Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

@jonase Double 7’s :muscle: Great work Jonas! I am sorry that you are struggling today – great plan to sleep it off. The cravings do not last long. Just have to find a way to keep busy till they pass. We are here to offer support and distractions – keep going strong :muscle:
@PositiveThoughts Sending hugs my friend – hope you do get a good nights sleep tonight. You are in full on go go go mode – sending strength :hugs: :heart:
@brittc Welcome back friend – way to go on getting back on the sober horse – YEAH day1 – stay connected and keep stacking up the days :muscle:


Just a quick check in at the end of day 34. Busy day today.

Have a good night all.


Good night @Jeanine



I’m glad I’m finally winding down and this day is over. I was scheduled 3 hours earlier than usual and nobody knew why. Turned out to be so I could set up for the busy night ahead with one other person. It made no fucking sense for 12 other people to come in after most of the work was done. If everyone was scheduled together, 1/2 hour earlier than normal, we could’ve done it all as a team. My feet were aching before the dinner shift even started :tired_face: I feel like all I do is work right now. For 9 years I’ve always loved my job and have always adapted well to change, but the changes made over this past year have only made everything more difficult for us. It’s the first time I dread going to work. No one’s ever in a good mood anymore. My days off are either being too exhausted to enjoy or full of chores.

I’m also over this whole ex in jail shit. I don’t have my weekends alone to recuperate anymore. I haven’t been able to spend any time with friends in almost 2 months. My parents are getting irritated having to look after my daughter so much more. I don’t have anyone else! Plus I couldn’t afford it. We were supposed to go to a pool party tomorrow but thank God it’s been postponed 2 weeks! 12-3 and then work at 4 would’ve been too much. Just feeling so overwhelmed. I really want to be able to enjoy a summer for once. I want to have time and energy for my daughter. Praying for some good days ahead :pray:

On the plus side, not one alcoholic thought passed thru my mind. I’m still positive that it will never make anything better, and I guess that’s something :relieved:


@Nordique congratulations for the 4 years sober! :tada:
@Aussie_Tiger welcome here and well done for the 30 days :confetti_ball:
That’s good news @Butterflymoonwoman :tada: Do you have another nurse for the nights she is off from work ore do you do those shifts yourself? Just wondering :hugs:
Hi @Brittc , sorry about the relapse. Glad you came back. Stick around this time, it really helps to be here much. Maybe check in here every day? We are here to support you in your journey! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

*Day 2099 :walking_woman:
Tired, so I have to be careful with myself.
My agenda is filled with work, crosfit and social stuff. Not much space to breath.
So I’m looking if I can prospone some activaties ore maybe going to bed earlier. We’ll see.
Went to work and afterwards to the movie and a pub with a friend. Drank herbtea.
In bed at 0.15 and awake at 5 o’clock in the morning :face_with_peeking_eye:
giphy (8)
Today? Work :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
See you later aligator :sunglasses:
And let’s not drink ore drug shall we :raising_hand_woman:


@Brittc keep it up, fingers crossed for you. Any thoughts on the trigger?



I had a long night, but I’m still tired. Therapy was intense, we’ll restart emdr, try and work on these memories from adolescence a bit. Hoping for a dry spell so I can do my bike trip across town and get some good produce over there. I already know there’s no spinach. Too much rain. Will see what is available. In the mean time lets all have as good a day as we can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Utrecht yesterday.

@Aussie_Tiger One thought that helps me is how much harder it would be for me to keep drinking and drugging. Recovery is work, and sometimes hard work too, but the gains are immense in all areas of our lives. Welcome back, welcome the the thread, glad you’re here.
@Brittc Welcome back Brittany. One day for all of us girl. We’re in this together. :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman Happy for the good news Dana. You all could do with some steadiness and good work on the nursing front.
@Lighter Success with your therapy. It can be life changing and life saving stuff. Hugs.
@Noshame “If i ever smoke weed responsibly” There’s your mindset which is off. We bloody can’t. Or we wouldn’t be here. Read your own relapse post from two days ago. You will never smoke weed responsibly. Me neither. End of.
@Juli1 Here’s hoping it’ll be dry for long enough for me to ride across town to my favourite grower / grocer and get some Swiss chard myself. Among other nice healthy stuff. Have a good weekend friend.


Thank you Jazzy! I’m up nice and early and feeling fresh! Glad your energy levels are up🙏…Enjoy your time with your sister!


Much appreciated Marie, you’re right it’s these moments that suck for a short time and are manageable instead having a 4 day unmanageable hangover :tired_face: It really does help chatting on here. I’m enjoying following your story. It’s helping me. Thank you :pray:


Day 357. Erratic sleep last night. Torrential rain. A quiet day ahead planned… Will do some reading, take my dog for a walk, maybe go for a bike ride and then relax this evening with my wife (she has to work today)…
Also usual household chores to do… All good


Day 276 drug free
Day 159 alcohol free
Day 1 nicotine free

Checking in from work this is my second weekend. My new part time overnight job at mental health facility for children and youth. I will one day at a time as the job will be every weekend Friday and Saturday. Not sure what how I will manage in the he fall when I’m back to work full time… Well like everything else ODAAT. So.nice to read the past few days of posts I have missed. So many milestones and congratulations due. One day at a time we are all miracles.
Blessings :pray:t5::yellow_heart:


:black_circle: -XII-


[ “Where the Moon Rises” by Naya Kotko Photography ]


206 sugar
70 UPF
77 gluten
56 dairy
18 overeating

Today is packing day. My daughter and I want to pack for our upcoming trips next week. There are also some last minute errands to run, watering my plants before I leave, and game night with friends later.

Let us try for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:



I think I have to leave the country. I was singing Jolene quite loud and I realised windows are open and neighbours are in their garden… Poor people, they heard, they heard it all. Now I have to move out or at least avoid them for next 7 years.
Other than that - all good.
Much love :blue_heart:


Day 1274,

A date is mentioning that she wants to quit drinking untill the next year. I replied she is the only one able to make that decision. Of course I wanted to tell her it’s way to big etc……But I feel That’s not my role and will put an end to a potential love relationship. Maybe that’s already the case :man_shrugging:. Any thoughts on this….?

The good news is that last week the first “Recovery Dharma” group started in the region :tada::confetti_ball::partying_face::pray::heart: co-incedence doesn’t exist.


Jolene? Epic!! :laughing::laughing:. I for one, can only wish my neighbour would do that !


Day 162 AF,

Supposed to rain today but got all my landscape jobs done during the week after work so let it rain.
Nothing to do!! Well, never nothing, lol… but no mowing.

Slept well again, feeling strong, clear headed, ready to tackle the day(s) ahead.

Hope you are all doing well!


@Rob11 so you have a relationship with an addict who intends to end drinking beginning of next year? Or is she just a casual drinker? You know how it is, the only longterm factor playing The role in quitting is she herself. I didn’t quit alcohol because of children, or my parents (who are recovered alcoholics), or my ex wife… probably sad, but it’s what it is. But can’t imagine a stronger base for building up my big recovery house


Lovely nice weather, sun is shining, my children in good mood. Had already some father to son session in the morning as there were things to address and not leave them in the void, also to show him I do care and notice he might feel unwell from psyché perspective and fortunately he did listen, even agreed, didn’t shut his doors. Appreciate his attitude and gives me hope he will find the right path with some help.


Hi there

Doing a bit better today. It’s true- forces me to slow down a bit and build a stronger recovery foundation. Thank you :heart: