Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 126

Slept through the fireworks. Boom! :laughing::white_check_mark:
That felt good. All quiet this morning with a smoky haze in the air. Ready for Halloween here!

Hurricane Beryl is bothering the YucatĆ”n at the moment. Hope theyā€™re ok, and that she behaves. Weā€™re in the cone for flooding Monday-Wednesday. Grateful I am inland, and wind will be gusty but not too damaging.

Itā€™s a beautiful muggy morning. I need to get out before it gets :sun_with_face: Lots of love- it gets better!!


Congratulations on your 6 months!!! The days add up if we let them. So glad we are on this journey together! :partying_face:


Good thinking :white_check_mark:. I started small and havenā€™t needed/wanted the gym environment yet. Some canā€™t access a good one. I can, but donā€™t like the smells :grinning:. Plus Iā€™m self-conscious and saving money. So I just got a yoga mat for floors, and I already had 5, 10 and 15 pound dumbbells. Have a sports watch for tracking calories, time and steps. Nothing expensive or picture-worthy. Itā€™s working. Discipline is key.

Iā€™m more of an outdoor walker/hiker type. Plus free weights. Itā€™s miserably hot in the :100:s with snakes so no trails for a couple months. Indoors. I like watching a crime show while I work out. I can get fancier later, or not. My body is changing rapidly at 4 months sober. It wouldnā€™t budge for months. Then I hit 90 days and it suddenly seemed to work. My body was recovering from booze and didnā€™t want to build muscle. It held on to belly fat too. I couldnā€™t sleep, so more cortisol and cravings. I craved sugar and carbs and indulged. Because it boiled down to ā€˜sober head on pillowā€™ at first. Iā€™ve gotten sober before and it took 3 months for that switch to flip. My body started responding. But if I hadnā€™t pushed early, I wouldnā€™t be succeeding now.

I started with 15 minutes of exercise/day and am now up to 90. Dumbbells now 15 pounds. Floor exercises for legs. Iā€™m getting results. Finally! Trying to get fit for ski season. Huge challenge as it takes more to ski at high elevation. I live at 1000 ft.

Good luck and things will get much easier as you go.


Hey all, checking in on day 1482. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in from rainy Massachusetts on day
422 no alcohol
352 no vapes or ciggs 62 no form of nicotine
22 no form of of marijuanna

I think it finally clicked that pot is just not worth my trouble after talking with my grandfather in law yesterday

Good realization i guess :slight_smile:


92 days sober
Iā€™ve been sick today so stayed in feeling sucky. I decided not to work on the trauma workbook todayā€¦just didnā€™t have the head space for it. Hoping to just get some rest tonight and feel better tomorrow.


Morning!! :sunny: Beautiful day out there today. I actually feel pretty rested. Didnt go to the gym this morning but if hubby gets home early, Ill go for a quick workout.

Today consists of formula pickup for my son and an appt. Then some cleaning as usual. And of course some recovery related stuff like prayer and doing my graritude list. Thats about it. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Checking in day 109. Been a bit anxious about work lately. Finding myself having a few thoughts about drinking. No planning or strong desires, just reminiscing.

Tomorrow I have achieved 10% more on top of the 100 days achieved so far. Weird way to look at it but that feels bloody good. 110 days is just crazy for an Australian male in his 30ā€™s.


Wow :star_struck: congratulations on 6 months!!!


Huge congratulations on 1 week Thomas :slight_smile:

1 Like

I feel this so much. For me, that type of recovery took so much out of me. Even tho I had also gone ā€˜no contactā€™, I used it as an excuse to drink too often. When I quit, I realized how much the alcohol was holding me back from moving forward. I can see youā€™ve learned that too :clap: Amazing you were able to come out of this situation on such a strong, positive note :muscle: :heart:

@Mno Itā€™s tough when the weather doesnā€™t cooperate with your exercise plan :cloud_with_rain: I used to use my stationary bike all the time, but itā€™s just not the same (itā€™s since been pushed to a corner, out of the way and has turned into a coat rack :sweat_smile:) I hope you find new ways to keep moving :pray:

@Chevy55 Congrats man :clap: Glad you chose sobriety too :heart:

@Lighter Good to hear youā€™re finally seeing some results! Around 4/5 months is when I started experiencing drastic physical changes. I know so many lose patience and give up, but youā€™re right, consistency is key :sparkles: Keep it up :muscle:


Cleaned up and waiting for some decent weather and long country roads!! Letā€™s go summer!


Day 1294,

In previous relationships I needed (or I felt I had to) to explain myself why I did meetings and had a sponsor. I discussed it with my current date and over shared at one moment. She right away told me I didnā€™t need to tell her those things. This is what she wrote to me about how she sees a sponsorship. I donā€™t think I could have written it down any better. Feel free to use it :joy::pray:

Google translated:

ā€œFor me, sponsorship is like a therapeutic relationship and I think there has to be a lot of openness and that always brings intimacy, which can make women jealous. But sheā€™s not allowed to :wink: Iā€™m happy if you want to tell me what youā€™re discussing but I never want to know the exact content. Thatā€™s not my right, even if I have an idea that you two are discussing us, our sexuality, intimacy, connection. But between you and him itā€™s only about you and only indirectly about the two of us.ā€

She might be a keeper :heart:

Have a good 24


Day 179 AF
Day 297 DF
Day 2 nicotine free

Checking in. Taking it ODAAT. Hope everyone is well. Will catch up on reading later. Strong and serene 24 :yellow_heart::pray:t4:


Day 993 AF

Good morning, everyone.

Had a good 4th of July with the fam. Made burgers and carne asada. Then took the kiddos to watch the fireworks. It was a hot day and the cravings kicked in for a second. A cold one sounded good with the heat. I got myself some sparkling water instead.

Woke up hungover free today. Made some coffee. Weā€™re gonna go to the beach later this afternoon.

Iā€™ll catch up with yā€™all later. Have a great sober day! Love yall. :heart:



:waning_crescent_moon: -5-

A student who got 3.8 CGPA is unhappy because another student got 4 CGPA.

The student with 4 CGPA is unhappy because he/she is not placed in a Core Company.

Student placed in a Core Company is unhappy because his colleague has more salary than him/her.

The person having the highest salary in a company is unhappy because he/she has no time at all to enjoy their life with friends and family.

This is what happens when you get trapped in the infinite rat race. You are never happy. And you will never appreciate or be grateful for the life you have.

Come out of the Rat Race.
-admission warriors


Day 826

Been really busy, started my new job, waiting for my first actual paycheck in 6 years, and will probably use it to pay bills lol.
Trying to stay active still and keep up with my therapy side missions. Kidā€™s appointments, my own appointments plus car repairs and housing paperwork to complete the mortgage process to get our full amount approved and actually get a house. Probably going to be closer to winter when it all gets finalized bc weā€™re going through a 504 income based loan and they said it takes a while to process.
Kind of fraught with constant internal anxiety and stress right now, but trying to make the best of it and not throw myself into an episode.
Gonna try to hang out with a friend next week.
Life is good; I have food, water, shelter, lots of good things, am able bodied and thereā€™s plenty of people who support me. I am capable and make it through these things, and I will be okay. I have been keeping this in mind and not leaning into the stress echo chamber.
Thanks again all, have a great Friday and a lovely weekend.


I will. I actually am thinking of passing on tonight. Itā€™s 7 hours away and Iā€™m not in a position to be social. I think Iā€™m going to follow my gut and gift my ticket and just chill at home. Iā€™m dissapointed in myself but know Iā€™m just weak right now. :broken_heart:


How long did it take to finally get it :thinking: when did you stop bargaining and living in denial?


Youā€™re 1000% right. Iā€™m debating on going now but if I do Iā€™m having my aunt get me immediately after :heart: no point in going anywhere at 11pm at night right now. Iā€™m still raw and very very thirsty :pensive::broken_heart: I hate this brain of mine.