Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Reflecting a lot today.

Today I am 88 days sober. When I decided to sober up (again) this date was a milestone to reach.
Last July 3rd I got so drunk. If I hadn’t puked all over myself, I probably would have had alcohol poisoning. We were camping and my husband had to take care of me in the middle of the night. I was sick all of the 4th, nursing an awful hangover. Embarrased. Ashamed. Sick.

Did I decide to quit? Oh no.
Moderate? Of course not.
I stopped drinking all of 4 days and only because we didn’t have access to alcohol.
How could I let myself get that bad and continue to drink so heavily? How did it take 8 more months to try and sober up again?
These are my thoughts today. I’m disgusted at the hold alcohol had over me.

But today, I’m so proud of my progress.
I will not drink today. Saying “no” today is so much easier than having to face another day 0.


I feel all of this. And don’t be ashamed at the eight months. Almost 10 years ago to the day, I was in the ER with pancreatitis. Not only did I not stop, I drank more as time went on. Better late than never at all, I tell myself. Every day is a choice, if a really hard one to make. You got this.


Thanks James :blush:


Happy Birthday @CATMANCAM !!
Best wishes for a great day and a wonderful year to follow! Thanks for being you, being so supportive of everyone while you go through your own challenges! You’re a star and you’re a cool cat! Best Wishes!!
:people_hugging: :purple_heart: :people_hugging: 🩷 :people_hugging::purple_heart: :people_hugging: :purple_heart: :people_hugging: :purple_heart: :people_hugging: :white_check_mark:



Happy birthday @CATMANCAM :balloon:


Seriously :flushed:
I saw them in 79 at the Hammersmith Odeon Great concert.
Just googled it. I guess it’s the Apollo now.
Love your numbers.
Keep it going.



Whoa! The busy season’s in full swing. I’ve hardly had enough time to keep up on this thread alone this past week! Another work day I won’t even bother complaining about. Sometimes I’m not sure if the money is worth the amount of physical/mental exertion, but tonight definitely was :+1: Better rest up for a day in the sun tomorrow. Happy 4th of July, Americans! :sparkler::tada::firecracker::fireworks:

Independence Day! The most celebrated holiday worldwide. Let’s blow some stuff up! :star_struck:


Checking in on day 14

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks. I feel more alert my headache is gone and i don’t really have any brain fog annd I actually feel like my memory is getting better!
I do miss it just a little bit but just not enough to go back. my life has changed for the better in these last two weeks, my wife and I have a deeper bond and a stronger connection. I feel like I’m being a more present father and being more optimistic and open toward things. So it’s all on the up and up for now,
I’ve only been on here for a short time but it has helped me so deeply words cannot describe how thankful I am of all of you :heart: now that I have gotten all sappy let’s talk about one of my favorite holidays the 4th of July.
This is going to be my first year ever sober in 7 years I took the 5th off because I figured I’d feel like crap. So I have a 4 day weekend with very little plans I’m honestly excited. We’re trying to decide if we should take out little guy to fireworks tomorrow or not :thinking: he doesn’t mind thunder storms, but I don’t know how he’ll do with the repeated booms. Maybe we will just try watching them from a distance or something :man_shrugging:t2:

Happy birthday @CATMANCAM !

Happy Fourth of July everyone let’s hope we all keep our fingers and toes :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:I’ll be back tomorrow!


:waning_crescent_moon: -4-

“Star friendship.— We were friends and have become estranged. But this was right, and we do not want to conceal and obscure it from ourselves as if we had reason to feel ashamed. We are two ships each of which has its goal and course; our paths may cross and we may celebrate a feast together, as we did—and then the good ships rested so quietly in one harbor and one sunshine that it may have looked as if they had reached their goal and as if they had one goal. But then the almighty force of our tasks drove us apart again into different seas and sunny zones, and perhaps we shall never see one another again,—perhaps we shall meet again but fail to recognize each other: our exposure to different seas and suns has changed us! That we have to become estranged is the law above us: by the same token we should also become more venerable for each other! And thus the memory of our former friendship should become more sacred! There is probably a tremendous but invisible stellar orbit in which our very different ways and goals may be included as small parts of this path,—let us rise up to this thought! But our life is too short and our power of vision too small for us to be more than friends in the sense of this sublime possibility.— Let us then believe in our star friendship even if we should be compelled to be earth enemies.”




My weekend’s here. Had a couple of good days at work as experience worker, although I also saw some very hard cases. People that in different ways and at this moment in time just can’t and won’t be helped. We’re all on our own ways and who am I to say to someone they’re doing it wrong?

All I can do is to offer my hope and give a glimpse of my way. And that’s what I’m trying to do. Still it can be hard when people seem totally blind to their own ways, let alone anyone else’s, and seem hell bent on destroying all they have and all they are. OK. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Tonight is the youth session I volunteer for, looking forward to it. The session plan is still to be done, so I’m going to sit down on my laptop with my morning coffee and write it up.

@CATMANCAM Look!!! I got you a baby owl for your birthday!!! :birthday: :partying_face: :gift:



Sobriety is not just a life choice it is a life-style


@CATMANCAM Happy Birthday friend, and many happy returns!!! :partying_face: :tada: :sun_with_face::balloon: :gift: I hope you’ve got something nice planned for yourself either today or in the next days. Love and happiness from me to you :hugs:
@Mno Your patience is really impressive :heart:
@Lefty624 Congrats on two weeks! Well done :muscle: Good to hear you also are feeling better health wise :+1: Enjoy the fireworks, let them be a celebration of your new life :fireworks:
@Just_Laura What do you people in the US do for the 4th of July? Besides fireworks? Any special customs?
@Vanessa8 You deserve to be proud of yourself. So much hard work :muscle:
@JazzyS Where do you get all your energy from? You are such a busy bee :honeybee: :battery: :grin:
@stand_like_an_oak Thanks for sharing your new perspective about your rock. It’s nice to be reminded that it is possible to view life through different glasses.
@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks for sharing your thoughts on communicating our needs. This is very important, especially if we are tasked with the care of someone who depends on us. And you are so right on the role model thing. Our children learn from emulating us, in all our behaviors. Setting boundries is one of them.
Regarding feelings, discomfort and distractions. We all know it, but I have to remind myself over and over again that being angry at myself, having judgemental thoughts, distracting myself with something, not being grounded, not being present are also ok. Everything I feel or think is ok. The very moment I get conscious of a thought or feeling means I am mindful, I am aware. That is good. That’s all that is needed :orange_heart:
@DanaM56 Sending love for the emotionally difficult day you have before you :heart:
@Tragicfarinelli I’m convinced AC/DC have only one volume. No different settings available. You seem to live in an exciting place :partying_face:

225 sugar
89 UPF
96 gluten
71 dairy
3 overeating

Already held my daughter and did my run for today, so I’m heroic. Everything else is on top :superhero:

I’m going to work more on level maps, collisions, etc. After my experiment with polenta yesterday I’m going to try quinoa in my new rice cooker. Let’s see how this will turn out. Can’t remember ever having quinoa before. Some errands after lunch, maybe yoga in the afternoon if I manage to muster the energy. My ex will come by in the evening to bake with our daughter. Recovery Dharma for tonight.

Let’s go for peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:

A special shoutout to all our friends in the US celebrating today :fireworks: Let this day be the celebration your sober self deserves :partying_face:


Yes it’s the Apollo now. That’s actually my favourite venue for music, good acoustics and just big enough. Looks like they really set Wembley alight with everything they threw at it! They are back on the 7th. I’ll see if it’s as loud and pretty then.


215 days.
Busy day of errands. Kids sport in the evening. Good day


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 127

It’s raining, it’s supposed to rain for a week.
Not that it really matters because we still can’t go anywhere. But at least life seems a bit easier when the sun shines.

Tonight we’re going to watch the new Beverly hills cop, Axel.F.
We’ve been watching to old ones one every night to get in the right mood.
Hope it’s good. But I think it is.

Besides that I’ve got some Fika for today. And I’ve managed to loose some weight again just 1kg the past week, because I ditched the intuative eating thing. It doesn’t work for me, and I rather have a “troublesome relationship” with my eating habits than staying in this weight because I really don’t like it’s or feel comfortable.

I’ve always been on the smaller side and I attempt to stay that way.
I eat what I eat, and that’s it. I don’t need anyone to tell me if that’s right or wrong.

That’s all Folks.
Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


@CATMANCAM happy birthday Cam! :tada::confetti_ball::birthday::partying_face: Hope you are having a wonderful day
@danam56 thinking of you my friend. Sending hugs :people_hugging: your way
@Vanessa8 lots of reflecting going on today. So happy to have you here doing the sober journey now. You should be proud :muscle:t4:. Keep rocking this journey
@Lefty624 congratulations on your 2 weeks. Happy to see you thriving in your journey. Hope you enjoy your lovely sober four day weekend
@acromouse 4th is usually a big BBQ day…pool or beach activity is what I end up doing…but mainly just hanging with friends. Lol…I am going with it …after sooo long battling chronic fatigue I am happy to have the energy and move again. Love your attitude…you are heroic :muscle:t4:

Thursday morning check in it’s a beautiful day. Happy Thursday everyone. Gonna head out for my walk then swim. Celebrating my mom’s bday this morning and then bbq and poop time with friends.
Happy 4th of July toy fellow Americans :confetti_ball::tada:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 6 @JazzyS . Sometimes I feel I am going to fall again in bad relationships in bad habits, in self abuse. It’s the power of vice. Each day sober is a joy and a step towards a real world


@Binx :smiley:thank you. I am so proud of you. Each day is a Miracle :revolving_hearts::pray:t6:


Day 143
Happy Birthday @CATMANCAM