Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Hey all, checking in on day 1462. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 78.

Whew what a start to this day.
Had my first relapse dream today. :grimacing:

Also slept for about 10 hours, mustā€™ve been more stressed out/drained than I thought.

Not really sure about the details anymore, all I know is that it somehow ended with me in my old rehab facility.

Imagine my face when I woke up in my own bed.

Iā€™m gonna clean up to get my mind of things but not before i had my coffee.

Anyways, I hope you all have a good weekend. :smile:

Keep going everyone!


Day 106

Itā€™s a better morning. Like basically half crap but slightly better. :wink: Still, 1000x better than any hangover. Nervous system relaxing a bit. Iā€™ll be out of this little dip soon.

Thank you @Danwood85 for the kind words.

Enjoy your sober days :heart:


Goodmorning on day
402 no alcohol
333 no vapes or ciggs (42 no form of nicotine)
2 no form of marijuana

So yestersterday was rough but it could have been worse
A few days ago my old man (my dad) was mowing the lawn and half way through he couldng breath. My merical of a step mom called the ambulance and it turned out a piece of a blood clot hit his lungs
Hes ok thank god

Yesterday my wife and baby boy visitted him. He was ok but wow hes getting older. I hated seeing him in the hospital bed

My sweet wife made a nice meal and got him gifts
I love her for that


Good morning friends!
Day 7
Up early for a Saturday because my furry overlords (:cat2::black_cat::black_cat:) wanted breakfast. Trying to plan a weekend of self care. Feeling pretty good about my sobriety after getting through a dumpster fire of a workweek without drinking. That gives me a little boost of confidence. Also had a good therapy session yesterday. I realized as we were talking that I really have grown a lot this past year. Getting diagnosed with ADHD was a huge game changer. It has really helped me understand myself better and accept parts of myself I previously couldnā€™t.



Good morning all!:sunny:
This weekend starts a baseball tournament for 2 of my grandsons. Should be fun!
Yesterday was an extremely off day, and I canā€™t really place a finger on why.:woman_facepalming:t3:
I wish you all a nice relaxing day!:sun_with_face::tulip::rainbow:


@Nordique congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Kareness congrats on 7.5 years :tada:
@Mindofsobermike Iā€™m sorry it didnā€™t work out :people_hugging:
@Juli1 congrats on passing the 3rd(!) interview, good luck with your presentation :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: I hope you get on well with your new glasses and ear plugs :blush:
@Lighter I hope therapy helped and that you slept better last night :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman that really is good news :raised_hands:t2:
@Aussie_Tiger welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 30 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :people_hugging:šŸ©µ Iā€™m glad the fatigue gave you a break :raised_hands:t2: I hope you had a lovely evening with your sister :blush:
@Brittc welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@acromouse congrats on 70 days no UPFs :tada:


@Mischa84 brilliant :smile: Iā€™m sure it made them smile :blush: :microphone:
@Noshame Iā€™m glad your dad is okay and in safe hands :raised_hands:t2:
@KarenKW congrats on your week :tada:
@Doreen1 I hope today is better :people_hugging::blush:

1404 days no alcohol.
869 days no cocaine.
384 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Feeling kinda hopeless. Almost managed to cry earlier. Been meditating this morning.

Itā€™s fatherā€™s day here tomorrow, will likely be seeing family, I donā€™t feel good about that, and I donā€™t feel good about that either.

Depression can FRO.



Brutal honesty in all friend. And the only thing you can be honest about is yourself as we donā€™t about the other personā€™s life. In this case IMHO being honest means sharing your own recovery story. Again IMO itā€™s the only thing that might have any beneficial influence on her. Or on your (potential) relationship.


So ur right, we will need to train another nurse now for the floater position so that we have a floater nurse available for emergencies. But im okay with that :slight_smile: im just glad that yhe full time position is now filled :smiley:


Yay Karen!!! Congrats ln 1 week!!!


Morning friends! Its 7am where I am and I am on my way to work. I only had 1 coughing fit last night, so hopefully that means that im on the mend. Im getting sooo tired of this persistent cough. Anyway, i hope everyone enjoys their day. Much love to my TS fam :butterfly:


7 months hoooray. Very grateful for today, goint to keep it simple. Much love


Huge congratulations on 7 months Mike!!


Thanks friend, I just did that. Weā€™ll see :pray:


Checking in at 90 days. Happy Saturday!


A new clean date is better than a date on a headstone. Someone once told me that. Now that you have 1 day go get 2


Day 83 I meet with my sponsor again today to finish going over step 1. I feel a sense of relief after our last meeting. I got some stuff out that i have been holding on to. It stirred up some emotions at the time but now it feels like a weight has been lifted. Excited to continue you my journey in recovery


Just checking in on a warm Saturday morning. Day 339 :peace_symbol::heart:


Thank you dear friend. God bless you and keep you.