Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 148 AF,

I’ve not been as active as when I began, just too busy. I still try and read up a bit but it’s little.
Applied for FT at municipality but still not sure I want that. But coworkers said apply and if you decide against no issues. Better to be on radar than not.
Still lots of mows on weekly basis, two today.
Still losing weight. I’m 5lbs away from being down 100lbs from my heaviest, and think I am pulling trigger on bike to celebrate. Life’s too short to have regrets.

I’m doing well, still trying to find my way with down time. Still trying to figure out those quiet moments but feel I’m doing better in them, though they are rare other than my morning coffee and journal…getting there.

Peace TS folks

Last nights sunset!


That sounds like an awesome night. I’m happy for you man!


Checking in late from yesterday, day 20. Will check in later this evening.
Now this is a thing of beauty :smiley: false start in the beginning, but didn’t give up.

Have a good day everyone.


Checking in grateful for this morning. Today’s plan is exercise, meditation and reflection, teach a class with community kids, then groceries and cooking for me and my wife. Maybe take a nap in there too :sleeping: :innocent:


Happy for you Mike, sounds like you made a good connection :innocent:


This :arrow_up:

Exactly what I’m doing today too!
Be easy on yourself :people_hugging:


Happy birthday @acromouse im sorry youre feeling low. Hopefully this is temporary and you get relief soon

Try leaving expectations behind. They only build resentments.


Hey all, checking in on day 1448. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 92

Good morning. Packing the car today and taking the kitty to the cat hotel. They have little rooms instead of cages, lots of fuss and she returns happy.

I’m pretty happy too to be sober traveling again. It’s been years since I traveled sober but I’m remembering now. Staying home for the first 3 months really helped. I’m not cocky about it though. I’ll be taking you along with me. Might post pics on a pic thread. I’m deliberately taking a backroads route to decompress. The entire drive is rural. I had fun looking for strange diners online along the way. I enjoy photography and writing, so I’ll put things together as a hobby project.

Seems like another cup of coffee or two would be good. So happy to be returning to normal life. Everything is starting to change and open up.

Have a great sober day


Happy Birthday Aga! I hope your day turns around fast. Having people over will help :heart:


Good to hear you are doing so well!! It’s well earned and you worked hard for it. I understand what you are saying, I suffer from milestone malady once in a while. Less often nowadays though. Usually it’s when I think ahead too much. So I try to go back to the very basics. I tell myself: I don’t know if I can drink again. I might. Likely I cannot. Not sure I want to find out. Anyway, not gonna find out today. Got me over every milestone so far. Keep you toolbox open. You got this, friend. :muscle:


Good morning friends. Im off to work. Should be a good day. Feeling a bit tired this morning but ill be fine once i get my coffee into me. Going to go over what my goals are for this month since its June 1st. I usually try to find one or two things i can improve on to better myself. Have a fabulous addiction free day everyone!! :butterfly:


Happy birthday! I hope that your day gets better and you have a good visit.


Happy 24 everyone!
It’s another Day to celebrate our sobriety
Keep up the great work :100::pray:t3::grinning:


58 days
I’ve been busy today arranging this work trip, planning ways to keep myself safe and taken care of and making arrangements for everything to be looked after while I’m away. It’s a lot of work leaving for a trip…I always hate leaving the dogs. At least all the sheep are in the valley. So it’s just the horses and dogs to think about. My neighbor agreed to milk the horses and sell for me while I’m away. So a bit of a hectic day.
I was thinking about my last trip to Uzbekistan (which was accidental because of me getting on the wrong plane…oh how surprised I was to end up there🤣) and had a good laugh telling my friend about it. It made me look forward to visiting there again. And I’ve planned to try to work in the morning then have the afternoon to try to relax and show her to some of my favorite places. Also I will see my Uzbek family. I talked to the mom already and told I am now sober so they would not have drinks around to offer me. I think now I’ve done all I can to prepare myself for it.

Hope everyone is having a good sober day😊


Hoping you have a better day! :people_hugging:


These are looking great! Happy gardening!


Checking in on day 324. It’s June already!! Happy Birthday, @acromouse :tada::tada::tada:.
@Mno , I value your sincerity and kindness toward all. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, it helps a lot!
Sending everyone love.:heart:


Happy happy birthday friend :slight_smile: i really hope ur day improves.


Alomst day 11!
A bit of positive news perhaps, my wife is getting switched over to oral antibiotics tomorrow then a having a blood test and if all is ok she can come home. So im really happy about that today.
Im going to see her later and shes been told she dosnt have to stay on the ward and she can go for a walk to the coffee shops, restraunts and retail units.
Ive been to work and now im off for a week so hopefully we may get to have a few days out together as she will be taking a few days away from work.
The sun is shining today and things are looking good.
I will get some gardening done and enjoy the rest of my day.
@acromouse Happy birthday hope you have a good afternoon.
@Mno If your therapy is tough then you must be doing it right my friend, its tough also reading it well done brother :clap: i hope you got some creative writing done and that you can get on your bike tomorrow :man_biking: :+1:
Enjoy your walk @Twizzlers and the big yellow thing in the sky :sun_with_face:
@CATMANCAM some numbers there to be proud of, I hope your mental state improves and you can pick yourself up a little… :slightly_smiling_face:
Everyone have a splendid (I like that word) day.