Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

I am working from home today after 2 days of working in the office and my long commute. It took me an hour and 8 minutes to get home last night. So I’m very happy to just have to walk to the dining room table for the rest of the week.

@Mno thanks for serving as a moderator here. Your time is very appreciated. Glad you can focus now on the 3D world.


Good morning TS fam! Its a beautiful day out here in Alberta :sunny: Happy to be alive and clean and sober!
Went to the gym this morning and had a killer chest, tricep, and cardio workout. Ate a nice chicken salad for lunch and now to do my regular cleaning of the apartment. Tmrw is a busy day so want to get a few extra things done today.

My son will be done school as of middle of next week and so I really need to figure out my workout routine for the gym in our building (that only has dumbbells and some cardio equipment). I wont be going to my usual gym over summer bcuz ill have my son home with me, which means waking up at 530am to do my workout before the nurse leaves at 7am. Its fine. Ill make it work but i need to plan otherwise things wont go well.

Ya thats about it for today :slight_smile: Have a great day everyone!! :butterfly:


Checking in day 170 AF :blush:


Day 82.

Doing okay so far. Feeling a bit anxious about a wedding in august. My former roommate is getting married to her wife and I’ll be going down to her area for a week. Meaning about 2 days of socializing and 5 days of being on my own.

The addict in me is already itching for this “opportunity”. No supervision, no one who knows me. Etc, etc…this used to be prime material for a bender.

Now it’s not. Which is something im trying to hammer in for at least 2 days now. :hammer:

But man is that annoying. :sweat_smile:

I’ll make some plans for the remaining days while I’m down there. It’s my first vacation since like forever.

Would be a shame to waste it like that.

See you around. :slight_smile:


76 days sober
I’ve really done bad at checking in these past few days. I think because I’m not in my normal routine and still haven’t made it home yet. But I’m doing really well still despite all my change of plans and some added stresses. I think I’m sorta stuck in limbo for the next week🤦‍♀️ but I’m used to this sort of thing so will survive.


Day 162 afternoon check in.
I’ve done well this week completely avoiding instant gratification. The only things I’ve used my phone for are messaging, calendar, photos, weather, and this app. I’m on the second day avoiding caffeine - I’m taking a break for 3-4 days to help get some much needed better sleep.

I’m trying at the moment to find the motivation to get through my last hour of work.

It’s all on me; I’m not looking for external stimulus.

Peace to you, from me.


Eww, yeah the first gathering! It’s a huge test, for sure. Do you have a break glass in case of emergency plan? :rotating_light: A way to step out if you get uncomfortable, or people you can call or text? I was very stressed about being around drinking people that first time at my birthday. It ended up helping solidify my sobriety, and made some things clear.


Will I sleep tonight ?? :open_mouth::open_mouth: :crescent_moon: :sleeping_bed:



So you’re at 141 days AF and still struggling this badly?

Do you have a history of depression and/or anxiety? How old are you and how long have you been using?

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Wonderful to hear @Scorpn

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@soberwalker Love those orchids :heart: I too love that number – great work Claudia. Sorry that your ear is still giving you trouble. Have you already had it looked at? Anything they can do to provide relief?
@vanessa8 You are kicking ass and I’m grateful that you are aware and alert about what your addict mind might try to do during this vacation. Stay vigilant – stay connected here and keep remembering how hard it was to get to this point. Keep stacking up the days and you will never have to repeat day 1 :muscle:
@wahtisnormal Hope you have a wonderful time Zoe – we are all here with you!
@whereswaldo You aren’t drinking and therefore letting the real you shine through. You had all the capabilities and motivation but with alcohol they were stifled. Doing things that you never thought you could do – that is awesome! Keep it going friend – sobriety is full of fun and happy surprises.

Weight loss in sobriety is a mystery. Some drop lbs immediately and others take longer to adjust (even with healthy eating habits and workouts). You are seeing different results and I believe that the weight loss will appear too if you keep working your recovery. Great work on 44 days :muscle:
@mindofsobermike Damn that sucks – August is a long wait. Are you able to ask to be put on a waitlist while you also try to find a clinic that may be able to check you out. I’m sure its not serious but always wise to be on top of mystery pains (especially in the chest area). :hugs:
@mrfantastik WOOHOO :tada::clap: 200 days Marty! Way to go :muscle:
@lighter So sorry Marie – Insomnia can FUCK OFF. Not getting good sleep can really mess with the mind and emotional balance. I am hoping that you are able to find the calming energy today and get back to a good sleep schedule. I have read recently that getting a decent amount of protein at night can help with sleep. Here for you love – you are not alone :people_hugging:
@scorpn So happy to hear that you all had a good vacation. Hope you are feeling relaxed and rested and have a day to breathe before jumping back into work. Great work on 618 days Renee!

WOW! That sounds like an intense experience. :people_hugging: :heart: Thanks for sharing that with us :heart:

This is wise – having a solid plan and keeping yourself busy is key. Remember that we are always around to support you as well. By August you will have more sober time under your belt too so try to focus on the positives and not let the doubts cause you to cave. You are stronger today then you were 82 days ago – keep going strong :muscle:
@Juli1 big hugs my friend – not sure what happened to your post. Hope you are doing well - here if you need to talk :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday afternoon
I am grateful that i was able to be as active as i was today without any coffee (had a mishap with my coffee maker and it was acting possessed). Had a lovely nap and now catching up here before i get some work done.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening- sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


What an amazing day you experienced. You deserve it! @Tragicfarinelli


The thing is the gathering itself isn’t bothering me too much. It’s the time afterwards when I’m alone that’s rather tricky.

Luckily, I have TS and my local AA group. I can stay in touch if things get too overwhelming^^


Hey all, checking in day 59…man, that actually makes me feel happy :slightly_smiling_face: It’s a surreal feeling when from the age of 15 to 38 I’ve never stopped anything for longer than a couple of weeks at best…I’m proud of myself and grateful for this community. My life is so chaotic and busy but manageable. I feel like I am doing better with my family and spending my free time happier.

I honestly can’t remember what I posted a few days ago but if it contradicts this then meh :joy: Today is a good day :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you’re all well​:pray:… can’t thank you enough :heart:


Thank you Jasmine :heart:. Oh yes, insomnia has a way of creating fake crises of fake poor mental health and fake sadness. Once I sleep the things that were bothering me don’t exist! That’s the challenge, don’t listen to tired brain. Distract with movies and gifs and cats. Humor helps.

Takes a lot of effort to sleep but fingers crossed It’s raining and cool which is rare and perfect :zzz: :crossed_fingers: thank you


Checking in after a tiring work day. Frozen pizza in the oven. Struggling with life right now. On the surface things are going well, but I have insomnia, perimenopause symptoms, fatigue, depression. I feel like I can’t keep up with life. Like I’m barely treading water. Obviously the drinking didn’t help any of that.



Hit 7 months weed free today can’t believe it! Although it’s all thanks to developing CHS lol blessing in disguise for sure. I am so proud because I never thought I would be able to live without :leaves:. Now to slay this damn alcoholism dragon once and for all. Day 3 pushing through some withdrawal symptoms and feeling my brain start to heal again underneath them. Been running, journaling, taking my supplements trying to eat better, drinking more water, cleaning. All the things I don’t keep up on when I am drinking. But I always do this early on - I don’t want this to just replace drinking short term I want to make this my lifestyle. It’s amazing how much I can list of why I am better off without booze when I actually take the time to journal. So I’m back, again. I am determined to heal my mind and soul, and better my life. Physical and mental health is my number one priority. Living by “sobriety delivers on everything alcohol promises.”


Congrats on 7 months weed free. :partying_face:
Also good to hear you are restarting with positive habits.

Im sure you’ll manage this dragon as well, as long as you keep it ODAAT. :slight_smile:


@danwood85 Yes! 2 months tomorrow :muscle: :tada: Glad that you are feeling better in your sobriety and that today was a good day! ODAAT friend… you are doing real well!
@lighter hoping you do get that sleep tonight. OMG yes humor is magical. :hugs:
@karenkw Dealing with a lot my friend. I do hope that you know how amazing you are doing. ODAAT! Drinking will never help :pray:
@lainenicole96 WAY to go friend – 7 months is amazing work!! Keep up with your solid efforts :muscle:


Checking in
Day 5 :smiling_face:

I hope you all had the best day :purple_heart: