Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

You are there for her by listening to her. By sharing the same background she knows you understand where she is going trough. That’s a big win for her you didn’t have back then.
What would have helped you back then when you lived with your mom? And can you give that to her?


I still live with both my mom and sister. honestly the only thing that could’ve helped is having someone , which i guess I’m doing for her


Concratulations for your whole year sober!!:confetti_ball:
Hope you had a great meal! :yum:


Day 2105 :walking_woman:
Used the word “alcoholic” for the fist time this bold in a conversation with my brother. Was seeing them yesterday and we haven’t been together for a long time. He knows I’m sober for years now and that I quit because I am a problematic user. But now I was explaining my role as a moderator up her and was explaining about this app and the reason I’m here.
So there it was and I said it “I’m a alcoholic”
I know I’m one. And I use this word sometimes to my kids ore husband too but when I’m around others I’m more carefull with it because of the stigma. People have black ore white thinking about how an alcoholic look like :blush:
The good part is in that way I’m a good looking alcoholic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Picture is from a walk yesterday from a wild Orchid. It’s called “Gewone Rietorchidee”.
Today? Work, and hubby is to Germany for 3 days for work and my youngest is in Switserland with his girlfriend so I’m alone for 3 days.
That used to be an invite to drink a lot every night. Not anymore! :confetti_ball:
Going to binge Netflix instead!
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:



How the f@@ did that happen?

Staying on here, the daily support, checking in and daily acknowledgement I have a problem.

Blessed to be here and part of this community


There is going to be an event today that is going to put my life in a situation I don’t want to be in. DRUNK this will be unbearable. SOBER we’ll take it as it comes and do the best with what we got to work with.
I never believed life would become so manageable and fear would become faith.


Sending you strength, friend. You got this. :orange_heart:


@Timetochange Congrats on your year!!! :tada: Great job! Hope you enjoy your celebratory lunch :blush:

@SoberWalker That quote by @Butterflymoonwoman really stood out to me too! Nice one, Dana :+1: Learning to live in the present has been one of the most important things I’ve learned in recovery. It makes life so much less complicated.


It was one of those mornings where the alarm goes off and for the first few seconds you have no idea what day it is or what’s planned…it was work :frowning: But it was actually a decent day there. I took a nap afterwards that I’m now regretting bc it’s later than my usual bedtime. No plans tomorrow so it’s okay. It’s the last full day of school, which means my last afternoon to myself for a while. I might enjoy a guilt free nap if need be, since it’s my last chance without my daughter home.

There is one thing I have to do. It’s been a while since having an unpredicted financial issue, but here we go. Late Friday night, using my bank’s app like I do every week, I transferred money from my primary account to my credit card. The next day at the store, my VISA was declined. I figured it might be due to it being the weekend and not gone thru yet. When I checked today, it still hadn’t. It shows the money was transferred to some random number. I don’t even know how that’s possible! I’m going to the bank first thing to figure out what happened bc it’s definitely something wrong on their end. I’m wondering if they were hacked :thinking: Whatever it is, I’m getting my fucking money back!

Finally getting tired so I’m off to bed. Have a great 24 everyone :heart:



One day off although I got a bad cold and I might call in sick tomorrow. Will see how my day goes. Crazy how in the past I would have drunk and smoked despite knowing it wouldn’t make me feel any better but I ‘just’ did. At least as crazy I didn’t think of myself as addicted. Or maybe with smoking I did but I felt quitting was impossible.

Cue today, not feeling well but going to do all I can do get better asap. Which will be mostly rest and healthy food. And most certainly not putting poisonous mind altering stuff in my system. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from the river.

@Timetochange There’s the big one friend! Huge congrats. Excellent work.
@SadMemeQueen You’re there for her. She’s not alone Megan. That’s big. Hugs.
@Amy30 Welcome back to the thread friend. Glad to have you here. Figuring out life together :people_hugging:


thank you. unfortunately I’m unable to sleep over it but I’m having a sleepover at my best friend’s house tomorrow and I think it’ll help a lot


That is freaking amazing!!! Outstanding!


Congratulations on one year sober @Timetochange.
You working so hard for it so it’s time to celebrate today.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us :pray:


Day 2285. Good morning (from my little piece of the planet) to everyone.


Sending Nurse Kitty to help Luna out! Get well soon. @Mno



@Mno Get well soon friend :hugs:
@Just_Laura Enjoy your last day of free afternoon! And fingers crossed on this Visa issue. Nobody needs these kinds of troubles :angry:
@Dolse71 Thank you for sharing :heart: Your words about fear and faith really are speaking to me. Sending strength your way.
@Timetochange Yeah!!! One whole year!!! Congrats friend :partying_face: :mirror_ball: :clap: :sunglasses: You’ve done a ton of work this past year. You deserve all the good in your life.
@SoberWalker Can confirm the part about good looking :grin: I really like your attitude and straightforwardness :muscle: :sunglasses: Have fun with your free night.
@Lefty624 Glad your headache got better. This early sobriety phase is hard and very uncomfortable. Hang in there.
@Amy30 Good job on checkin in today then :blush: I’m sorry to hear about your work situation though. Sounds like a lot and very stressful. I hope better options will come your way soon. :orange_heart:
@GOKU2019 Good job on handling the beer situation. Glad to hear the day out did you some good. :sunglasses: :beach_umbrella:
@Vanessa8 Thanks for this nice share. Put a smile on my face :smiling_face:
@sarath_unrelax Congrats on two weeks! Great job :muscle: :partying_face:

215 sugar
79 UPF
86 gluten
65 dairy
27 overeating/bingeing

Back to my usual schedule after a week of vacation. Today I’m going to start working on digital prototypes of my current game. My ex will come over for lunch, he wants to discuss something important. I am a bit tense. I hope I can stay calm and focused.
My daughter is off to her work asignment: tending to graves and garden work. It’s a project about child labour they are having at school.
Relaxing yoga in the afternoon - did two challenging days, now it’s time to go yin. Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening. That’s the plan for today.

Let’s go for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Happy Birthday @SadMemeQueen !
Make your wishes and blow out the candles! Hopes for you that little by little your dreams will come true! Fingers crossed for you that much of what you want and wish for will come about.
Congratulations too on your days free from self harm.
Your little sister needs you and counts on you. I hope the self harm thoughts will stop.



thank you :heart:


Just to try and ease your mind a little, it’s not your job to protect her, it’s your instinct to. It’s your mom’s job to not be toxic and damaging.

Just remember that and try not to take weight on that isn’t yours. Be there for your sister, but remain safe in the knowledge that you are only responsible for you. Take extra care of YOU.


Congratulations on one year ! :tada::tada::tada::tada:


@acromouse Thanks for your support :slight_smile:

Are you a game designer ? (Unity3D ?)