Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 93

It’s a good morning. I’m leaving town in a couple of hours. I’ll pack you along with the good snacks, ok?

Weather looking good for today’s 5 hour trip. I usually do 8 hours or more in a day but wanted to try the slow way and hotel it. I’m always rushing and am sick of it. My hosts don’t drink so this is the ideal first trip, I think. :white_check_mark:

What will we eat? Milo? :thinking: Looks like some 1950s diners en route. (No I’m not from around here.). The route has one of the most desolate stretches on it that I’ve ever been on. Like Wyoming-level ! I’ll have to stop the car for pictures, and when you pull over and open the door you are hit by the loudest silence. It’s beautiful! I’m not dropping off the grid, though, don’t worry. I have water and snacks just in case, and will ultimately land in a town of 20,000 that has a few hotels and an effing Applebee’s next door :laughing:. Noo! I’ll find a local.

Ok, I guess I’ll get more coffee. See you down the road :heart:


Waking up to a Beautiful 200 days, had another awesome night. Met the girl im talking to at the mall and shopped a little, then we went on a double date with her step sister and her bf to applebees, the girls had a couple drinks and me and him didnt drink at all. Then we all went to his place and had a fire, it was a very fun night. He didnt even have a beer untill like 9 at night lol. Idk none of the drinking even bugs me.i just look at the good in stuff, it was a great night. Im glad i have 200 days, much love everyone


I’m sooo looking forward to learn more about your trip. I always love pictures from road trips, especially from places that are far away from where I am located.


Thank you! I love an adventure to places that are very unusual. There are micro cultures. The places that few see. Plus I am sick of traffic! :grinning:. Have a good day, Aga, I’ll catch up later.


15 days no acting out sexually, 131 days weed free 2125 days alcohol free.

Trying my best to figure out wtf is wrong with me. Trying counseling and a few online sa meetings. No sa meetings in my area which would have been nice.


Yes, the gutfeeling is almost every time correct. I’ll see how it feels in the next meeting.
If it keeps on warning me I’ll leave that group. My health and sobriety are the highest goods I have and I must protect them.


Hey all, checking in on day 1449. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 149 AF

Still kicking tires on different bikes. Had my head wrapped on a Bobber style but have expanded my choices. Lots out there so I’m still looking around.

Enjoy your day


Day 20

Coming off a really good day and night. Had a great time at work and enjoyed the time with the family for fight night. Woke up with my morning routine intact!

UFC 302 on paper looked really good but the fights didn’t play out. The main event was awesome! Lots of action that ended in a choke out. Most entertaining part was Trump, he got his own walk out and had the biggest ovation of the night. Since the fights were boring, the crowd was chanting his name all night and going nuts everytime he was showed.

Today is my mom’s birthday party. I’m missing it because I’m working. Wife and kids are going, I’m looking forward to having the house alone. My wife works from home so this a rarity for me.

This afternoon the plan is to prep for next week. A curve ball was thrown with my new job. They booked me tomorrow so I have to cancel my doctor’s appointment. They booked me on my anniversary, have to cancel that. Lots of reworking my schedule but I know I can find the balance I need.

Enjoying my coffee and now time for breakfast.

Have a good day everyone!


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 95.

My brother is here again.
He bought what we call a party tent so we’ll get some shade in the garden when he is here with his kids during the summer.

I didn’t ask for it, neither did I invite them.
It’s not my fault that he choosed to live in a small apartment in the city.

So now I’m thinking about moving far far away.
Preferably to an abandoned Island in a country where you barley can get a visa, no one is speaking English mad you have to fly for at least 36 hours. And After that flight you’ll need to take a bus ride for at least five hoursz and then paddle in a small boat over an ocean containing Pirates, Sharks and hurricanes.

That feels like a fair distance to any kind of family :joy:

That’s all Folks, wishing you all a wonderful weekend :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Just checking in.was off one day on check in number. Recalibrated. Today is day 326. Have a good Sunday! :pray::heart:


Day 605. Another Sunday just getting stuff done around the house. Been a long but low stress week which I will gladly take. Life truly is what you make it. Have a great day peeps :v:


59 days!
Today was really nice. I felt so much like my normal self today. I’ve been so anxious and on edge recently which is expected because I’m working on things and digging into my past but today I just felt good. I felt myself. Days like this remind me why I am going through all the pain of healing. Not everyday will be so hard to get through and slowly it’ll get better.
I got together with my neighbor friends this afternoon and we finished making my rug. It just needs another day or so in the sun to completely dry out and I’m so happy with it! It was such a fun project to do with my friends!

Also today I’ve been reflecting on my time sober. Tomorrow will be 60 days and I am proud of myself. I’m working hard and doing what I need even though it’s hard. I don’t just want to be sober but healed and healthy. I’m gonna keep working on myself and doing what’s needed.


Day #3 sober from everything

Had one of those “coke dreams” last night of me combining the multiple baggies I’d get from a dealer into one baggie. In the dream I ended up getting arrested for possession. Ended up waking up craving coke but I squashed the craving and reminded myself of why I’m quitting. Gonna call a potential CA sponsor in an hour or so. :slight_smile:


Good to see you back on here!


It’s goin good!! Just staying busy and making sure I’m working on sobriety in some way each day :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope you’re doing well friend!!


Checking in. Stayed sober last night despite others drinking around me. 56 days alcohol free. My body feels good.


Good day vibes for ya!


@Louloubelle thank you :blush:🩵 and yes I’m in the UK, it has been 7 degrees warmer today, but I’ve basically missed it :man_facepalming:t2: :partly_sunny:
@Whereswaldo thank you 🩵 that made me smile
:blush: I’m glad you’re here.
@Tgash0124 welcome to the checking-in thread :blush:
@Leveller thank you 🩵 that is good news about your wife :raised_hands:t2: enjoy your week off :blush:
@JazzyS thank you 🩵 I hope today goes well :blush:
@Rob11 enjoy the retreat :blush:
@Seizetheday congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli feel better soon 🩵
@Danwood85 thank you :blush: 🩵
@Chosen2001 congrats on your year :tada: :trophy: :star2:


@Bomdhil congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Thumper1213 congrats on your week :tada:
@Jeanine congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@MrFantastik congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Seb I hope you feel better soon 🩵 congrats on all the 1s :tada:
@Lighter safe travels :red_car: :oncoming_automobile:
@Mindofsobermike a second date already :smiley: happy for you 🩵

1392 days no alcohol.
857 days no cocaine.
372 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

So for the first time in forever, I took the pressure off doing anything at all yesterday, but I ended up doing more of my routine things than I did all week. I read 5 chapters of a new book, watched an episode of TV in the lounge, and even went for my lake walk!

Last night I couldn’t sleep until after 2am, I was trying to check-in here and fighting sleep but it eventually got me. Fed the cats at 6am but forgot to take my morning meds, I don’t even remember being awake but I know I fed them. Then I slept until a call came through from my dad’s wife at 12:53pm! I didn’t answer because I wasn’t properly awake. I always sleep with very vivd dreams when I miss my morning meds, and for much longer. The dreams were awful so waking up wasn’t pleasant. When I did eventually listen to the voice note, it was an invite to go round because my brother and his family were there. But this would have been arranged in advance, and I was just an after thought as usual. Made me feel bad, so I didn’t go, sent my apologies.

It’s typical that I’d sleep through a nice sunny day, but hopefully more of them will come.

Tomorrow is my ending session with current therapist, dreading it.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:
