Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Thank you dear friend


Congrats on 7 months Mike!!


Checking in with 69 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too. Have a good one yā€™all!


5 weeks sober. Couple of things could have tripped me up this weekend but I had everything well covered. Iā€™m home and have no intention of going outside the door this evening. Quite content with some coffee and a lemon Fanta for later.
Tomorrow will be chill also as I have a few jobs on. I just need a little bit of decent weather.
All good, all in all :+1:


Check in Day 5

Here holidays, Day was good attended online AA meeting, Went for gym , Mental clarity is much improved.
Planning tomorrow to attend AA physical meeting. Living one day at a time :slight_smile:

Sober days for all


My qoute on sober time today was ā€˜run your day or your day runs youā€™ā€¦I took note and after talking about an adventure with the little man and the dog I went for a walk in a local touristy Forrest in Dunkeld. We stayed off the path, took a route that had a danger of death sign :scream: We got to a view point and there was a Scottish piper playing the bagpipes, we sat and listened to him for a bitā€¦I was a little emotional that I was having such a nice moment with my kidā€¦I love him so much :heart:We then clambered up a 40ft banking had some snacks, found a cool we donut shack, ate some donuts and had a coffeeā€¦then crossed a river (holding my dog) to get back to the vanā€¦ it was a proper adventure and a perfect day :heart:

It really puts shit into perspective of how last nights fomo passed quickly and led to today.

I like being sober :grin:

Lots of loveā€¦hope youā€™re all well :heart: Day 46 or 45ā€‹:joy:


I found this nugget to share with you all:

Made me cry, in a good way.


Checking in at day 97. Going to AA meetings 6 to 7 days a week, meeting with my sponsor and practicing the steps has been a game changer for me. Iā€™m feeling now that I can say I am truly a grateful recovering alcoholic Wishing everyone a beautiful day šŸ©·


Second check in. Why not? Therapy was intense. Itā€™s trauma-focused, now. Need this to help me move forward, and Iā€™m finally clear enough to do it. Itā€™s uncomfortable AF. But Iā€™ll be back sooner this way, I think. Need to relax a bit now.

Tropical systems heading this way next week. Big mozzie festival! :mosquito::mosquito::cyclone::cyclone::laughing:. We do need the rain. Last summer there was none and everyone was mad that their lawn died under watering restrictions. Now all vegetation is back. The snakes are out. And other thingsā€¦ the cat will even eat scorpions. She ripped one in half and when I saw it I couldnā€™t believe it. How could she catch it without being stung? A 12 year old, overweight tabby is still quite an agile, murderous little floof. Hahaha . Good girl! Thereā€™s something about the way a scorpion moves that cats find irresistible.



Glad to hear Dad is ok!


Checking in day 166 AF :blush:


What a beautiful bonding time. Happy you see the illusion of fomo is a sham. Great work living in the present


Thank you Cjp. I would never have made it this far and possibly wouldnā€™t of had that day today without this community and your support. So much appreciation. I hope youā€™re well and enjoying your Saturday!


I love this community and now youre in the crew too :slight_smile:

Getting a pedi


A pedicure? :joy: Niceā€¦I could do with one. My feet are terrible :joy: Thanks, youā€™ve all made me feel welcome from day 1 :heart:


Day 137 AF

Have a lot of reflection and to say, but I am so tired now, that all I have is a weird gif. Lol :swimming_woman:t3:

Nighty :dizzy:



:sunrise: -XIV-


Day 797 AF

Had quite an emotional past few days, finally started to get my house together.
Iā€™ve been living in chaos for a very long time, addictions and depression also didnā€™t help.
Found too many hidden places, pieces of a past life I am somehow unable to fully rememberā€¦some distant memories of happier and also very sad times.
Clean up stirs up my emotions pretty badly, but it will be ok.
Order is good, it will help me see things more clear in the future even if the anxiety was high when throwing a lot of things away.
Will be good to move on. Finally.


7y6m1d Feeling a little down today after brunch with my parents and the twins. Iā€™ve been shopping online for auto insurance quotes and think my renewal date is still too far off. Iā€™ll call some places on Monday and see. Nothing much planned for the rest of the day. Iā€™ll probably go grocery shopping and take a walk later.


If you cancel your car insurance before the coverage period is up you get a refund