Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 378. Quiet day. Just 8 visitors :slight_smile: then it will be quiet :joy:
All good. Enjoying being alcohol free


Day 62

Be alert and if sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8 -

Lately Iā€™ve been having some struggle being back in the real world sober. Trying to learn how to be sober in my new walk of life. Interactions with others. After work hangout talks. Drinking. I have to keep telling myself itā€™s ok if I donā€™t fit in here. Stop trying to. Theyā€™re good people and donā€™t have your problems. Stay focused on your clean path and your faith will guide you to blessings.

All the thoughts in my head making me feel this way are thoughts not of mine but of evil trying to wreck me back to my old ways. Glad this verse came up in my readings this morning. Have a blessed day all :v:


Alcohol day 1788
Binge eating 1
Intermittent Fasting 1
Cold plunge day 3

Iā€™m not getting on too well with the binge eating at the moment but Iā€™m determined to get on top and that why Iā€™ve started the intermittent fasting because my weight is creeping up to the point that Iā€™m not happy with it so Iā€™m going to fast from 6.00 in the evening to 12.00 the next morning and see how that goes
Still really enjoying the cold plunge itā€™s really putting me in a good mood for the day and be more productive
@Mno hope the Netherlands :netherlands: do well this evening
Hope everyone has good Saturday :wave:


Day 234. Thanks guys for the love and support, had a good time with addie rose. Autumn is at 4h camp and were getting ready to go pick her up. I just had a one on one with my mental health counselor on Wednesday and then my buddy called me in the middle of our session saying how he relapsed. He had 2 years and idk we were all worried about him bc we havnt heard from him in a couple days. He finally came back to where we live and idk i just noticed Thursday i was in a funk. I did work out yesterday the best i could but still i need to find a way to get me up and going in the morning so that i dont miss work. I dont want to be that guy who calls in i hate it but much love everyone


Happy birthday to ur daughter! Hope the celebration goes well :slight_smile:


Checking in on 297 SAF and 283 no smokes. Just figured Iā€™d pop in and say hey, been really busy in work and home, but everythings going pretty good. Iā€™m still kinda trying to find an AA group in the new area but Iā€™ll find somewhere I wanna be. Hope you all are good. Iā€™ll catch up at some point :v::green_heart:


What a powerful saying. It really helps remind me to stay on my toes amd not get complacent in recovery. Thank u for sharing it.


Checking in at Day 39! :blush: hope everyone is having a good day and a good weekend


Checking in day 110. Have been doing these at the end of the day and have been selfishly going to bed later and later not allowing me time to read many posts. Morning me has been cursing my name.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Second check in for today.

Feeling a lot better now.
Never underestimate what a cup of hot chocolate can do for you on a day like this :laughing:

Cleaned my bedroom, the boys room, and the living room from clutter.

Bought ingredients for hot chocolate (cocoa, oatmilk and sugar)
Havenā€™t been drinking any yet, but just the thought of it makes me happy.

Iā€™m okey with the weather for now, and with everything else as well.

Funny how a few hours and something so simple can totally change your mood.

Thatā€™s all Folks.

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:



Extremely windy today and Iā€™m so so so sleepy all the timeā€¦ Is it possible thatā€™s because of the weather? I slept normal, I had coffee, I had mate. I just canā€™t find a spark, Im soā€¦ Just lazy, yuck.

I was in the supermarket early in the morning. First of all because I didnt want to go later with my kids and also so my husband could have big breakfast before work, he wanted sausage. And drama king all disappointed cause I bought wrong one. Like wtf dude, next time just tell me specifically which one you want. I dont read your mind.

Then my boys wanted me to make a cake for them. I didnā€™t really have the energy or appetite for it but I like do things together with them so okay. We made a simple cake. With blueberries. They were putting blueberries on the top, all happy etc. Cake came out good but guess what. Those little mofos donā€™t want to eat it. Why? Cause they donā€™t like blueberries! Suddenly all 3 of them donā€™t like blueberries, what a bullishit. They just donā€™t like the way it looks probably. Spoiled little brats.

Iā€™m surrounded by ungrateful bastards.
Iā€™m leaving. Im taking my cake and Iā€™m leaving.

Just kidding. I donā€™t go anywhere, donā€™t have energy for that.

But I hope you people have a good one.
Much love :blue_heart:

Edit: I forgot before and after fotos.


Day 1295,

Had a severe relaps dream, waking up and realizing it was not real was a real reliefšŸ™

Have a good day :heart:


Happy Birthday to your daughter.


@Lefty624 fomo can be a bitch. We relate so much of our ā€œfunā€ times with alcohol but in reality the aftermath was horrid and all the whole we were slowly poisoning ourselves. You can still do all that you did but do it sober and remember all of itā€¦be alert and able to enjoy the following days as well. Hold onto these notions when your mind tries to trick you into missing alcohol or saying you should just have that one drink.
@SoberWalker beautiful pics Claudiaā€¦ Glad you enjoyed your vacation and are now home in your own space. Hopefully you can rest before getting right back into lifey routines.
@acromouse happy birthday to your daughter :birthday:
@Lisa-B so grateful that yesterday turned out this way and you are no longer in that place. ODAAT! The memories of what once was allows us to play the tape forward which is a great deterant
@mno so grateful it wasnā€™t a worse accident and more grateful that you no longer live in that active addiction. Never again.
@binx woohoo :tada: :confetti_ball: 1 week is awesome work girlā€¦keep it going strong :muscle:t4:
@jbaldwin84 itā€™s hard trying to keep parts of our past life when we become sober cause some of those pieces just done fit. Donā€™t be afraid to find new pieces, people, activities that can further help you in your journey. You are doing great work.
@Jasty2 great to see you popping in Joe. Coming up to 300 days af ā€¦look at you go. Hope you are finding time for yourself in your busy schedule.

Omgā€¦I would blow a gasket. You are a super woman
More cake for youā€¦let them suck air.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Checking in on Saturday morning
Had a super great walk and swim. Now have had my three pieces of fruit and alkaline waterā€¦ ready for a workout and then we shall see where the day leads. My body is in a lot of pain but Iā€™m not letting it stop me. Keeping an eye on the inflammation so that it stays under control :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Have a wonderful addiction free day my lovely friends. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 14 - Feeling like some of the positive changes are compounding, definitely some moments of anxiety still, but working on recognizing that the negative thought is present, then moving past it.

I have a week of concerts ahead of me, but got through the first one last night with more than ease and had a great time.

Go team go! Thinking of you all


Congratulations on your 2 weeks!!! Also amazing work on getting through the concert and enjoying it sober :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

  1. Having a relaxed Saturday. Got a call to say my yoga was cancelled. Just as well, the wind and rain has been pretty constant for 24 hours now. My charity pickup was at 9am, 7 bags of clothing and shoes and 3 full boxes of nice books sorted for them as a donation. Felt nice and a good thing to participate in. Very easy too. Such things are so important.

About to watch the England match now, but Iā€™ve been up cycling a (COVID purchase) desk with vinyl tilesā€¦ Very pleased with the result :pray:t2:


Itā€™s hard, but I must endure the mental pain, the obsession


Dear @Binx . Gyms are triggering for my addiction, I would copy your Idea to have a room in which exercise. I should walk more. And do more stretching. Congratulations in your days. So proud of you


So proud of you. Walking is a wonderful freeing activity. It really helps me when the urges hit or life gets too chaotic. Sorry you are dealing with mental pain. Sending you calmness and love my friend. ODAAT :muscle:t4:. 8 days and killing it