€™s a day that Iā€™ll have to rely on my stamina.

7 - 11:30 - Restaurant job

12:45 - Court via phone for a speeding ticket

1:00 - 5:00 - Work the new job

3:00 - Doctors appointment via phone

I may feel stressed out at times but that comes with the territory. Iā€™m aware of this and keeping myself accountable is top of mind.

Time to kick this dayā€™s ass! Enjoy everyone!


Day 77.

Big win with work today. A real-estate agency Iā€™ve been working on getting their referral finally accepted us as a preferred contractor and we received 13 jobs from them today. Itā€™s a family business so really proud to nail this.

Have a great week everyone.


Day 345. Back at work. Survived Liverpool!
Going to take it easy this week as Iā€™m working and also on call

Going to cut out alcohol free beers too, just seem a mistake waiting to happen


Day 71 What a weekend had so.e friends buy a new Harley and they needed someone to ride it the 200 miles home so thats what i got to do Saturday. Sunday we did another 200 mile ride to raise money for the local Quick response units. Sobriety is definitely alot more fun than the alternative when your surrounded by good people.


Day 125 AfmfA

TW perspectives of consuming shit being fun

Yesterday I was triggered by my brother talking about perspective of ā€œbetter live life intensive with risks then diing old without having funā€.
We talked about our dad before who didnā€™t take a lot of care of his health, consuming cigarettes and alcohol with several clean periods and using drugs when he was younger.

Ok, itā€™s a perspective.
I wonā€™t discuss.

Later I thought, ouh, I might also better have some of that fun by drinking wine? Will i die old without having fun?

I donā€™t have a special craving but these thoughts and need to get it out somewhere.

Was it fun for real?
Isnā€™t this true relaxed and calm, healing feeling more fun? Its more sustainable for sure.

Love you guys :heart:


I think it is.
I thought about this too, when hearing people say you only live once. Exactly, why would I want to feel like shit everyday, if I only live once?


Hey all, checking in on day 1450. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


The way we also think of risks in life can be soooo broad!!! Risks dont have to be putting yourself in physical danger, it can be diving into something that scares you. Something that may not work out.

Love your perspective of peace and absolutely I agree.

I have found, just me personally that most of us come to the end of the road with drinking/partying = fun. Even if you dont have a ā€œproblemā€ per say, people naturally grow out of this perspective also. And when you dont, wellā€¦I have seen what that looks like, and it doesnt look fun to me.

Jist love all of this perspective youre bringing today.



Yesterday was a good day. We took kids to some playground and while they were playing, hubby and me played basketbal. Well, we tried :sweat_smile: We sucked at it so so so bad, it was hilarious. So much fun and laugh. Definitely we gonna repeat it. I didnā€™t play basketball for ages, he as well, but it might be our new thing to do together. Nice.

Wednesday I go 1st time to help in a nursing home. Gonna help older ppl to get to cafeteria (they are on a wheelchairs), serve coffee, chat. Gonna see.

I eat terrible lately. Again. Iā€™m fasting (16:8) but when I have eating window I donā€™t control myself unfortunately. I need to eat more veggies, more greens. I will! No joke.

Next week I have job interview. I donā€™t have big hopes but it feels good anyway. Feels like something is going on finally.

Still waiting for the info when, and if, I could start Dutch lessons so next year I could go to college.

Iā€™m gonna take that risk and I will say Iā€™m happy lately. And it will get better :slight_smile:

Enjoy your life ppl! Love you :blue_heart:


Thanks so much!


60 days!! :partying_face:
I took some time to finish the 1st chapter of the trauma workbook this morning. I will now take a break from the workbook during my trip and then start in on chapter 2 when I come home.
And today has been super busy trying to get everything ready for me going away on my trip. I think I feel prepared now.
Tonight my friend made me my favorite dinner to celebrate my 60 days sober. It was another good day and am feeling proud of myself!


Huge congrats Laner! 60 Days is big! Love to see your progress. Just keep going and nothing will stop you.


Day 66.

This one fucking sucks.
Ever seen a grown man cry at work because he is mourning a delusion?

Well today is the day folks.
Craving, pissed sad and emotionally drained all at once.

Iā€™m gonna go cry some more and afterwards try something to rebuild.

I just canā€™t today.

Thanks for your time.


Thanks for coming here and sharing Jonas. Weā€™re in this together. Congrats on 66 days. Good ones and bad ones too. Whatever comes our way, indulging in our DOC is never the answer. Hugs.