Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

@Pandita & @JazzyS thank you so much for your thoughtful and encouraging replies.
Lovely to see you both :heart_eyes:
I must become more active here, Iā€™ve been lurking in the shadows a bit lately :eyes: xx



Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from Canyon de Chelly in Navajo Nation AZ. Such a magical place.

Not much to say. My house is tidy. Iā€™ll try to write. Donā€™t feel like riding today. X

@wahtisnormal Sit with your uncomfortable feelings. Experience them. Youā€™ll make it through and learn. We donā€™t need to run from them. We can make it through without fleeing into drinking or whatever. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. :people_hugging:


*Day 2083 :weight_lifting_man:
Had a good day at work yesterday beside the dificulty of not hearing what the customers had to say :sweat_smile: So at the end of the day I was drained by trying, but sold a lot anyway.
Today? Crossfit training and chill, maybe a little walk at the end of the day. Nothing much, have to work tomorrow.

Sharing one of my favorite older picture from an early encounter with a fox while walking in the morning. Saw it the day after too and after that never again while I walk there very much.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:
focus on the good and the good gets better!


Day 344. In Liverpool still. Bought some trainers and a new jacket. Must have walked 11 miles today around the city centreā€¦ So many people out getting drunk from about lunch time. A big culture of weekend parties, hen doā€™s that kind of thing

I donā€™t miss alcohol. We did go to one bar where I said I wasnā€™t drinking and the chap said itā€™s good to take a break. Itā€™s interesting that alcohol is seen as what to do, whereas sobriety makes more sense.

I am seeing my parents for breakfast then driving south. Its been a good trip. Went to my favourite wine bar called brunch. Really lovely chap, cracking cheeseboards. My wife had a really good chardonnay and he had some really nice soft drinks. I prefer me sober but I can see how where I came from was an influence. Work all week and binge all weekendā€¦

What was good is seeing how all the investment in Liverpool City centre has made a difference. So many families out and about too. Saw a few people blatantly knick stuff from a couple of shops. Itā€™s been interesting


Thank you Juli, much appreciated :blush:


Thank you Twizzlers :smiling_face:


Day 1261,

Am I the f*cking Tinder alcohol police. Interesting research question, ā€œwhat is the percentage of problematic drinkers or addicts on Tinderā€. Iā€™m at 100% from own experience :see_no_evil::joy:. Most profiles ooze it, but didnā€™t expect this one. Canā€™t pose her pic and we discussed it right away so weā€™ll see. Sheā€™s really nice (German), so one step at the time and watch my boundaries ones more :face_with_peeking_eye:. Now get my ass packing and of I go to the retreat :person_in_lotus_position::heart:


@Timetochange I am a great fan of street art. Thanks for sharing those pictures. Maybe I should visit Liverpool some time. And I absolutely second your thoughts on how the culture we come from is a big influence on how we model our behaviour and what we consider to be ā€šnormalā€˜.
@SoberWalker Your photo is a nice coincidence as I saw a fox running down our street for the first time ever the night before yesterday. I live in a densely populated area but there are some woods nearby. I never thought they would foray that far into the city.
@Mno Your photos make me long to go all kinds of places. Thanks for sharing them every morning.
@wahtisnormal I am sorry you are in so much stress right now. I very much hope youā€˜ll be home soon and can relax a bit. Is there something nice you can do for yourself? Sending you hugs :people_hugging:
@JazzyS Nice to hear youā€˜re up and running :grin:
@john_connor1337 Good to see you back friend! Building new, sober social circles is a great step. Well done :muscle:
@Jeanine Hope your strengths comes back soon. Congrats on three weeks of sobriety!
@Thumper1213 Congrats on your week :clap:
@Leveller What do you like to sketch?
@Bomdhil Congrats on 40 days! Way to go :sunglasses:

193 sugar
57 UPF
64 gluten
43 dairy
5 overeating

First and foremost many thanks to all the well wishes for my birthday :hugs: yesterday. They all put a smile on my face. My mood - as always - improved significantly through the day and I had a really nice day.

Today I woke up feeling much better, less anxiety, less worry, less depression. Very glad about that.
Itā€˜s the end of the week and time for my weekly review where I look back, stake stock and look forward into the next week. I always enjoy that process.
I might take a walk later. That always does me good. A friend will come by in the afternoon. Some yoga later in the day.

Letā€˜s do this today: peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Hey Billy. All good, just feeling my energy sapped. Bit sniffly and weak, but Iā€™m all fine. How are you?

Iā€™ve been doing a full body scan daily with David Ji on insight timer a few days now with the intention of doing 60 days in a row. Apparently it changes your brain. After that I do a breathwork with Ben Holtā€¦ Good stuff


183 days

Up early to go meet family at a local market for breakfast. Then to the inlaws house. We left the kids and their cousins got left too and us parents went off to watch todays ufc event at a bar. My wife and sister inlaw had a couple cocktails and I had a 0% beer. Had no inclination to drink at all.
Then back to the inlaws for dinner and to spend some time.
Were back at the rental accommodation and the kids are in bed.
Knowing 6months was coming up Iā€™ve been reflecting over the past few days on the changes and improvements that being sober has brought to my life. I feel better in every aspect.
I feel lucky that on a day 6months ago I was desperate for change and somehow came across this community.


Day 111 AF
Sunday evening. Been in bed most of the day with my vertigo making an unwelcome visit today. Have done exercises to help eliminate some of the dizziness so hopefully itā€™s gone by morning.


Itā€™ really absurd isnā€™t it? :sweat_smile:

I used to go to parties when I was a teenager. Which was the only time I drank in that context.

Everything party related after my first stint in rehab was done sober.

Tricky mind indeed :smiley:

  1. Strange sleep, including a really horrible relapse dream. @Starlight14 you were in it and I was so disappointed to tell you :sob::rofl: also mad dreams around the crime book Iā€™m currently reading set in Norwayā€¦ Maybe a slight fever has set in from my cold, but itā€™s not cool. Turned me right off drinking all over again :v:t2:

:joy::joy: It involved my teenage son and one of his eh friendā€‹:joy:ā€¦ he wasnā€™t bothered she was mortified :joy:

Thanks again Jazzy, glad to be here with you guys too. Itā€™s life changing :heart:ā€¦ have a great day.

1 Like

Oh darling you know id never judge you in real life dont u? If its any consolation im suffering a migraine hangover today i feel rubbish big hugs :people_hugging: xx


Aww, hugs back. Migraines are horrible. Iā€™ve felt off for a couple of days, my body is physically broken by exercise and my head is full of cold. Going to yoga in a couple of hours for some gentle uplift.

I know you wouldnā€™t judge my lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know in the Netherlands there are a few spots where they are seen frequently in the city centre. They are adjust to it and arenā€™t afraid of human anymore. Itā€™s not a good development I think.
Like the wolfs in our countryā€¦
Some journalist feed them to get a beautiful picture. But some of those wolfs now gets to close to people and become dangerous.


It sounds like you have so much going on, so much swirling on your mind and in early sobriety. Its very normal to feel those low emotions, especially early on.

I hope that things go well with the job, but of course you must recognize the risks associated with it. Do you know how long you would need to be in store before moving on? Maybe having a personal line, that you could even share here or with someone you trust, where if working there is problematic you must go. I want to be optimistic and understand the need for security, but you also have to do what is right for you long term. And that doesnt mean other opportunities wont come your way in the future. I have no answer here just see the risk and wanted to speak to it.

The stress of arguing in our relationships is also very challenging. Perspectives that have helped my husband and I is: Communicate communicate communicate. If we have a resentment towards one another, we must dive in and address it. There is no problem that is his or mine, they are our problems to solve together. Apologize & random acts of kindness!!! Xo. Sending you all the strength for the next few days hang in there.


@wahtisnormal how are you doing Zoe? Glad that you will be traveling back home today and will be back in your comfort zone. Hope you were able to get some sleep and are starting off a beautiful Sunday
@acromouse thanks Aga ā€¦feels good to be moving. So glad that you are feeling better today. Hope your health keeps improving.

This is amazing Marty!! So happy to read this. Great work on your 6 months :clap: :muscle:t2: :raised_hands:
@seb oh im sorry Sebastian ā€¦vertigo is no fun. Hope you feel better soon

Happy Sunday yall
Just a quick check in.

Im up and ready to goā€¦feeling tired and energized at the same time :rofl:ā€¦ its gonna be a fun day.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 76 :white_check_mark:

Have a great week everyone.