Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Getting closer to a milestone I’ve been thinking about for a while.

Much like Menno described, I’ve been also thinking a lot about putting more time, attention and intention to my life beyond online platforms. I have stepped down as a moderator in the effort to do just that. I love this community. You all, and past members, too, have made a huge impact on me. Thank you for being you. We are vulnerable and willing to open ourselves up here in ways that are really hard in real life interactions. But really important. It’s helped me in my relationships, especially with my husband and talking about my struggles. I’m grateful. Grateful to be here and grateful to you, my amix/friends. Conflicts happen, it’s part of living in this world and we are all flawed humans, but I’ve learned a lot about how to respond to conflict rather than react impulsively to it. Always a work in progress! That’s part of being human, too.

I’m grateful for my experience being a moderator and for all my past moderator fellows. Being on a team is hard work but well worth it! It is fulfilling to be able to give back to a forum that gave me so much. Thank you for the opportunity.


Thanks for your service Rosa. I wish you well in your life and hope to hear about it. :rainbow:


Thank you for this. I have to give myself tons of grace and that’s new. Still a struggle. This is a long road. It’s so worth it even if I have days where I can barely cope. We’re always doing better than we think, ya know? I know these are still early days. Things will get much better soon. :people_hugging:


Day 128
Feeling alot better today. Thanks to everyone who helped me get through yesterday, it’s much appreciated


Thank you for your service and all your shares and advice here.


Checking in. I’m feeling very negative. I think I’m just overwhelmed. I think in addition to ADHD I might on the autism spectrum. I tend to meltdown when over stimulated.

But I have vacation coming up, so that’s a positive. Visiting my mom, who conveniently lives near a beach. :beach_umbrella:



On day 1?..again… So was I.
Never stop trying even if you believe you’ll never make it just try one more time.


Sending you loads of love my friend. I am so very sorry that you are feeling this un-safeness. Here for you love. I do hope that you are able to find security in your surroundings. Remember that you are not alone and you are amazing. Keep working your recovery :pray: :people_hugging:
@juli1 So sorry to hear that you are having such struggles my friend. I know that I went through much emotional ups and downs for the first few months of sobriety as my body was regulating to live without the alcohol. You may also want to check out your hormonal levels. I know that you are young but sometimes our bodies create spikes and dips that can really mess with our minds. Do make sure that they test these for you at multiple times in a month to see where you are in a months cycle :hugs: ODAAT my friend – 140 days and going strong :muscle:
@mindofsobermike Sorry Mike – hope you are able to get on a good medication dosage. Weird palpitations are not natural – should you get this looked into?
@rosacando Grateful for all the love you have spread and the great advice. Thank you for your service and wishing you well on less online time. Do hope to still see you checking in and sharing your journey with us :pray: :heart:
@karenkw sending hugs and love my friend. Sorry for the negative feeling. Wishing you some quiet downtime to unwind :hugs: YEAH vacation time — lovely when you have something fun to look forward to
@SadMemeQueen Hope you are doing well Megan :hugs:


hey I just thought of posting today and then got distracted it’s good news for once! I’ll check in and tag you :heart:


I love it and can’t wait to read it. :people_hugging::heart:


Congratulations on your time. I agree never give up ant there is always hope.


2 years 3 months 16 days no self harm

my major issue was not having any luck with jobs and Igot a job!! I haven’t started yet but I filled out all the paperwork yesterday, and I start as soon as they get my fingerprint records back. the drive is about 20 minutes so I’m also going to start trying to learn to drive on the weekends. I can’t take being dependent on my family to go everywhere anymore. I’m working in a daycare and assistant teaching for preschool! I’m also taking college classes on top of it and while I think it’s stressful, I think this will keep me busy and force me into a routine and force me to take better care of myself.

for my birthday, I decided to make it fun and I got tickets to an interactive art exhibit called meow wolf in Denver. and then after that I’m going to spend the night at my best friend’s house who I haven’t seen in a year!

I really feel like this is where things start to look up. Im going to set a reminder to check in weekly so I don’t keep missing out on the community. thanks for checking on me @JazzyS :heart:


This is a fantastic check in and I’m so thrilled for you

Congratulations on the job and a smart move to Learn to drive and be independent.

I do agree that this could be a very good positive thing. Just remember to take care of you. I do believe you can do it all :people_hugging:

Love your birthday plans. I went to the one in New Mexico and it was an amazing experience. Have fun :blush:.
Much love Megan…:heart::heart:


Day 9

I’m grateful for living today, After 4 days holidays my office starts today. A wonderful hangover free day and i was attending AA meetings these holidays and my mental clarity is improving.

One day at a time


I had a pretty productive day today. Hit the gym, made my 2nd free training appt with the personal trainer for next week, did a thorough vaccuming of the apartment, dusted, and did the dishes. Feeling pretty good about my recovery :slight_smile: I did experience some strong anxiety surrounding food tho. Just with the fear of eating too much which could trigger a binge. I was able to eat supper by listening to my body and stopping when full. This is huge for me. I find eating slowly and mindfully helps alot. I havent binged in quite some time (I havent been keeping track) but im finding that, besides today, i rarely think about food. Its fuel for me now as opposed to it being a crutch. So i feel like im making progress in this area. Working out as been my new obsession also. Its been very therapeutic for me. Have a good night everyone! :butterfly:


Congratulations on 9 days


Thank you for all you do Rosa :slightly_smiling_face:


@DanaM56 Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


Thank you @RosaCanDo and thank you @Mno for your moderating … being fair, responsive and nice.
Hoping you both will remain a part of the community. You each bring so much in your own individual ways.
Wishing you both success, fulfillment and happiness in your endeavors in your own personal lives.
Big hugs. Lots of love.



:black_circle: -XIX-