Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 63
Checking in this morning. I had a strange dream that shook me up a bit but did a morning walk and spent some time meditating to try to get myself sorted out. Am needing to soon head out for my 1st work meeting. Am gonna focus on that and put the dream out of my mind. Hoping for a non anxious and productive day.


I feel so deeply everything you have said and the tension that comes with love.

I wish I had something more to say, but all I can think of right now isā€¦sometimes, its better to be the outcast. Xo.


My bedtime check in.

Busy day and the kids are so happy weā€™re filling the pool. Already dealing with the dynamics of friendships with our daughter - mean behaviour from others, and talking about boundaries. I love how my husband is so involved in these discussions and his concern for her, her growth and well being runs so deep. This man is the father every young girl should have.

Thinking on my earlier thoughts of forgiveness, and I have come to the tiny epiphany that I should start with myself. When it comes to my sister, and my family. That isbwhere I am going to start.

Wishing everyone a restful night. All we have, truly, is who we are. And I just feel like Im one this waveā€¦in an ocean that is sometimes calm, sometiems fun and sometimes dowbright tumultuous. Learning to hold on tight when it matters, and learning what it means to let go of things thebwater just takes.

Today driving my children home from school, on our back dirt road I saw something bright red on the road. Id made it maybe a hundred feet passed it when I decided to stop the car. I thought it was a bird, and told the kids Id be right back. Sure enough it was, bright red with black wings. I had no idea what kind it was. My daughter jumped out of the car, and I decided to see if it was perhaps just stunned. Its body was limp, not stiff so we thought there was a small chance it was alive. We put it in a little box, and when we got home I figured weā€™d ask my husband what kind it was but he didnt know eitherā€¦and he has become our avid bird man. It turns out its a Scarlet Tanager, its extremely rare to see one because they live at the top of the tree canopy so they are seldom ever seen. The bird sadly got stiff, so of course we knew it had died. Though that must have meant only moments before we found it. Im not sure what any of that means, if anything, but for some reason to meā€¦I feel it means or symbolizes something, something to dobwith my sister both sad and joyful. Weā€™ve decided to bury it, and I think weā€™ll bury it in the garden weā€™ve built for my daughter and sister. Anyway, thats my little storybof the day xo everyone. To the 25th hour xo


Checking in at the end of day 25. Pretty uneventful day. Had a good thunderstorm which I loved. Had to take an afternoon nap which is fine. Looking forward to the time I donā€™t have to. Had some strong cravings this week that I had to work through to stay on track. The last few days have been busy so have not done my morning meditations, prayers and gratitude. Canā€™t let that go as it strengthens my resolve.

Have a good night everyone.


Day 354 AF
Began meditation again on Monday morning along with selecting an affirmation card and journaling in my gratitude journal. It has helped tremendously with the stress at work and changing my attitude and outlook on my day.

Today was busy at work but nothing too stressful. Back pain in minimal and manageable. For that I am thank you.

Will attempt to get up early and do a light workout. I have not worked out in months. My fatigue has been pretty intense lately. Hoping for the best.

Have a good night everyone!


Such a blessing!


Man! I forgot to check in this morning. Day 329ā€¦



Feeling better and going back to work in a moment. Yesterday all I did was sleep really. I obviously had some sleep to catch up on. Not feeling 100% well yet but getting there. One day at a time. So on we go. Sober and clean or nothing would come of it. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.


Day 97/98

Last day of my road trip. Seriously scary weather for 3 days, but managed to get a lot of sightseeing in too. Lovely scenery. I am exhausted, but so glad I made my first sober trip in ages!

I donā€™t get out of my home state much so it was fun to meet people with funny accents, and try to hide my Northeast US/Texas mashup accent a bit :grinning:.

Went up to the Ozarks and we looked for :bear:. Didnā€™t see one, but maybe when I go to the Rockies next month. I have yet to see a bear in the wild. Someday! Got many pictures and the people were genuine and friendly. I would also like to see some Native American dancing next time. I drove across many tribal lands and learned quite a bit of history.

I feel great about this. I did it! Hundreds of miles, and only about 5 hours to go. Iā€™m in a hotel in Oklahoma tonight and enjoyed wandering out for supper by myself. Everyone was so different; relaxed and friendly. It was refreshing. No one was in a hurry, and they all wanted to chat. Itā€™s a smaller town far from any large ones.

I stayed with friends for a couple nights who donā€™t drink. No worries about pressure. I almost totally forgot about alcohol. Its grip has loosened. We had a great time. Tomorrow I drive 5 hours to get home. Sorry I couldnā€™t post more but time was short after I got delayed by a flood. Iā€™m going to catch upā€”you were with me in spirit driving across 3 states. :heart:



I slept horribly :weary: It was so hot and muggy. When I finally felt comfortable enough, of course I had to pee. Then woken up by my daughter watching tv 45 minutes before my alarm. I was able to get a small nap before work, but I went in earlier than usual and stayed later. I worked mostly inside today, but when I did have to go out, the air was like breathing hot jello. So heavy and exhausting. Punching out couldnā€™t come soon enough. Totally opposite mood from yesterday. Praying for an easy lunch shift tomorrow so Iā€™m not too tired for roller skating. Iā€™m pretty beat so Iā€™m off to bed.

Weird. I hear those birds again. Just like last time, right around midnight. Eerie.


Whoah! :dancer: Amazing and beautiful


Day 1265,

Checking in, can write a lot. But I geus a retreat is something you need to experience :pray:

This mornings sunrise


*Day 2087 :walking_woman:
And another Dutchie is checking in :wink:
Had an exhausting day yesterday. Couldnā€™t stay awake when my kids where home to catch up, so I went to bed early. Just heared the hubby had lotā€™s a fun with them and I feel like I missed a lot.

Today? Killing myself in crossfit training :sweat_smile:, house chores and stuff.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Well done for the
Months!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Thank you @JazzyS, hope so. Iā€™m also quite into sports and active, but of course trying to have regeneration days.


@SoberWalker A poppy on the remembrance of D-day :slightly_smiling_face:.
Good morning everyone.
Its my d-day also d for dentist. Is is also 2 years since I stoped smoking today. I dont have a counter on that though.
Hope you all have a good day.


Day 10 :four_leaf_clover:

Everything is going well for now, much love :two_hearts:


I got a new phone today, and Iā€™ve never seen these options. Anyone see them before? Isnā€™t this the ā€œRecovery forum and support groupā€? Or is this something separate?


Renee!!! I cant answer your question but its sure good to see u girl!! Hope u are wellā€¦sending big love to you and your fam :heart: xxxx


Heyyy there my friend! How have you been? I just passed 600 days and Iā€™m going on a vacation with the family this weekend!! Been crazy busy , but super excited. Hugs to you! :blush::people_hugging: Glad to see you here