Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Today felt like a loooong day but a decent day at least. I had an amazing chest, tricep, cardio workout in the morning. Came home to clean and have a nap. Hubby left for work at 430am and just got home at 720pm. So we havent eaten supper yet and im suuuper hungry. Im in the middle of putting our son to bed tho, so ill start making supper once hes asleep. I had 1 little craving to use my DOC earlier in the day. Not sure what brought it on. Honestly, i dont even think there needs to be a reason anymore for why they occur. But i love being clean and sober so the thoufhts dont really faze me anymore. Thats about it for me. Enjoy the rest of ue day everyone :butterfly:


Huge congratulations on 7 months!!! Woo hoo :star_struck:


2nd check in day 39. Pretty tired so hitting the hay. Have a good night everyone.


Hello all you fine folks! I hope each one of yous are doing alright tonight, feeling hopeful and blessed. I wanted to do my check in. I am currently: 1yr 2m 22d clean &sober and 2m 22d cigarette free.

May each one of you have a wonderful evening and keep going!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!



Olcott Beach, Lake Ontario

Today was a perfect little getaway from my, becoming monotonous, life :relieved: I love visiting this cute little town. So much to do! Iā€™m just happy I woke up and got moving right away so we could have so much time there. And that Iā€™m tired now, bc I have to work at 7:30 tomorrow :sleepy: Unusually early shift for me, but itā€™s actually a memorial for my landlordā€™s wife. She died 10 years ago and he asked me if I would work it. I thought that was nice of him. She was a good woman. Soā€¦Iā€™d better get to bed.


Thank you for asking @JazzyS but there is nothing a doctor can do to help.
My Eustachian tube in both ears isnā€™t working properly for my entire life. That gave multiple problems during my life. One of them is fluid behind the eardrums when I have a cold and that gives the hear loss. Sometimes that last for multiple months. There is nothing you can do about that then keeping your nose clear with nosespray :hugs:


*Day 2101 :walking_woman:
Quick check in.
Had a good day yesterday at work. Busy, but got everything done I had on my list.
My kids where home and we ate and chat a bit. I went to bed early because I was tired.
Today? Crossfit training, work, visiting a friend in the hospital, going by train to Rotterdam for a meet and greet with @acromouse and @Mno :sunglasses:
So a busy day ahead!

@KarenKW Iā€™m sorry you arenā€™t feeling well. Peri menopause can give a lot of symptoms that are difficult to deal with. For me I found the peri part more difficult then the menopause itself.
There are herbs that can lighten up the symptoms, have you checked them out? I work in a pharmacy store. Maybe you can ask for a supplement? Things that can help are: sage, black cohosh, red clover, etc.
And hereā€™s a big hug! :people_hugging:

Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


I love being clean and sober also

I had a craving today.too but the thought of hurting myself and loved ones was enough to.dismiss it pretty quick

Just like @ashley_luvs_starz said just 2 hours ago( which made it very clear to me) you are worth it

Stay strong friend :slight_smile:


142 days AF

Have a good day :sunny:
I will hang around in the sauna / thermalbath temple and just donā€™t give a fuckā€¦

Love you guys :tulip:



My weekendā€™s here. Iā€™ve got chores to do, people to meet, places to visitā€¦ It feels like living life. One day at a time. Sober and clean. Have as good a days as you all can friends. Clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from Amstel river.

@Laner Iā€™m glad to see you. This place has been my daily anchor for fiver years now. I still canā€™t and wonā€™t do without. Thatā€™s me.
@Scorpn So good to read your check in. Happy for you. Hoping you got some rest in too.
@Lainenicole96 Congrats on going sober & clean Laine! I had to learn itā€™s all or nothing after i quit weed and alcohol became a real problem for me.
@Danwood85 Sounds like life to me Daniel. Good days and less good ones. Using wonā€™t help with anything. Glad for you and keep going.
@Tragicfarinelli Thatā€™s amazing friend. I should try this breathing stuff sometime maybe.
@Lighter Hereā€™s hoping youā€™re finding some rest tonight Marie :sheep: :ram: :sheep: :ram: :sheep: :ram:


Its always nice not to give a fk sometimes

Right now its 1:13in the morning and im up just enjoying myself because i have tomorrow off

When the sun is up at 6 ill be getting ready to get rid of some trash at thd dumping ground at 7am then food and baby shopping at 8am

Busy morning but im sure the family and me can squeeze in a nap sometime in the afternoon. Our baby boy is pretty good with naps so far

Im so blessed the little guy is ok so far
Almost 5months old now. :slight_smile:


Thats a beautiful place :slight_smile:

Have a good day
Ill follow you clean and sober today. :slight_smile:


yes! My drinking got out of hand once I couldnā€™t smoke anymore. I totally agree itā€™s all or nothing. Thank you šŸ«¶šŸ» and congrats on your 1839 days! Thatā€™s amazing. And itā€™s beautiful where you are, much more beautiful with a clean and sober mind to truly appreciate it and be still.


@Mno and @Lainenicole96

All or nothing is my personality on drugs and alcohol also
I guess i look for something for my dopamine the second i have a new good streak with quitting something

Quit alcohol
Jumped to weed
Quit weed
Jumped to nic
Quit nic
Jumped to weed
Quit weed
I recently quit weed and now drink s lot of coffee i guess but no caffiene pills. I tried those a bit back and i hated them
Took way too long to.kick in for too much power and super dangorus
Weeds doc because its quick and i can keep.doing doing it all day and get nothing but exhaustion.and a headache

I still hate weed though
My environment changed and i.need to adapt
Just the way it is


201 days
Gym with the wife in the a.m good to be back able to train together, we have a lot of fun.
This evening both the kids had netball. They both played great. I always enjoy watching them play.
Maybe a bit too much, Im sure im always the loudest on the sideline


That looks so peaceful and nice! :slightly_smiling_face:


Menno, I recommend it. Iā€™m not even joking when I say breathing in a lot of ways is helping me the most.

Guided meditation


211 sugar
75 UPF
82 gluten
61 dairy
23 overeating

Today is my last full day in Rotterdam. Iā€™m planning to devote most of it to streetart. Very much looking forward to meeting @Mno and @SoberWalker later in the day.

Letā€™s stay in peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 113.

My allergies are crazy, despite the Rainy weather. Itā€™s supposed to be better weather for today and tomorrow.
Going to the pharmacy today to pick up the strongest antihistamine medicine theyā€™ve got without cortisone which Iā€™m allergic too. Pills, eye drops and nose spray. Hope it helps, if Iā€™m like this in Rainy weather I donā€™t want to know how itā€™ll be if itā€™s warm,dry and sunny. :laughing:
I do have an inhalator I should buy as well,but I wonā€™t because that one alone costs a minor fortune.

If it doesnā€™t help, I guess it is what it is. I refuse to stay inside all summer. Never had, never will.

Started to think about summertime memories this weekend. We passed a city that holds one of the biggest Pentecostal tent meeting events during the entire year, the boys Wondered what it was and I explained. Ever since that Iā€™ve been in a nostalgic mood.

We had so much fun during the summers. Right after graduation we went to a church camp by a lake, went back home for about two weeks and then we went to the tent meeting week. Got back home for vacation with family and then another church camp right before school started.

Always amazing food, and we felt so free without any parents around. Of course we werenā€™t that free,there was grown ups everywhere and there was plenty of rules to follow, and a schedule. But it was a wonderful feeling anyway. One of the Best things with those camps was that they had sugar cereals and hot chocolate for breakfast.

We never had that at home, my father already had this idea that to much sugar and ā€œfakeā€ food was bad for you. So he refused to buy ā€œgroceriesā€ that contained sugar. Like sugar cereals, sweetened youghurt, white bread. Things like that.
Raised at a farm so it made since. He wasnā€™t all wrong either.
Church camp didnā€™t care though, and I guess we needed the energy :laughing:

I also remember that there where a lot of preacherā€™s and people from other countries during that tent meeting week. I especially remember a British one. He was a lot cooler than our rigid youth preacher :laughing:

Enough with memory lane for today.
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Happy Solstice everyone, whether youā€™re north or south ā€¦ for me in the northern hemisphere itā€™s sad the days will start getting shorter. Oh well. Will enjoy the day itself and the rest of the warm months.

Happy for you three, @acromouse @SoberWalker and @Mno ā€¦
Have a wonderful time together ā€¦ always nice to meet your Quit Peeps.

Best wishes to all for the best possible regardless of the situation(s) at hand.
Life can be difficult and have its challenges.
Sending love and good thoughts.

@Mindofsobermike havenā€™t read but bits and pieces. Should you get short of breath or chest pain, get help. Hope decreasing the dose made the difference. Havenā€™t seen all your comments. Take care.