Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 2,058
It’s a rainy gloomy day and I’m drinking a hot apple cider contemplating everything that brought me to this moment and my heart is grateful.


Day 38, another one in the books


Congratulations on 6 months.


Making such a decision is actually a sign of strength and putting yourself first :pray:


Day 98.

Sorry for not updating in a while but life isn’t going too well at the moment.

I’m still sober so that counts for something but every other bad coping mechanism is running wild at the moment.

I feel burned out tbh. Like I’m living in fight or flight but nothing else.

I hope everyone else is doing okay. I haven’t forgotten this community I just need to get my head back on straight. :slight_smile:

Have a good evening and a nice weekend^^


What you’ve done takes a lot of courage. Eventually things settle down and it’s easier. Enjoy your evening at home, and waking up tomorrow feeling great.


I kept going to aa meetings and worked the steps with a sponsor and was no longer drinking at life. It took a few months of me rewiring my brain that i dont drink anymore and to find healthy outlets.


Day 233 hey sober fam, yeah idk not gonna lie i am in a funky place which i havent really been in a moment. Another one of my buddies relapsed and idk if thats maybe why or what. But idk i called out yesterday and today and i slept alot of just felt off. Im very upset for calling out bc i need the pto time for my vacation in august and September, idk i just dont want to be in this patter or situation. Im home for the weekend with my girls and i just wanna be in the moment but i feel really funky




So much to be grateful for and so much to be proud of :pray:t3:


@laner Sending healing vibes friend – hope you get some rest and feel better soon.
@whereswaldo Love the way you look at that! The romanticizing and remembering good times of drinking is our addict mind trying to worm its way back. Remember the hangovers and the crappy feeling associated with drinking. Bring the reality back to the forefront. ODAAT :muscle:
@lefty624 Congrats on a successful 4th of July! Glad you were able to stay clear of those urges and thoughts. ODAAT! Hope you are able to get that pool temp to rise and actually enjoy a nice dip soon.
@zse Happy Friday my strong friend – grateful that you did not let this man from your past bother your peace. Hope you can block this number so you are not disturbed in the future. You have come a long way and should be super proud of yourself! :heart: :hugs: Oh I see you are blocking it – that’s good to hear.
@chevy55 Congrats on your 6 months love! Such an amazing progression in your recovery :muscle: Keep at it friend!
@mrsodh Sorry your hubby is still sick. Sending positive vibes your way my friend – we do get days of blah moods. Hope you can find your positivity again :hugs:
@bomdhil Day 7! That’s awesome my friend! You are doing great and hold onto the will to heal and get better – sober living is filled with wonderful benefits – hope you keep experiencing these :hugs:
@rob11 WOW that is beautifully said and I love her perspective.
@mamador congrats on your new job. Sending you peaceful and calm vibes to deal with the anxiety. :hugs: :pray:


@rainydays Don’t feel weak. Whatever you decide to do is the right call and you are doing it to protect your sobriety. Not going or going and leaving right away or having a back up plan to leave early – all of these are ok and do not make you any less. I stayed away from bars and many friends for so long in my sobriety. Knowing that a situation may be triggering was enough to keep me away. You are doing great my friend – keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@jonase Great to see you checking in and with 98 days is amazing work. I am sorry that you are having such a rough time my friend. Are you able to talk to someone in real life about what you are doing? Maybe write out how you are feeling and what you are using as coping mechanisms and then see where you can make changes. Stay connected here – we have your back. Looking forward to celebrating your triple digits with you soon.
@mindofsobermike Big hugs my friend. Glad you took the day off to allow yourself some time to reflect and feel your feelings. It does suck seeing close friends / family relapse as we know this addiction cycle and how hard it is to climb back out of the hole. Glad you are going to be with your girls this weekend. Hope that helps. It is ok to feel funky and go through the processing of feelings but we need to know that we can’t stay in that place for too long. Sending you love and positive vibes :hugs: :heart:
@justkaitlin Congrats on your double digits! :tada: :clap:

Checking in on Friday night
562 days free of alcohol and weed
977 days free of cigarettes
Was a lovely day. Did feel drained from all the socializing i did yesterday. Grateful for my 3 hour nap today to help recover. Did manage to get in a good walk, swim and workout to start off the day.
Super tired now and ready to call it a night… wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Working weekend coming up. I had lots of weird dreams but no scary ones. Jam packed trains featured in them, here’s hoping that’s not a prediction of my commute to come. I’m OK. Glad I went to sleep in time, tonight I won’t be so lucky as there’s a football match on that I need to see. That doesn’t happen often these days.

I’m not going to the bar to watch. Just no fun. I’m sober and clean and I’m going to remain sober and clean, one day at a time. Just as I expect from all of you. Good times and bad ones, whatever our addicted minds come up with to drink or use, it’s always an excuse and never a reason. Have as good a das as you all can friends. Love from my hood.

@justKaitlin Proud of you Kaitlin! Big congrats on reaching double digits.
@Mindofsobermike Here’s hoping your girls will take your mind out of its funk Mike. Hugs.
@JonasE Don’t be sorry to us, it’s good to see you checking in Jonas. Please remember checking in and connecting is a healthy coping mechanism. All the more so in difficult times. Hang in there.


My therapist had some interesting advice for me this week, after a lengthy venting session he came in to say, “you know the You that you want to be already exists, you just need to remind yourself of that”

I understand this to mean, the joy, the happiness, the positive thoughts are all things you deserve and are capable of feeling, sometimes we just get lost in our own head trash.

You rock Aussie, your words have been super helpful for me over the past week and you have made a positive impact on me, time to turn that inwards!!


Such sweet encouragement. Blessings to you my friend.


:waning_crescent_moon: -6-

Inspiring :fist:


Checking in… Saturday morning woke up clean and sober looking forward to the day , hope you all have a great Saturday.

19 days and counting…


Day 16

I’ve had so many songs stuck in my head today I feel like I’m on a radio show, I got up with little man at 5:30 ish and I had eye of the tiger stuck in my head and after that it just kept going. If I had to guess probably eight different songs over the day :joy: but it was alright it’s been so long since I’ve had that happen it just reminds me of a simpler time in life. It was a weird experience waking up on the 5th not feeling like death or having the shakes I feel good about it. The crazy thing is I still miss drinking so much even though it’s literally poison, I just can’t wrap my head around it. :man_shrugging:t2: I know I can’t have it anymore and maybe that’s why it’s feeling so tough today? It just feels like a struggle
I feel like I’m having FOMO but what do you do I guess :man_shrugging:t2:

Have a great Saturday morning everyone I’ll be back tomorrow


*Day 2117 :walking_woman:
Back again!!
Holiday was nice, but I think we did too much :face_with_peeking_eye:We travelled and slept in another bed every day.
Came home yesterday evening

Picture from the stairway to heaven I saw in a church in Münster Germany. I like art like that.
Made many pictures, I will share some at the sober travel thread.
Today? Rest, laundry and getting some groceries.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 635

Today I thought about getting high. But I stayed sober. One more day in the books.

All we can do is “one day at a time”

And tomorrow I’ll still be sober. and at the end of the day that’s all that matters