Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

@Soberwalker thanks Claudia. I ended up finishing the puzzle late last night…it was bugging me that I only had a few pieces left :joy:. I baked vanilla cake and cinnamon buns for the restaurant and for the festival I did cheesecake, donuts, a few batches of spice pumpkin chic chip bars, PB chic chip bars, Oreo bars, Blondie bars. Omg your red monster is too adorable. Hope you have some relaxation time today.
@Louloubelle omg…I’ve missed you Louise. Great numbers friend :muscle:t4: great to hear that you are doing so well. Fuck the addict brain…it really is a shitty nuisance. Glad you know it’s lies and are buckling down on your recovery. Remembering how I got to day 1 and felt in the initial days always keeps me from going back. Wishing you luck and hope to see you around :people_hugging:
@wahtisnormal the mind is a powerful thing and our addictions take hold of it to play out the scenes that cause the most anxiety so that we go back to the empty comforts. Great work on fighting through it. I’m sure your cat is ok. You will be home with him in no time. Sorry you are feeling unsafe. Are you able to talk with someone IRL to see where these feelings are coming from and possibly find a safe way to address them🫂 you are doing great my friend…keep showing up for yourself
@mno big hugs to you my friend. Grateful that you have a good therapist that you are working with and hope that you remember to be gentle and kind to yourself when out of the sessions. Hopefully you were Ble to do something fun and exciting today :people_hugging:
@acromouse happy birthday beautiful Aga. Hope you start feeling better soon. We’re you able to get in touch with a doctor yesterday? Sorry to see you suffering like this.
@Twizzlers wow I love it! Stop and pause!!! Hope you are enjoying your slice of heaven my friend… happy Saturday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@MrFantastik glad the drive is completed…omg that walk sounds so lovely and exciting… enjoy your adventure

I loved reading this! Glad you are going with the flow. QHope you are enjoying your day Cam and not being hard on yourself…much love friend :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Mindofsobermike glad you were able to connect with someone and feel comfortable. More grateful that you stayed safe mentally and physically - protecting your sobriety!
@Leveller oh Col that is fantastic news! So happy to hear this…have a great visit with your wife today… hoping for continued improvement.

Happy Saturday y’all
Slept late and had trouble want to get out of bed this morning :joy:…my eyes hurt and are super itchy …a combo of allergies and sleep deprivation. I’m up now and a very late start…lots of small stuff to do … but coffee first :coffee::wink:
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I know thats a shitty feeling not feeling great on your birthday :pensive: I hope your day has gotten better, and happy birthday!! :pray:t2:


Thank you i will look i to that! :purple_heart:


Checking in nearly reached day 16 feeling more confident each day, hope everyone is having a great day :purple_heart:


Feeling very well, actually quite fantastic. Sleeping relatively well, very decent quality is there and learning how to fall asleep again after I wake up few times per night. Love being sober. Never and forever!


Huge congrats on 3 days :muscle:t2::heart:


Day 123 AF - healing :cherry_blossom:

TW body / eating blah

I ordered jeans (very light bleached, wonderful summer tone) and they fit 1 size smaller. That’s so cool! I don’t jump on the scale anymore. Haven’t changed a lot despite of realy eating regular and getting enough sleep! Healthy diet with enough protein, veggies and some treats, that’s it. Eating what I want. No scale pressure. Its amazing. I am healing!

Just remembered yesterday how many years I was between dieting, binging and _ repeat.

Also noticed yesterday that I am truly much more relaxed. Away from this landlord, distanced from these guys. Healing!

This morning electricity was off for hours. We noticed wlan is off first, followed by mobile data. I already said, now we got a cyber attack to create a blackout. Neighbors came over and we noticed whole electricity was off. Normally something like this happens twice a year and lasts minutes. Today it was 3 hours and in radius of 100km. They said it was a technical defect. Don’t know.

Just chilling the day out :sunglasses:
Love you guys :heart:


Congratulations :tada: on your 3 days


Slept until almost 9 with no help from my cats who wanted to eat. They have a lot of bad behaviors like eating my important papers that make me jump out of bed. Spent a leisurely hour and a half drinking my coffee and catching up on here. I am giving myself a break/self care this morning since I finished a work deadline at 6 last night. This afternoon I’m going to a clothing sale with my sponsor. I’m looking forward to that.


Day 64 here.

Went on a small hiking trip today.
Could’ve been longer but I had an early shift so I just decided to keep it simple.

Doing okay otherwise. Not really triggered as much as sad.

There was a small festival at that lake and everybody was drinking and dancing.

Kind of mourned not being able to do that but that’s just in my head.
I’ve never been a social drinker so why associate alcohol with that now?

Also if I want to lie to myself I can do that just fine on my own.

Don’t need a drinking buddy or drunk strangers for that.

I hope everyone has a good weekend and I’ll see you tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Also a small picture of the lake:


Day 1260,

Just checking in, leaving for a retreat of a week tomorrow. Looking forward to it to get out to relax :pray:


Congratulation, hope the connection with your visitors did you good :tada::confetti_ball::tada:


Happy birthday Aga :cherry_blossom::purple_heart::bouquet:


Checking in I’m 5 months sober today :grin::partying_face::blush:. I am so proud! Happy sober Saturday everyone xx

  1. Super lazy day including a long nap. I feel like I’ve got a cold :sob: oh well, sober will help.

Day 4 & going strong. :muscle:t2: been keeping busy to distract myself from the urges and been painting :framed_picture:
Santa Muerte; lady of death.
She helps healing, protection, and safe passage to the afterlife.


Congratulations on 5 months!!!


I love this! I need to get my paints out. 4 days is awesome, keep going!


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 94

Greaser meet was good. Weather was amazing.
My brother stayed for a bbq, the gardener came took down our trees and Also stayed for a bbq.

I’m tired. :joy:

That’s all Folks. Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Happy Birthday :slight_smile: :tada: