Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Wow on day
393 no alcohol
332 no vapes or ciggs (32 form of nic)
55 no form of marijuanna

Im in awe over how hard i worked this week
I had all types of cravings
Customers offering me thc pens in the bathroom
Coworkers talking about drinks and how it helps their anxiety
New hours at work
My wife and baby during all of this

Its just been a lot but i cant believe it i havnt caved even though at times i thought i would. Some days are easy and some are tough but atleast im above ground kicking

Latley its been i should have something
Some vice
So i chose to drink too much dunkin coffees
Too much might give me anxiety but if i time them right it could be a good kick


Thank you! :blossom:

1 Like

Thank you!


Hey Nordique :wave:
I was just thinking of you yesterday. I hadn’t seen you for a bit or we just miss each other.
I’ll have a good ODAAT if you will.


62 days
Travel went well today. I’m really tired tonight and am already in bed. I like the place we’re staying at…really gives me the privacy I need this time around. Hoping I’ll get a good sleep. I tend to not sleep well in places I’m unfamiliar with. So far my anxiety is staying low so am hoping that continues.


@acromouse I’m an intuitive/medium and Empath. Ive joined a group of my peers that gather once a month to see what information or messages the universe may have for us. It’s always very interesting. :blush:


So my morning and plans for the day got sort of sidetracked. I get a call from the school nurse scheduler saying my sons nurse has to stay home today bcuz her daughter is ill. So my son stayed home from school. Normally this would throw me for a loop and get me all worked up bcuz things arent going the way i had planned. But acceptance is key… just like u mentioned @Soberbilly. I love what u wrote. I remember reading that part from the Big Book long ago and wow does it still truly resonate with me. So today is all about going with the flow. Accepting the things i can not change. And changing what i can, which is my attitude and response to what happened.
Anyway i managed to get my sons cupcakes done first and then will go grab his formula when my husband gets home from work. Then a workout. So it all is getting taken care of one way or another.
Here are the cupcakes i made. They are a smores cupcake:

Wish there were extras. I wouldve loved to try one! Hope everyone day is going well! :butterfly:


These look absolutely epic :fire::boom:


I don’t care for sweets but those do look fabulous :star_struck:


Good evening TS community. Day 15.05 I had to check that as i have been so busy painting fences and sorting rubbish out to go to the tip.
Not really gave having a drink a second thought the only time idid think about it today was when i was half way down a cup of coffee and my wife brought me a cup of tea out. I really do drink a lot of tea and coffee while im off work i have noticed that.
Ill get some decaf tomorrow and some sugar free cordials.i do have plenty different flavours of tea.
Another busy day tomorrow, a trip to the dentist followed my getting rid of more rubbish. Its the spring clean i missed earlier in the year due to all the rain. Thankfully we have only had showers the last couple of days.
Looking at some posts on here the wet weather is all accross Europe.
Try and have a positive winning day everyone.


Checking in day 156 AF :blush:


This is beautiful. Made me smile.


Day 2266. As i type this, i cannot remember if i checked in already. Lol, guess I will go check.


My grandson is perfection.

God is good. Peace my friends!!




This sounds amazing - please post pics ! X


Amazing :star_struck: xx


Congratulations! He is gorgeous :heart_eyes: xx


@mno I hope you are feeling better now friend. :pray: Sending you healing vibes for a quick recovery
@bunto Great work on your 1+ week of sobriety – keep it going strong :muscle: The sleep will regulate itself in time – don’t give up on your recovery.
@just_laura OOH “roll into the decades” sounds like a blast. Have a wonderful time!
@bomdhil Oh dear Thomas – you should be proud of your time that you collected and that you are not letting this relapse defeat you. You are right her with us working on day 1. Sending you strength and love – hope you are able to show yourself some compassion as well :hugs:
@chevy55 WOOT WOOT 5 months is awesome work Nick – you have come a long way friend and doing incredibly well – keep up the amazing effort :muscle:
@catmancam I’m so sorry Cam – I can’t imagine having opened up about something that is so troubling to you and then having a 3 week break to sit with the thoughts and feelings. Not to mention that you are still in contact with family and so the triggers are very much alive. Big hugs to you my friend. I can understand that you love your dad. Unfortunately he has not done his duty of being there for you. You are not alone my friend – you are not an outcast here. You are among friends and we ALL love you – care for you and want the best for you. :people_hugging: Sending you love and hugs – know that we are here for you. Hoping the meditation helped and the visit was quick and painless.
@mindofsobermike its ok to have some days where our mood is just meh – right down the middle. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless
@mischa84 Lovely to read that you are getting out and doing something – a full planner is awesome news. I am sure you will be able to handle it – a nice change of pace from running after toddlers all day :hugs:
@lavender_butterfly Welcome back to work on your recovery from PMO. It is hard to make the step towards day 1 and you are doing this so you should be proud. I am happy to hear that you did not relapse on SH during this time. Stay connected here and keep working your recovery – it does get easier :pray: :muscle:

Awe congrats friend – way to go on protecting your sobriety and staying on track! :muscle:


@butterflymoonwoman WOW those look so delicious – sorry that you didn’t make an extra to try out. You amaze me Dana – love how you handled today and did not let the wrinkle throw you off – still got your task list accomplished and kept your spirits high. Much love friend :heart:
@rookie OOH he is perfect! Grateful that he finally blessed us with his presence. Hope your daughter is doing well. :heart: :hugs:
@Catmama23 Hey Lauren was thinking of you and missing your check ins - hope all is well :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday night
532 days free of alcohol and weed
947 days free of cigarettes
Had my endo appointment this morning and grateful to be getting more tests and hoping for possible answers. Grateful that i made it through the day without needing a nap. I did do a lovely walk after my appointment at my favorite park. It was a cloudy day so that was lovely as the sun was not too harsh.
Have a bit of a headache that i will try to get past with a warm compress. Have to be up early tomorrow for blood work appointment.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: