Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

@wahtisnormal congrats on 50 days :tada: I’m glad you’re home safe and reunited with your cat :smiley_cat:
@Tgash0124 congrats on 11+ months :tada: I’m glad the move has helped :blush:
@Thirdmonkey congrats on 4 months no caffeine :tada:
@Chevy55 congrats on 150 days :tada:
@Sunny11 congrats on your week :tada:
@allswell welcome :blush: congrats on your week :tada:
@SKhan congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Whereswaldo congrats on the new contract :clap:t2: :tada:
@Juli1 the healing feeling wins for me :blush:
@Laner congrats on 60 days :tada:


@JonasE crying and sharing about it here, are definitely better than giving in to the delusion. Sending strength, proud of you :people_hugging:🩵
@Twizzlers sending strength :people_hugging:🩵 definitely check-in with your doctor.
@Maestro congrats on your PB :man_lifting_weights: :tada:

1393 days no alcohol.
858 days no cocaine.
373 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

Ending session with therapist went okay. I felt sad and guilty that I didn’t chose her. It also highlighted how I don’t have all the information I need to make an informed decision about which therapy to proceed with, and whether the other one could wait until I’ve finished the one I’ve been having, although this is a total of 2 years if I continue. So I’m going to be asking a few questions when I speak to the psychiatrist on Friday, and then comfirming for sure if I don’t want to continue with the one I’ve been having.
I hate choices/decisions.

Had a Zoom chat with the Safe Soulmates facilitator for 20mins, she’s going on holiday for 3 weeks which is why we don’t have the next Thursday group until the beginning of July.

One of my favourite TV shows starts tonight so I’ll be watching that after this.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to hoover, the carpets are an absolute state with ny long-haired cats fur, I hate living like this.



Hey all…its bit of a relief for me when the weekend’s over because I know I’m going to make it to the following weekend. I think the lack of structure at the weekend is the cause. I felt really motivated on Saturday about fitness and health from reading some of your posts…I think it was @Butterflymoonwoman that was inspiring me with your health plans. Thanks Dana🙏

Sunday my energy and motivation changed…felt so burnt out for no reason. Slept for two hours during the day and woke up feeling like shit. Struggling a bit today.

Got 43 days under me so focusing on that.

Hope you’re all well :pray:


Good evening friends. Today was okay. I managed to get quite alot done despite being tired from doing the overnight. I went to my body scan appt and personal training appt today. I was plesantly surprised that even though it does show that i need to lose weight, it also shows large amounts of lean muscle mass (particularly my legs and torso). So muscle is there! Just have to work on becoming healthier and lose the unhealthy body fat.

And ya… I have another overnight to do. My sons nurse is still sick. So preparing myself for that this evening. I dont have much to do tmrw besides some prep work for the birthday cupcakes. Pretty easy day! That and a workout.

Hope everyones day was good! :butterfly:


So glad ur feeling motivated! I have found exercise to be sooo beneficial and crucial for my recovery. Its been very therapeutic for me :slight_smile:


Checking in at 6 days! Today i realllyy wanted a road soda to calm my driving anxiety, but instead reminded myself that thats my addict brain talking, that alcohol actually makes me more anxious, and picked up ice cream and takeout instead to treat myself. Odaat :dancer::people_hugging::seedling:


Day #4 sober from everything

Going good!!! Feeling like the withdrawal is slowly disappearing :smile_cat: Happy to be back here!

This “party friend” that I have is being pretty manipulative, sending me some next level hate texts just because I didn’t party with him last weekend lol. I tried to explain to him that I just can’t drink and party anymore and that I’m too broke to go out right now, but he doesn’t get it. So I just have his text messages blocked for now.


@wahtisnormal Way to go Zoe with your 50 days! Glad you are home safely and in your comfort zone :heart:
@tgash0124 YES! 11+ months Tiff :muscle: Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new home and your sober journey :hugs:
@soberwalker Thanks Claudia! Great job on navigating the ripple and not letting it overwhelm you :hugs:
@jeanine Awesomesauce on being able to enjoy a sober night out with friends! Keep protecting your sobriety and stacking up the days :heart:
@thirdmonkey Great work on 4 months no caffeine. Very impressive indeed. I see the work you are putting into the no sugar – I know its not 100% what you would like but do see many days without it – keep at it friend!
@butterflymoonwoman Ah that makes sense and a shit way for them to not have someone to help out for weekends. I slept like the dead :laughing: was a great sleep finally and was so hard to get up but luckily I was able to take a 3 hour nap today. Glad your overnight went well and hope you enjoyed your day :hugs: :heart: Best of luck with your overnight my friend – sending you loving energy :heart: :hugs:
@sunny11 WAY TO GO – 1 week is awesome work friend – keep it going strong :muscle:

Good for you Sophia. I’m sure that was not a easy message to get out but I’m glad you were able to be open and frank with him and let him know your feelings.
@allswell Love your user handle :heart: Reminds me of a movie. Welcome to the community and a great job with your 1 week of sobriety! You are among friends here and this community offers a lot of amazing support.
@whereswaldo Yeah to your double 7’s! Congrats on your referral’s. :tada: Should be proud and happy to have nailed this.


@juli1 Aaah – the addict brain working at its finest – romanticizing the addiction and making you think that you are missing out on “fun” or “living” without the damn poison that was literally killing you. Living sober is for sure more relaxed and calming – it is also lovely to wake up hangover free – not be violently sick or have to deal with illnesses that occur from drinking. You are crushing it my friend – 125 days strong :muscle:
@jonase Great work on double 6’s friend – I’m sorry that you day is so emotionally draining. I am glad you came here to let it out in words and among friends and were also able to release it through crying. Hope you are able to be gentle with yourself. Know you are not going to find any answers from drinking. Keep pushing forward :muscle: :hugs:
@twizzlers I’m sorry friend – sorry that you are feeling this way. I m glad the walk with your doggie helped. I hope you still speak with someone and are able to help the protecting side of yourself :hugs: :hugs: :heart: 1 month tomorrow – so excited to see you stacking up the days love!
@tailee17 Beautiful flowers :heart: Hope you are healing well my friend.
@sussexguy 3 weeks tomorrow friend – great work and glad to hear that you are having an easier time – keep connected and fighting for your sobriety! Love the targets – looking forward to celebrating them all with you :tada: :muscle:
@catmancam I’m sorry that you are having to make this decision Cam – hope that you have a good session on Friday and are able to find one that can help continue to heal :hugs:
@danwood85 The non structure of the weekends is a challenge. I find that by making yourself a active schedule ahead of time helps keep you busy and not having idle time. Great work on getting into your health and fitness :muscle:
@stand_like_an_oak Great work Tammy on day 6 and enjoying that ice cream rather than a road soda! Each decision helps us get stronger in our journey ODAAT! 1 week tomorrow :muscle:
@john_connor1337 Oh man that is some Bullshit – we don’t need those kind of friends! Glad you blocked those texts and are protecting your sobriety – day 4 is amazing work and glad your withdrawal is disappearing. Some people just can’t understand the addiction or are not willing to see others living a sober life when they are unable to do so themselves – whatever the reason – you need to protect yourself and find new connections :hugs:

Checking in on Monday night
530 days free of alcohol and weed
945 days free of cigarettes

It was a good day. Started off well as i finally got a good nights sleep. I did feel very ill this morning but luckily that did not last all day.
Enjoyed a short walk with mom in one of my favorite parks (lots of greenery and water).
I did get a lovely nap in this afternoon and grateful that i am feeling tired enough to hopefully enjoy another good nights sleep.
Be well my friends - wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 23. Not much to report, just keepin on keepin on.

Have a good night everyone!



Back to work this morning. Had a hard time getting out of bed and I’m still waking up now. I’m OK. Glad I did a bike ride to the beach yesterday although it means my writing -except for my journal and here- has been on hold this last few days. Will need to find some time for that. It’s important for my mental health, just like getting out and moving around in nature is. And it’s fun too.

So here I go for another week. Together with you all. Sober and clean, as nothing will come of anything when we’re not. Have as good a day as you can friends. Clean and sober. Love.


Day 45

Just checking in


*Day 2085 :walking_woman:
It’s funny how I forget how many days I have.
In the beginning of recovery those days where very important to me, a bit like I treasured them.
Sure, that’s understandable, I’ve worked so hard for them and in the beginning they are not easy to add. Now when sober life becomes more of a way of living instead of something I need to do the days are not important anymore.
I think that’s good :sweat_smile:
Today? Doing absolutely nothing beside dentist and cooking. Again muscle sore because crossfit training and my body needs healing :face_with_peeking_eye:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 94/95

Super quick. Very bad weather, got stuck but got out eventually…quite a wild time but I’m here in a beautiful place with my friends now. More later :heart:



Nice quiet day off. Not much to tell. Hope you all have a good one!


Another day of freedom! That is the usual victory, congratulations!


Absolutely nothing…, I enjoy those kind of days: no worries about the booze, no necessary in thinking how to disguise I am drunk, no empty bottles in rubbish. The triumph of the day by day!,


Congrats, continue with the good work!


Day 13.5
Almost 2 weeks without a drink. :+1:
Feeling proud today.
My wife came out of hospital on Sunday so i have been looking after her we are back today to get her bloods tested for her last immunotherapy session tomorrow. :+1:
I have plenty things to catch up on in the garden and also on here.
@acromouse I like to sketch birds when i have the time. My pencils and pads are still in the cupboard. Its something i used to do during covid. I must make an effort to get them out again.
Hope you all have a good one today


@Leveller Nice to hear your wife is back home. Should you do some sketches you could share them with us here if you like.
@SoberWalker Enjoy your day of not being destroyed :wink:
@Mno It‘s the weather. I‘m sure of it. We all need more sun :blush:
@JazzyS Yay to good sleep!

Yeah, I could use that skill. Your challenge is really inspiring.

@john_connor1337 Tough choice on blocking someone but also obviously the right one :muscle: Keep stacking those days. Keep connecting with sober people.
@stand_like_an_oak Good job on catching the addiction voice not being you and seeing through its lies. :+1:
@Butterflymoonwoman Yay to muscle mass!
@Danwood85 I’m sorry you are struggling friend. You have stacked up quite a bit of sober days :muscle: But it is still early in sobriety, so changes in mood, motivation and energy are still very normal and to be expected. Having a structured plan and including self care is a good idea.
@CATMANCAM Choosing the direction for one‘s healing journey is a difficult task. We want to be better and have no idea what will help and how. I know this feeling. It‘s not comfortable. Let‘s concentrate on what is in front of us. One day at a time, one task at a time. As always, hugs and love :people_hugging:

195 sugar
59 UPF
66 gluten
45 dairy
7 overeating

Had one of those sugar eating dreams last night. Subconscious is apparently working.
My anxiety has lessened with a change of meds and I have an appointment next week to discuss further changes. I‘m being hopeful.
We could do with some sunshine here, but I’m afraid not today. Maybe further down the week.
Now that I am not consumed by anxiety and suffering from sleep deprivation I hope I can get more work done on my prototype. Second to last class with the older kids about noon, some groceries. My ex will come by to take our daughter to the doc. Yoga for me in the afternoon.
I‘d like to get back to some kind of emotional normalcy. We‘ll see.

Whatever the day may bring let‘s try it with peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: