Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 383 AF
The day is almost over thank goodness. Ran errands, packed very little and took a long nap. I was invited to a friend’s BBQ but they are all drinkers and I just couldn’t be around alcohol today. Not because I was afraid I’d drink but last weekend I was surrounded by people who literally drank all day long to the point if stupid including my ex.

My brother who is in recovery reaffirmed my feelings and did not know how I’d spent a weekend with people who literally were drunk for hours on end. I worry about my friend whose house we were at. She’d also in recovery and she deals with people drinking nonstop constantly. I believe she’s got a good support system with her sponsor and sober friends.

Thank you everyone for your support and kind words. Today is never an easy day.

Sleep well


Feel better Dana!


Hang in there Daniel! It will get better. We are always here if you need to talk.


Day 15!

Well the 4th was a success, we stayed home most of the day and literally did nothing and I didn’t loose and fingers!! we watched the movie home on Netflix it’s super cute. I’d say today was a good day, I did think about a cold one a couple times but I never acted upon it and i don’t want to have to reset the clock again, I also knew that not only would I be letting my self down but I’d feel like I was letting all of you down also and I don’t want to do that either :heart: okay now onto something that isn’t cool. Our pool is only at 68 degrees and their talking a high of 73 until next Thursday so my buns will be staying out of that cold water :cold_face: it’s like watching paint dry waiting for the water to warm up, maybe I could just find a huge magnifying glass to warm that sucker up :thinking::joy:
But besides that I’ve just been trying to stay overly busy to keep my mind at ease and to put some time between me and my addictions but ODAAT is the key.

Well have a happy Friday all :slightly_smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM I’m a bit late, but Happy Birthday to you :tada:

@acromouse Eh, the summer holidays here are all about the same. Aside from fireworks, parades, picnics, pools, games, and of course, drinking :roll_eyes: is all typical.

@Lisa-B I’ve had a few bad nights where drinking a NA beer sounded like a good idea, but then I realized it’s pointless. I don’t want to create a new habit that could potentially turn deadly. Overeating isn’t great either, but if that’s what got you to go to bed sober, don’t beat yourself up. Some days are just shit, and the only thing you can do is get thru it however you can. Hope tomorrow is brighter :heart:


Had a nice 4th of July. Some people are definitely still celebrating :firecracker: We had a picnic dinner at my folks with some games. My parents invited my brother’s oldest friend who lives in the neighborhood. Unbeknownst to them, they haven’t been talking much lately. Apparently his drinking has become increasingly worse, but he doesn’t see it as a problem. I haven’t seen him in over a year and was shocked to see such a big beer belly on him bc he’s always been skinny.

I could see that my brother, with over 4 years sober, has been done dealing with this for a while. He was recently blamed him for letting him drive drunk. My brother tried to talk him out of it but “didn’t try hard enough”! I know when I was in that place, absolutely no one was talking me out of anything. A normal person knows better. Which I told my brother.

I’m honestly surprised to see how he thinks of this friend. Almost as if he’s better than him :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but I can understand. When my bro was at his worst, my drunken self thought “Well, at least I’m not that bad” Years before my own recovery, he’s the reason I know you can’t convince someone to quit. God knows I tried for a whole year before I couldn’t take it anymore. I walked away feeling hopeless and angry. Maybe that’s where he’s at with this friend. Idk. For me, now sober, I don’t harbor any anger like that. I understand exactly how these things need to happen, and it’s out of my hands. Just wish my bro could too.

Hope you all have a great one! :heart:


Day #215
So last night the past tried to contact me 3 times ( the boy which had a giant guilt to my alcohol problem) I saw the phone and got very mad. I stopped the contracts with him since November 2023 but yesterday maybe he was again drunk and tried to talk with me. I wanted to yell from anger because my boy was next to me and asked why i don’t pick up the phone. I was just watching it and for seconds I freezed. But didn’t want to drink ( I’m happy for that fact) Im trying to recover from him and again he is trying to contact me. Again drunk again with his lies again pain for me after that. Today im drinking coffee and im thinking how good is to be sober. And how strong ive become. Not to take that bottle of wine, not to drink this glass full of wine later with whiskey. How strong ive become not to get angry at me. Past is past. Like the alcohol. Ive drinking and drinking to hide the problems and to be quiet about the things which i really think.
So be strong and be proud that every single day you are sober. That we are sober every day, every minute and be happy of that fact :wink:
Have a great Friday :slight_smile:



Did next to nothing yesterday. Going to try and be a little bit more productive on this second day of my weekend. I did make some good food, and will try to repeat that. Do some writing too. There’s rain in the forecast every day which makes me shy away from cycling. Need to think of something else to move my body. Maybe a return to the gym is on the cards. Or buy this indoor cycling setup for myself and ride at home. That might be a plan although it would have to go into my living room.

Anyway, using or drinking is far from my mind this morning. Never again. I’ll have as good a day as I can. Sober and clean as I expect from all of you. Love from my balcony. Going to have my second coffee there now.


Proud of you @Zse … the clarity that you can see what a huge benefit and great thing it is that you no longer drink.
Its grip on you is gone or going away to let you live your life free and sober without yearning for something ( drinking) bad for you. Big hugs and congrats


Thanks dear :smiling_face:


Day 182 AF

Still one of the best choices I’ve made. Life has become so much less complicated since I began sobriety.
I’m still learning to forgive myself and others, but I am learning and giving myself the grace to accept mine and others shortcomings. I am much less judgemental and laid back in my approach to life.

This journey is just beginning, and I’m excited for where it may lead as we travel down it.

Best wishes for a great life ahead for you all.


@Just_Laura Thanks for the photos! :fireworks: And thank you for sharing about how you cannot change other people, how they behavior is not in our hands. I have been feeling very resentful towards my ex and his new girlfriend in the last couple of days and I needed to hear this today :pray:
@Lefty624 Congrats on a sober 4th! You did great! :tada: :sunglasses:
@DanaM56 Being around drunk people all day is a total nightmare scenario :japanese_ogre: Even if you are not in recovery from an alcohol addiction. I lack the nerves for that.
@JazzyS Thanks for using the word ‘chillaxing’. I’m going to incorporate it into my daily routine :smiling_face: And thanks for sharing how you celebreate the 4th.
@Refreshedperspective Early recovery often brings all kinds of difficult and uncomfortable emotions and thoughts. Let them be, let them go. They can’t make you do anything. Focus on the here and now. Do your thing. Connect, share, work on your sobriety. You will be good. You already are good. Keep taking care of yourself :orange_heart:
@Lighter Happy to be sober with you too! :blush:
@HillbillyChris So many emotions going through you right now. Sounds like quite a rollercoaster. I remember when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter it was only a few weeks after my father’s funeral. He had been sick and wasting for a long time before that. I had recently quit my job, my husband had changed his, we had moved. It was a lot. So many ‘competing’ emotions at that time. I felt very confused and overwhelmed. At that time a few sessions with a therapist/counselor helped me make sense of my emotions and the situation. I hope you have people around you who you can turn to to help you make sense of life right now :people_hugging:
@Lisa-B Crappy and sober is a win. Crappy and sober will at some point change into better and sober. Drunk would just turn into more crap. Well done :muscle:
@wahtisnormal Ouch, girl. This really sounds awful. Is there any chance for you to change your living situation? At least for a while? Crashing on a friend’s couch? Some kind of dorm? Shared living space? Anything? I have no idea about your options. It just sounds like a lot. Maybe you could tell a friend that you are living in an abusive and violent houshold? Maybe they would have some more ideas? :people_hugging:
@Danwood85 Hey there :wave: I am sorry for your crappy situation and your struggles. How is your social situation? Do you have people around you, where you can share your struggles? If not, can you join maybe a meeting? Maybe online if local is not an option? I join online recovery meetings in the evening and they really are having a positive impact on my mental health overall. Sending you strength :heart:

226 sugar
90 UPF
97 gluten
72 dairy
0 overeating

My PMS-induced food obsession got the better of me yesterday and I kept overeating all day. This will pass.

Today I already did a short grocery run. It’s the last day of school before summer break here, so my daughter will be back from school soon. I want to keep working on my prototypes, especially looking at an implementation of a Finite State Machine.
I’m not sure about the evening. Usually I’d be at a game night or at the club. But as the summer season is starting here most people will be off to a vacation and my club is closed for the summer too. I might go to the cinema, or something else. Something will turn up.

Let’s try for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Great job on not picking up, neither the phone nor the drink :muscle:
Just as an aside: Can you block the guy’s number in your phone?


I can and i will :wink:


I’m here,I’m alive, I’m sober,and I’m happy.
Day 128

Still raining, still cold outside.
No fika today, husband is still ill.

He got a new appointment for an x-ray, a small miracle to get one in the middle of everyone’s Summer holiday. Unfortunately it also destroy the possibility to make any plans in case he’s feeling better, because he’s going to need to spend that time at the hospital for x-rays.

I’m bored, this day sucks. And I’m out of positive thinking. It’s rare, but apparently it happens.

That’s all Folks, wishing y’all a wonderful day, that doesn’t suck❣️


216 days
Good day today, went to the kids school to watch a little celebration of the different cultures in the school.
After that the wife and I went out for lunch.
At work on a nightshift now. Quiet so far.


Day 2296. Heading home from camping. I am ready to go. Hope all the Americans on here have all their fingers today!

Stay sober friends!


Day 377. Off today. Having a bit of a heart to heart via WhatsApp as my wife is working

Feeling OK. Bit flat. Dull jobs today : ironing, washing the floor etc. Got visitors this weekend. My wife’s family. Which is nice but just once I wish it was my kids coming down. Anyways.
. Have a fab weekend


Day 7. One week. I know I have a lot of work to do with myself. The abandonment of my own body is a sign of how bad I treat myself


Woo!! Nice work Thomas, a week is done :raised_hands:

We neglect our bodies and our minds in active addiction. Would you consider joining a gym (if you aren’t in one)? Or some classes of some kind? It might help to do something positive for yourself. I’m already thinking ahead in those terms. I’m blessed that I will have a room suitable to put some gym equipment in when we move to our new house. I live rurally, and there’s no gyms nearby. During active addiction I’ve softened up, and I don’t want to approach the rest of my years unfit.

I’m still with you friend :arrow_down::slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on day 359. :six: days to one year mark.:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: