Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

I’m good until my next renewal in October. Then they’re going to gouge me. They’ll want $3,800 for 6 months, and probably more when they find out my mileage! So I guess I don’t need to worry about it until September. I just don’t like the feeling of uncertainty. :unamused:


Hey all,

Just checking in. Better day today :slight_smile: Our neighbour came to cut the hay this morning so son got to ride a windrower. Then our friends had left their tractor so they could cut the hay on our fields for their livestock…he loved that too. Tomorrow he’ll get to “drive” it and hes pretty excited. Went to our towns garage sale…not much for us, but came across some old NASCAR models and maybe I encouraged my kids to get the Earnhardt Jr & Sr cars. Little bit of nostalgia there. Daughter had her last swim lesson today, then we hit a new chip truck/veggie stand for lunch…

All in all it was a pretty good day. At the end thpugh kids were just at each other. Our daughter come down on her brother hard and negs him. I talked to her about how she doesnt want to be treated that way, but kids need consequences also. They just do, its how they learn. So it was a firm sit TF down for supper, and then play together with no arguing until its time for bed. Or we dont have to have our friends over tomorrow. Make your choice. I say that to them as well when they arent listening, being rude (more my daughter as lottle guy isnt there yet)…I can be mom whos kind of chill and we can have a good time. Or, I can be a stern mom who has to be more serious. Your choice. Kids need fucking consequences, and its hard but sorry you cant just let your emptions run everyone elses day. And I may sound like a hard ass saying this but Im an HSP LOL so like SENSITIVE AF but even i get that. Kids do need help, to understand the rules and how to behave and that be that.

Lol did not know thats where thisbpost was gponf to take me but here I am. :sweat_smile: Mom guilt is so fuckong massive for me, as is guilt in general (for my sister and nephew) so these are feelinfs I am really wantinf to work on. I dont want to parent from a place of guilt, where I then react to teachable moments with my kids where Im having to give some tougher love by beatinf myself up of then backtracking over the shit i laid down.

Glad to be sober and am just so grateful fpr that. Cant say I am super looking forward to this trip to the city, but I cant wait to see my nephew. Its goinf to be an emotional trip for my mom, and I have always been that person for her. Anyway i am going to uust stop talking now bc i am rambling!!!

Going to go finish a movie hibby and i started last night and fingers crossed for a good day tomorrow!!! Xo.


@just_laura Hope you had a better day today. Yeah to not needing a drink to get through life’s lifey moments. Hoping for easier and happier days ahead :pray:
@mischa84 LOL you are too funny an I love ya for it! I’m sure your neighbors enjoyed the serenade. Much love to ya Mischa :hugs:
@noshame Way to go with triple 3’s of no nicotine! Grateful that your dad is ok. It is hard to see our parents age. Glad he is close to you so you can spend time with him :hugs:
@karenkw Way to go Karen :tada: 1 week is amazing work! Great to hear that you are seeing the growth in yourself – keep at it love ODAAT or should I say ODAAFT :wink:
@mindofsobermike YEAH!!! 7 months is amazing work Mike – way to go friend :tada: :clap: Keep the momentum going strong :muscle:
@whereswaldo Awesome work friend – 90 days is amazing work – 3 months and counting :muscle: :tada:
@dustysprungfield Great to see you Dave – 5 weeks is great and glad that you did not let anything trip you up – stay vigilant friend!
@danwood85 OMG friend the day sounds awesome! Loved the pic of your son and dog too – so adorable :heart: Glad you were sober and clear minded to enjoy such a precious day :hugs:
@hoss So lovely to see you Martha and 97 days strong! Keep up the fantastic work :muscle:
@teresa.13 Very cool number Teresa 797 and stacking up the days! Sorry for the emotional few days. Clean up and healing does hurt and stir up a lot of shit but we also find better ways to deal with our hurt and are able to tend to ourselves with love and care. Hope you have someone irl to talk to – we are here for you :people_hugging: ODAAT!

Checking in
542 days free of alcohol and weed
957 days free of cigarettes
Day started off wellish. Had some tummy issues this morning but managed to get in some workouts in and drive my sis to airport. But i crashed hard after lunch and have been in a lot of pain since. My stomach is really in pain and i’m not sure this is all from torn muscles. I am going to try to see my doctor next week to see if they are able to provide any further insight.
Not much else to report. Going to put on a nice movie and chillax.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 35.

Little bit of a tough day. Loneliness set in and normally I would go buy a bottle of wine or 2 to deal with it. Instead, I went for walk, cooked a good dinner and settled in for a good movie. So glad I didn’t give in.

Have a good night all.


Checking in 364 AF

Feeling a bit under the weather, tummy issues today. Did run a few errands and started packing. Need to make a broccoli salad for Fathers Day tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be feeling better.

Have a good night everyone



Not much better of a day. Everything just keeps spiraling in my head. I already can’t wait to be back home from work tomorrow. I need to recharge. Feels like I’m running on 1% :face_exhaling:

I am grateful the weather has been so cool. Excellent for sleep. Fully enjoying it while it lasts.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! Hope you all have a great day :heart:


*Day 2097 :walking_woman:
Nothing much to share. Had a good day but was tired. Worked with a new co worker so had more work as usual.
Today? Crossfit training and chill time. Short weekend because tomorrow my workweek begins again :face_with_peeking_eye:

But read on Wiki there are countries who always have a 1 day weekend, so I may not complain.
Have a good sunday all! :raising_hand_woman:



I’m glad I managed to get out of the house yesterday, and to bike across town in between showers to get some good organic food. I felt less than healthy with a cold and an infected eyelid, and biking with big wind wasn’t much fun, but both have gotten better overnight. Today it’s self care and house chores. And football, as Holland plays Poland in the Euro Championships. And maybe some writing when I manage it. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love form the edge of Amsterdam.

@Teresa.13 Glad to see you Teresa. And good to see you move on. Both in your head and in your home. Hugs.


73 days sober
The past few days have been a bit crazy. My friend seems well enough to travel now so we are able to start making our way home. I’m doing alright just been a bit anxious and worried about my friend.It’s been difficult to get on here how I usually do just being out of a normal routine.


197 days
Last night was a good one. Went to watch my team with a group mates. I was driving and we had a minivan, so loaded up with 8 other guys.
There was a lot of drinking on their part. It was great to catch up with them. Had a few congratulations comments when my not drinking popped up in conversation.
Was good to get that support from the bros even though they were getting into their drinks.
They were all pretty appreciative of me driving and it meant we all got to hit up a few bars after the game and a Macdonald drive thru.
Today I was back at work and was grateful to be hangover free, albeit tired off only 4hrs sleep


@MrFantastik That sounds like a really gooooood Saturday night. It is nice to hear how your social life has not been diminished by your sobriety but got even better with all the support and appreciation you got from your pals. :grin:
@Laner A safe trip home to you.
@Mno Glad to hear your health has improved. Now I wonder if it is safe to travel to Rotterdam as a Pole :wink: I don‘t follow the event but I‘m sure there will be lots of ‚oranje‘ in the city today.
@SoberWalker The quote about the weekend does not mention the fact that the concept of the ‚weekend‘ arose out of the pure need to recover at some point after all the hard labor of work in a industrial society. Being employed did not exist before either. So: A one day weekend is not enough!
@Just_Laura I hope self care and opportunities to recharge will come your way soon :low_battery::battery:
@DanaM56 Hope you get better soon! :sunglasses:

207 sugar
71 UPF
78 gluten
57 dairy
19 overeating

Everything is wrapped up and I am ready to leave for my trip to Rotterdam. So today is about trains, travel, and getting to a new place. A bit of yoga in the afternoon as always.

No matter the turbulences and upheavals of our day: Let‘s stay with a peaceful heart, in kindness and in freedom for today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


The Rotterdammers are more about their own team, Feyenoord, than about the national team. Same here in Amsterdam about Ajax really. It’s not safe for me to walk around there in Ajax colours as there is a lot of resentment between the clubs and the towns. Ajax colours are red and white btw, but so is Feyenoord (with a little bit of black) :sweat_smile:. You’ll be fine.


Heyyyyy just wanted to say happy one year girl


Day 214 just saying hello and happy fathers day to all the dads, and if its your first year fathers day sober i hope you’re proud. Also to all the single mothers who do both, you are amazing. But i hope you all have a wonderful day, much love.


Day 358. At home with my dog. May watch a film and relax. Making him turkey meatballs and pasta penne.

Bit tired. Slept badly. Not sure if long term I want to be in Cornwall. It’s so far south west.


Day 278 drug free
Day 160 Alcohol free
Day 1 nicotine free

Hey all, checking Sunday morning. Half an hour until my shift is over then home to rest for a bit.

Supposed to meet my sponsor later to take up step 2 and attend a meeting together. Thankful for the steps.
Hope everyone has a strong and Serene day! Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads celebrating today. Being clean/sober and in recovery is the best gift you can give to yourself and your children. My children’s father is in active addiction has very little contact with our three children: very, very sad. Blessings all :yellow_heart::pray:t5:


Hey Mike congratulations on day 214. Keep at it. Happy Father’s Day to you my friend. Thank you for the shout out as a single mom I feel a bag of emotions at times,yet trusting the process and taking it ODAAT.

Have a wonderful day :yellow_heart:


Checking in on day 595 alcohol free.


Day 163 AF

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Dads out there!!



@acromouse safe travels. Enjoy your trip.