Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 2 sober from everything

Decided to go out with my dad to eliminate the possibility of relapsing on drugs and alcohol rather than seeing my party friends. Glad I went with my dad instead. I had a random craving for blow suddenly, so I just excused myself right now for a sec to get some fresh air. Attending an in-person CA meeting in an hour or so :slight_smile:


Congrats man!!! I’m glad to see you’re doing well :slight_smile: I remember seeing you struggle the first few days but you seem to now have a grip over your addiction. Keep it up :saluting_face: :smile:


Glad to have you back and no I don’t.

Yes I am sober but that’s just the first thing I needed to do.

The rest is a work in progress I suppose. :smile:

The real journey is just beginning.^^


Day 609
Some months ago I found an online group that does Meetings, anxiety Mondays and addiction Fridays.
It felt good to see people who exactly know how I feel bc they’re going through the same :poop:
Today I was chatting with some of them, the founder of that group was also present.
I was thinking about becoming a mentor there to help others and be of service, giving something back.
She then talked about what Demons she is fighting and added, that she had lots of alcohol today bc her kids are with their father this weekend.
Now I have a bad gut feeling.
In such a group, kinda like here, those who have leading roles or those who are a mentor should be sober. They should be in treatment or therapy if they want to give advice to others.

I’m laying in bed now thinking about her bc I know how she must be struggling with her situation and that she uses alcohol to self medicate.

I’ll tell her about my concerns in the next meeting, when it’s finished.

I’m grateful for this place here and this really became a home, some of you became family.
I’m proud where I’m at today,

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Thank you so much :smiling_face: this is all new to me so :laughing:
But glad to be here. :people_hugging:


Yes congratulations on day 609!! That’s amazing :star_struck:
And I agree she must be struggling… and that’s good you’re gunna talk to her, I’d do the same. Sometimes others don’t realize that YOU may be the reason they keep fighting because no one else could be around to help. :people_hugging:


@SKhan congratulations for your great number of clean day


Checking in on day 7.


Good very early morning everyone.
I fell asleep listening to coroline (sleep story) and woke up just at a really creepy part. So…ive made hot chocolate and came on here for a read. Also had a sudden urge to get my sketch book and pencils out, thats the first time sice covid. Maybe something to try next week when im off.
Time for another go at sleep from a very sleepy me…goodnight everyone.


Awe the picture is BEAUTIFUL!!! This is very special. I was given my spirit name by an Elder during a naming ceremony and it has a very special meaning for me. This picture represents that.


Way to go!!! Congrats on one year @Chosen2001


2nd check in at the end of day 21. Doing good but still super tired. Yesterday I felt like I was in week one. I went to bed at 7pm and slept all the way through. I guess it’s going to take a while for my body to adjust sans alcohol.

Hope everyone has a good night.


Just checking in again, in-person CA meeting went really well!!! I met some sober friends which is really good. I think this is what I needed to really stay sober tbh. Now I have more options to stay away from people who always wanna drink and do drugs when we chill :smile_cat:


Protect your sobriety like you may not get another chance. @john_connor1337


@juli1 “I am healing” I loved your post and loved reading that you are healing – doing so well my friend. Grateful that you are in a better place physically and mentally :hugs: 123 days – love the sequence and the number :heart:
@jonase Funny how our addict mind works sometimes. You can feel FOMO (fear of missing out) even when its not your past event or situation that was linked to alcohol. You are doing great friend… keep up the amazing work :muscle: :hugs: Glad you got in a nice hike today
@seizetheday WOOT WOOT 5 months is amazing Hannah! Definitely something to be proud of – keep it going strong :muscle:
@vanessa8 55 days is amazing work! I’m glad to hear that your hubby is trying sobriety as well. Sometimes when we try sober living it is hard to entertain our friends in a dry atmosphere (maybe this is his thinking / fear). Grateful you are holding your sobriety dear and keeping it protected! :muscle:

WHAT? :laughing: :rofl: Thanks Dan – this was hilarious – wonder who’s undies she found and chewed up! They obviously did not agree with her :laughing: Thanks friend (grateful to have you on this journey with us – we make each other stronger). I am looking forward to the festival – will update in my check in tomorrow night. Glad you were able to turn to AF beers to get over the urges! Damn summer fun LOL – it does get easier – keep doing what you are doing :muscle:
@lotusflower Check you out! 6 days no nicotine :muscle: Way to go friend – all your amazing timers — keep up with your superb efforts!
@chosen2001 OH I love it – congrats on your year of recovery and that amazing quote! :muscle: Way to go friend! Keep showing up for yourself
@efountains Grateful that you were sober for this one and for many more to follow! Great work on your 635 days and taking it ODAAT :muscle:
@john_connor1337 Way to go with spending time with you dad and making a conscious decision to not be tangled in with your triggers. ODAAT friend – keep going strong :muscle: Glad you had a good experience with your CA meeting – yes! More options and sober friends to keep you on the right track!


@bomdhil Way to go with your 40 days Thomas! Wow you are crushing it! Hope you are finding the support you need my friend – lovely to see you stacking up the days
@thumper1213 Way to go with the 1 week – keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@jeanine 3 weeks is awesome work! It does take a while for our bodies to detox and adjust to living without the crutch. You are doing great – keep it up – it does get easier.

It has been a very productive and active day - even with the late start i managed to get all i wanted and way more accomplished. Feeling tired and ready for bed - an long hard day tomorrow - i am actually looking forward to it. I am glad that i am not letting my symptoms slow me down.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Awesome to hear man! Sounds like an awesome night for real. I’m jealous. Fight night with the boys :muscle:
I remember when I felt that one day at a time lol. Not as easy as it sounds everyday but when we get em they’re pretty frkn good
Also I’m takin Poirier for an upset. Doubt it tho


That’s exactly it! It’s been a pretty boring card so far. I want him to win too, give him the storybook ending.



Tired. Tomorrow will be a good day :relieved:



Stressful situation continues. Today sucked in a lot of ways and theres just been a lot of stress and anxiety and I’m really fucking over it. I just want to go home. Someone gave me false hope that we could just go home tonight, but then they changed their mind. Now I just feel stuck. Feels like I have no control over my life the past couple days and its really not fun. Urge to drink is still present. Just been pissed off all day for countless reasons. Also have to be up early but I’m not even tired so I’m just gonna be awake bored and stressed out, then get not enough sleep (again) before having to drive 3 hours home. I’d rather just leave now.