Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Me not being destroyed, I like that description :grin:
Have a good day too Aga. You where German arenā€™t you? No water overfload problems where you live? Read about it in the news, sounds aweful :sweat:


Checking in on day 67.

Mood swings have gone down a bit.

Will attend a meeting today.

Didnā€™t drink yesterday out of spite and maybe having emotions isnā€™t all bad. Just a thought for this morning.

Hope you are having a good day and Iā€™ll update later.

Update: Left work early today. Mood swings are worse than I thought.

See you around. :slight_smile:


185 days
Not much happening today. Big drive back home, wasnā€™t too bad. Got home and the kids wanted to go to the gym. So off we rushed to the gym.
Hoping to get back into it myself tomorrow.
@Mischa84 how funny, my wife and I also played some basketball on the weekend whike our kids were playing on a playground, we also hadnā€™t played in years.
@Chevy55 congrats on 150 mate


Yes, I do live in Germany. But I am one of the lucky ones. I live in a steep valley and when the rain hits it just runs down the street from us into the river. Those who live further down sometimes get their cellars flooded. But overall we are rather spared due to the topography.
You can see in the picture how the houses are build in a terraced kind of way, up and up the valley hills.
We could use some sun though.


Aaah, glad you are living a bit up hill :sweat_smile:
Saw a picture of @diamonster showing how much the waterlevel increased where she lives.
Here in the Netherland they have evacuated a few camping near river ā€œDe Waalā€ just because of precautions. And yes, we all do need some sun :blush: May had been the rainiest month ever here. Today still dry but grey allover. And itā€™s summer? :dizzy_face:


But who bets they close or restrict the Rhine come August again (for shipping) due to low levelsā€¦ this weather is CRAZY. stay safe people.


Only a tiny bit uphil :rofl:


Day 151 AF

Sleeping well but body battery isnā€™t charging well during. Iā€™m unsure why exactly.
I think I am distracted too much with motorcycle purchase and going back and fourth with it in my mind.
I am supposed to be focused on work, health and fitness and weight loss. I donā€™t think I need a further distraction. I need to get where I wish to be, physically, then perhaps I can fantasize of the wind in my hair travelling down country roads. Take one thing at a time. Too many distractions in my pervue of which I need to back away and simplify. Work! Weight! Simplicity!

Iā€™m unsure why I do this all the time. Add distractions when Iā€™m doing well on the path I know I need to focus on. Itā€™s like I am adding in an additional layer just to trip myself up. If that means tripping up sobriety, which is closely tied to my health and fitness goals that has to take precedence. Periodā€¦

Too deep of thought at 5:30am before workā€¦ oy, I gotta go.

Peace out TS peeps


Cheking in 2y 4months, long time no see.

Back to it after the pneumonia. Life is kicking hard lately. The physical symptomes/pains are still manageable, for now, kinda feel its starting to peak again. It fires up the shit tougths. I dont wanna go back.
My psychiatrist is going to quit next month because shes moving. She mean I have somatoform disorder and hypochondria. I can see some similarity to my crazy mind. Just want to shut off, Im tired and sick of my self. Still trouble eating/swallowing. Been so long with almost no food so yesterday I started taking this nutridrinks, I think maybe I will crash soon if I dont get nutritions. Yeah well, f this shit.


Day 22

Iā€™m in routine, itā€™s second nature now. Weekdays, weekends, itā€™s all the same to me when it comes to the morning routine.

Hoping for an uneventful day. Iā€™m free of all obligations by 3:30 and have nothing planned. The thought of being bored annoys me, but rest and recovery is a good thing.

Enjoy the day everyone!


Day 2265. Still struggling with the youngest. However, it is babysitting dayā€¦the best day of rhe week!


Day 78.
We received another 13 jobs from our new property manager today effectively booking out June for the business!
Thanks for your replies @CATMANCAM and @JazzyS


Day 202. Yesterday off was very good, went out to lunch with sarah. We get along very good and have a good time, did a little shopping and her step sister joined after work. I figured id give them some girl time and went for a bike ride. What i like about getting to know her is honestly with alot of girls i talk to or start off talking to is i usually think about sex right away or i do have sex with them on the first date. And honestly i dont think either of us has hinted at that. I think regardless of what happens im grateful for the experience. Much love everyone, i hope you all have a wonderful tuesday.


I got this little beauty today. One whole year since that thankfully minor slip up at a local festival. The festival was on again this year on the weekend and the same tent with the fancy wine was there but I just walked on past. We got some dark chocolate vegan ice cream instead. Iā€™m at my goal weight today too so that feels great.




Huge congratulations :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Congratulations! Im happy for you :balloon:


Hey all, checking in on day 1451. I hope everybody has a good one!



I did it! I had morning yoga in the park! Surrounded by green, chirping of a birds, fresh air etc. Nobody else was there (usually itā€™s empty, besides kids playing football after school or sometimes ppl walking their dogs) so thatā€™s good. It felt awesome. Soon I have to pick Sacha up from school and take him to the speech therapist. All under control.
I love sober life. I was always having such a nasty hangoversā€¦ Why I was doing it to myself? Never again.
Wish you all best, big hugs! :blue_heart:


61 days
Today I went on the long drive to the capital to be able to fly out for my trip tomorrow. Iā€™m always amazed how different it is just a 6 hour drive away running water, fancy coffee and dessert! Here I am enjoying a cheesecake and coffee in a cafe with my friend! So far itā€™s was a good start of the trip no panicking in a car full of strangers. Having my friend beside me is so comforting. Iā€™m so thankful she can come. We are having a relaxing evening out and am ready to fly out tomorrow.

Only the dogs were looking so depressed when I left today. Poor girls.
Hope everyone is having a good dayšŸ˜Š