Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Thanks for the shout out! I remember very well the times I’d sneak drinks after a fight with my husband, get drunk and then go hop on my bike to try and pedal away my troubles. Pretty fucked up!


So grateful. My higher power, sponsor, programs of NA, AA and talking sober. ODAAT. We do recover!


217 days
Late check-in. Timer ticked over last night but I was out at Teddy Swims gig.
Was a great show, crowd was good and our seats were awesome. Can honestly say that I enjoyed it more sober and as a bonus this morning I’m feeling great


One year and 10 months sober. It appears better in the app. 1y 10 months 00 days.

Even today I am astonished of waking up sober.

Regrets?, I have a few. But they do not matter. I am alive and sober. This is what counts.


Thanks for giving me some feedback. I love this place for that! The different experiences between us all. How we react and are affected can really be relatable or show us grace in a moment. There’s times I’ve been going through it and come on here and read what someone posted that will give me just what I needed at that moment and keeps me from reacting in a bad way. I came across something you posted that really motivated me. It was inspiring and made me proud of your battling spirit. Blessings to you and I’m happy you’re here sharing :pray:


Woke up early feeling refreshed! Finally started to deep clean my room, a task I neglected for months during my addiction. I put together 3 trash bags of clothes to donate and revamped my “cozy corner.” Rewarded myself with a nice swim in the pond this afternoon before the thunderstorms roll in tonight. I’m not gonna lie, I was craving a cold one when we got back home, but I reminded myself how amazing it felt to wake up and feel productive instead of hungover. Treating myself to some iced tea instead so I can wake up feeling refreshed for another beach day tomorrow. Cheers to 11 days sober! :smiling_face:


Day 635 coming to a close.

Long day today. Not much sleep, and then work.
Then grocery shopping, and cooking, and helping set up one of the “kids” who’s moving back in while she applies to apartments.
And then there were 8 mouths to feed and clothes…
Still not feeling the best mentally, but trudging on as best I can.
One more day down. One day to go. One day at a time.

Hope everyone is well. :people_hugging::heart:


@lighter We are here with you friend – will be right here to provide support while you are on your vacation. You will know your brother and will have some solid time under your belt. Its good to be vigilant. Still got some time to set up your game plan so to speak.
@aussie_tiger glad you were able to write out your feelings here. You are among friends and in a safe space. The mind can play crazy tricks on us. We have to be aware of our addicts tricks. Making us feel guilty about our past ways is a big trick that it plays on us to get us back on the bottle. ODAAT friend – keep at it and you will experience all the joys of sobriety and life.
@lisa-b Lovely pics! Glad you enjoyed your walk today.
@efountains Congrats on another month! Impressive work :muscle:


Day 8


Been ghost from here for a bit cuz I wanted to get my relapses under control before posting here. I got a great CA sponsor now, been really taking sobriety seriously again. Met lots of sober friends over the past month. Life has been good. I hope yall are doing well and have a blessed day :smiley:


Great to see you friend. Glad you have a wonderful sponsor and are doing so well in your journey.
Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4::hugs:


Saturday night check in. Day 3 of a week of solo parenting as my wife is working nights. Just gave my little girl a bath and put her down to bed after story time.
I’ve had about 2 hours total downtime in the last 2 weeks.
Pretty exhausted, but happy I’ll be crashing into bed sober tonight. :slight_smile:
Take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Bless you @JazzyS

Getting into self sabotage study and attachment style rabbit holes now. :rofl:


Its really good to see u posting here more. You have a hectic and busy household to tend to and not much time for urself. So im glad ur setting some time aside for u to check in and get support hugs


Wonderful news!!! Glad ur back!!!


Yeah it’s been busy. Always something. Thank you for checking in :people_hugging: how have you been ? You’re always pretty busy yourself? Did they ever get the night nurses schedules figured out? I hope so. I remember it was hard doing 48hour days.
Bug hugs to you my friend


Evening all, checking in on day 1051. Seems to be getting a little harder day by day to even get myself out of bed. Used to take such pride in my work especially and now I just feel lethargic constantly. Been seeing my regular counselor and a grief counselor, back on anti-depressants which I’m not against but wasn’t planning on that. I know I can’t be this negative like this and I try but the anger just takes over everything. As soon as that happens nothing good or logical comes out of it and then I feel horrible after. Hoping everyone is having a good weekend, spending mine at work with my pups. Take care everyone.


@Mno Dang! I’ve had my fair share of waking up looking like that too and not knowing why. Fortunately, I learned early on that bicycles were out of the question when I drank! I couldn’t even make it 3 feet without falling over :roll_eyes::joy:

Best thing I read today :joy: Super ungrateful. That cake looks bomb!


I went to bed late, but woke up with loads of energy. Got out of the house early and ran a few errands. Went back to the boutique to claim my free necklace. Not a great selection(too much gold :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) but I found one I liked. With more time, and the shop to ourselves, we found a couple more clothing items. I rarely buy myself clothes anymore bc I already have so much(I used to have a problem), but they are very inexpensive for great quality, and they’re cute :upside_down_face: Gotta treat yourself sometimes.

Not much else to report. Have a great day :grin:


Checking in. Almost done with day 1. Im so upset at myself for slipping. I read something that really stuck out to me today. It said recovery is an action. And that i cant think my way out of addiction. It really stuck out to me so ive been working on a real plan. I really cant take the after drinking depression. I know tomorrow will be a better day. I appreciate everyone who posts. It kept me out of my head today reading everyone’s posts.


Day 827

Doing okay, been kind of struggling to remain disciplined with all my stuff going on. I have to maintain, but I’m so tired. I just want to stay in bed all day and I know that’s cause for concern. I need to make sure not to binge watch YouTube videos or eat away my thoughts and feelings.
These are the big bipolar hours when I have to be extra aware, and push back on the walls of solid depression that keep trying to fuck my mind up.
I would be lying if I said I felt energized and ready for the week ahead. Just need to push myself to do better and remember I’ll feel okay later if I do the things now. Sometimes later feels like a minute, sometimes a year. Gonna take time to either play piano or play stardew valley tonight, I haven’t decided which yet.
Have a good Saturday night all.



Trying to wake up as I have a train to catch and a work day to do. I’m OK. I’m sober and clean. Thank god the game didn’t go to overtime and penalty kicks like England’s did and I was in bed before midnight. Where will we meet to watch the game together Wednesday @Tragicfarinelli? Looking forward to that :england: :netherlands:.

Otherwise not that much to say except to wish you all as good a day as you can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from my hood.