Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Just checking in on day 345. Sending love and strength to all.:peace_symbol::heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1468. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 2282. Just waiting to clock into work. I got thinking about the drunken days. No matter how good work seemed to be going, the paranoia and anxiety was unbearable right before work. Now, i just take it as it comes.

Stay sober friends!


Im really having to work on changing my thinking this morning. Its been a bit of a challenge. Its 8am and already my plans for the day got turned upside down. Im working on acceptance and going with the flow. Im also extremely frustrated that I havent lost weight in like 2 weeks. Ive been on a calorie deficit, counting and weighing my food, exercising, and nothing is coming from it. Its upsetting. My first thought is, “F*ck it, I might as well eat whatever I want. No point in trying”. But im choosing to ignore that thought. Just like drugs, using food to cope is not the way. That just enhances my toxic relationship with food. I WILL stay on track today. I will get an at home workout in later on (its something). And i will remember to be patient. I didnt get to where I am health wise in 1 day. It will take longer than that to see results. As for my plans, I’ll have to adjust. Which is fine. Hope everyones friday goes well!! :butterfly:


Goodmorning. :slight_smile:

You might not gave lost weight but if you think about it, if you never started your journey with physical health would you be where your ar right now

Keep your head up
You already doing more then most people :slight_smile:


Checking in on day
408 no alcohol
339 no vapes or ciggs 48 no form of nicotine
8 no form of pot

Alive and well
Works good
Familys good
Lifes ok :slight_smile:


Ur post made me smile :slight_smile: yes ur very right!! I would probably be a lot worse off if i havent been doing what im doing now. Ur such a positive person. I needed that different point of view. Thank you friend!! Hope ur day is going well!


Day 283 drug free
Day 165 Alcohol free

Hello all, checking in. Taking a self care afternoon before work this evening. Hope everyone has a strong and Serene day! Happy 24​:pray:t5::purple_heart:strong text


115 days alcohol free. I am well and will have a great day. Stay strong calm and sober my friends!


Day 25 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a great day everyone :heart:


Wow!!! That is such an awesome accomplishment! Super inspiring. :smiley:


Checking in… 75 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too. I’m enjoying my nightly reading of This Naked Mind.

Have a good one everyone!


Day 812

Doing better today, just mediated, had my coffee and did better this morning with focusing on time. Still a little behind but not nearly as bad as yesterday.
Gotta stay focused on being stable and making myself do the work. Forcing it when I have to, but it’s for a good cause.
Helping myself out by not eating poorly and in bulk or at night. I do feel better about that choice and woke up not feeling as awful as prior.
Not out of the woods and still feeling a mix of more okay than yesterday, but still not the best. About to go on a walk for at least a few blocks with my 12 yo. All that’s left after is journaling. I’m trying. Making myself be here. Still limiting my YouTube engagement. Made a rule to dodge it except for audiobooks, certain tutorial lists I have and a couple select podcasts. No shorts. It’s been good at lessening my time blindness.

Take care all, have a great Friday



Report from Captain Z:
"I can see Weekend already!!‘’



Day 112

Lunch with my favorite old colleagues was strange but good. I was happy I went but glad to leave. We got along well and always will. Keeping those ties.

Have a great Friday



Checking in day 172 AF :blush:


143 days AFmfa

Short checkin, got a amazing swim in tonight, red painted toenails and after 3 interviews and one presentation, I got a job offer from a real huge company in Germany. Monday I will discuss further contract details.

Sauna temple was amazing yesterday.

Love you guys :heart:


Day 84.

Going to be a long night today. My sister has her party for finishing school so I’ll be transporting her and her friends tonight. :oncoming_automobile:

Otherwise doing good, a lot of coffee today but that’s to be expected. :man_shrugging:

Hope you all are doing good as well. :peace_symbol:


Day 175 alcohol & nicotine free
Day 5 of no binge eating

I went to my local supermarket this afternoon & decided to buy some NA beer for tonight. In the UK or at the last in Northern Ireland NA drinks come under the same rules are drinks with alcohol in them. So you have to get ID checked at the self check out despite it being a non alcohol drink. Sadly I don’t need ID anymore, I’ve grey hair & crows feet instead.
The lady who served me was lovely & apologised for having to put my “alcohol” through herself even though there’s no alcohol in it.
We chatted about that for a minute & I said it doesn’t bother me even though I think it’s silly but what does bother me is that I have to walk into the alcohol section to buy non alcoholic drinks and as an alcoholic in recovery it’s uncomfortable. This had never occurred to her, we spoke about other supermarket chains who have there NA drinks closer to but not in the alcohol section.
And I know that maybe I shouldn’t be in there at all especially if I’m feeling like I want a drink but aren’t these drinks made for people like me so that I can drink one now and then & not destroy my life?
So I’ve decided to write a letter to their manager, regional manager, customer services etc… it wouldn’t take much to move them 5 feet to the end of the aisle just outside of the alcohol section.
I’m glad that I said it but I left there feeling like I had a hit of adrenaline and I think it was because I used the words “alcoholic in recovery” to a complete stranger. I talk to friends & family openly about my addiction. To be fair the lady was super nice about it all.
Hope you all have a wonderful, sober weekend :grin:


You’re welcome and thank you!..I get this. I’ve been having a lot of intense dreams recently. It’s bound to have an impact on how we begin our day. I listened to Rich Roll interviewing Sam Harris the other day. Sam was talking about subconscious thoughts and how its almost like we are dreaming when awake and the impact that has on our mental health and that meditation is the key to catch these thoughts before they spiral. Today was better…Busy but happy. Hope you’re well!